Abstract implementation of a DOM node in context of Shared XML Editing XEP-0284 (SXE).
It maintains the common mutable and immutable fields of attribute and element nodes. By this a list of setRecords, sorted by version, and the possibility to apply SetRecords and RemoveRecords.
Note: In difference to SXE, name and namespace are seen an immutable fields because this does not make sense respective SVG whiteboarding.
The primary-weight defines the position of this record in its parent's child node list. If left empty it is set automatically when applying to add this record to the end.
@author jurkeUse this type of MarshalRecord when the marshal target is a Node.
XMLContext xmlContext = new XMLContext("session-name");
XMLMarshaller xmlMarshaller = xmlContext.createMarshaller();
NodeRecord nodeRecord = new NodeRecord();
xmlMarshaller.marshal(myObject, nodeRecord);
If the marshal(Node) method is called on XMLMarshaller, then the Writer is automatically wrapped in a NodeRecord.
XMLContext xmlContext = new XMLContext("session-name");
XMLMarshaller xmlMarshaller = xmlContext.createMarshaller();
xmlMarshaller.marshal(myObject, myNode);