Examples of NodePropBundle

Examples of org.apache.jackrabbit.core.persistence.util.NodePropBundle

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * Loads the state via the appropriate NodePropBundle.
    public PropertyState load(PropertyId id) throws NoSuchItemStateException, ItemStateException {
        NodePropBundle bundle = getBundle(id.getParentId());
        if (bundle != null) {
            PropertyState state = createNew(id);
            PropertyEntry p = bundle.getPropertyEntry(id.getName());
            if (p != null) {
            } else if (id.getName().equals(JCR_UUID)) {
                state.setValues(new InternalValue[] {
                        InternalValue.create(id.getParentId().toString()) });
            } else if (id.getName().equals(JCR_PRIMARYTYPE)) {
                state.setValues(new InternalValue[] {
                        InternalValue.create(bundle.getNodeTypeName()) });
            } else if (id.getName().equals(JCR_MIXINTYPES)) {
                Set<Name> mixins = bundle.getMixinTypeNames();
                        mixins.toArray(new Name[mixins.size()])));
            } else {
                throw new NoSuchItemStateException(id.toString());
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Examples of org.apache.jackrabbit.core.persistence.util.NodePropBundle

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * Loads the state via the appropriate NodePropBundle.
    public boolean exists(PropertyId id) throws ItemStateException {
        NodePropBundle bundle = getBundle(id.getParentId());
        if (bundle != null) {
            Name name = id.getName();
            return bundle.hasProperty(name)
                || JCR_PRIMARYTYPE.equals(name)
                || (JCR_UUID.equals(name) && bundle.isReferenceable())
                || (JCR_MIXINTYPES.equals(name)
                        && !bundle.getMixinTypeNames().isEmpty());
        } else {
            return false;
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Examples of org.apache.jackrabbit.core.persistence.util.NodePropBundle

            throws ItemStateException {
        // delete bundles
        HashSet<ItemId> deleted = new HashSet<ItemId>();
        for (ItemState state : changeLog.deletedStates()) {
            if (state.isNode()) {
                NodePropBundle bundle = getBundle((NodeId) state.getId());
                if (bundle == null) {
                    throw new NoSuchItemStateException(state.getId().toString());
        // gather added node states
        HashMap<ItemId, NodePropBundle> modified = new HashMap<ItemId, NodePropBundle>();
        for (ItemState state : changeLog.addedStates()) {
            if (state.isNode()) {
                NodePropBundle bundle = new NodePropBundle((NodeState) state);
                modified.put(state.getId(), bundle);
        // gather modified node states
        for (ItemState state : changeLog.modifiedStates()) {
            if (state.isNode()) {
                NodeId nodeId = (NodeId) state.getId();
                NodePropBundle bundle = modified.get(nodeId);
                if (bundle == null) {
                    bundle = getBundle(nodeId);
                    if (bundle == null) {
                        throw new NoSuchItemStateException(nodeId.toString());
                    modified.put(nodeId, bundle);
                bundle.update((NodeState) state);
            } else {
                PropertyId id = (PropertyId) state.getId();
                // skip redundant primaryType, mixinTypes and uuid properties
                if (id.getName().equals(JCR_PRIMARYTYPE)
                    || id.getName().equals(JCR_MIXINTYPES)
                    || id.getName().equals(JCR_UUID)) {
                NodeId nodeId = id.getParentId();
                NodePropBundle bundle = modified.get(nodeId);
                if (bundle == null) {
                    bundle = getBundle(nodeId);
                    if (bundle == null) {
                        throw new NoSuchItemStateException(nodeId.toString());
                    modified.put(nodeId, bundle);
                bundle.addProperty((PropertyState) state, getBlobStore());
        // add removed properties
        for (ItemState state : changeLog.deletedStates()) {
            if (state.isNode()) {
                // check consistency
                NodeId parentId = state.getParentId();
                if (!modified.containsKey(parentId) && !deleted.contains(parentId)) {
                    log.warn("Deleted node state's parent is not modified or deleted: " + parentId + "/" + state.getId());
            } else {
                PropertyId id = (PropertyId) state.getId();
                NodeId nodeId = id.getParentId();
                if (!deleted.contains(nodeId)) {
                    NodePropBundle bundle = modified.get(nodeId);
                    if (bundle == null) {
                        // should actually not happen
                        log.warn("deleted property state's parent not modified!");
                        bundle = getBundle(nodeId);
                        if (bundle == null) {
                            throw new NoSuchItemStateException(nodeId.toString());
                        modified.put(nodeId, bundle);
                    bundle.removeProperty(id.getName(), getBlobStore());
        // add added properties
        for (ItemState state : changeLog.addedStates()) {
            if (!state.isNode()) {
                PropertyId id = (PropertyId) state.getId();
                // skip primaryType pr mixinTypes properties
                if (id.getName().equals(JCR_PRIMARYTYPE)
                    || id.getName().equals(JCR_MIXINTYPES)
                    || id.getName().equals(JCR_UUID)) {
                NodeId nodeId = id.getParentId();
                NodePropBundle bundle = modified.get(nodeId);
                if (bundle == null) {
                    // should actually not happen
                    log.warn("added property state's parent not modified!");
                    bundle = getBundle(nodeId);
                    if (bundle == null) {
                        throw new NoSuchItemStateException(nodeId.toString());
                    modified.put(nodeId, bundle);
                bundle.addProperty((PropertyState) state, getBlobStore());

        // now store all modified bundles
        for (NodePropBundle bundle : modified.values()) {
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Examples of org.apache.jackrabbit.core.persistence.util.NodePropBundle

     * @return the bundle or <code>null</code> if the bundle does not exist
     * @throws ItemStateException if an error occurs.
    private NodePropBundle getBundle(NodeId id) throws ItemStateException {
        NodePropBundle bundle = bundles.get(id);
        if (bundle == MISSING) {
            return null;
        if (bundle != null) {
            return bundle;
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Examples of org.apache.jackrabbit.core.persistence.util.NodePropBundle

    private NodePropBundle getBundleCacheMiss(NodeId id)
            throws ItemStateException {
        long time = System.nanoTime();
        log.debug("Loading bundle {}", id);
        NodePropBundle bundle = loadBundle(id);
        readDuration.addAndGet(System.nanoTime() - time);

        if (bundle != null) {
            bundles.put(id, bundle, bundle.getSize());
        } else {
            bundles.put(id, MISSING, 16);
        return bundle;
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Examples of org.apache.jackrabbit.core.persistence.util.NodePropBundle

    private static final NameFactory nameFactory = NameFactoryImpl.getInstance();

    // Abandoned nodes are nodes that have a link to a parent but that
    // parent does not have a link back to the child
    public void testFixAbandonedNode() throws RepositoryException {
        NodePropBundle bundle1 = new NodePropBundle(new NodeId(0, 0));
        NodePropBundle bundle2 = new NodePropBundle(new NodeId(0, 1));

        // node2 has a reference to node 1 as its parent, but node 1 doesn't have
        // a corresponding child node entry

        MockPersistenceManager pm = new MockPersistenceManager(Arrays.asList(bundle1, bundle2));
        ConsistencyCheckerImpl checker = new ConsistencyCheckerImpl(pm, null);

        // run checker with fix = true
        checker.check(null, false, true, null);

        // node1 should now have a child node entry for node2
        bundle1 = pm.loadBundle(bundle1.getId());
        assertEquals(1, bundle1.getChildNodeEntries().size());
        assertEquals(bundle2.getId(), bundle1.getChildNodeEntries().get(0).getId());
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Examples of org.apache.jackrabbit.core.persistence.util.NodePropBundle

     * There was a bug where when there were multiple abandoned nodes by the same parent
     * only one of them was fixed. Hence this separate test case for this scenario.
    public void testFixMultipleAbandonedNodesBySameParent() throws RepositoryException {
        NodePropBundle bundle1 = new NodePropBundle(new NodeId(0, 0));
        NodePropBundle bundle2 = new NodePropBundle(new NodeId(0, 1));
        NodePropBundle bundle3 = new NodePropBundle(new NodeId(1, 0));

        // node2 and node3 have a reference to node1 as its parent, but node1 doesn't have
        // corresponding child node entries

        MockPersistenceManager pm = new MockPersistenceManager(Arrays.asList(bundle1, bundle2, bundle3));
        ConsistencyCheckerImpl checker = new ConsistencyCheckerImpl(pm, null);

        // run checker with fix = true
        checker.check(null, false, true, null);

        // node1 should now have child node entries for node2 and node3
        bundle1 = pm.loadBundle(bundle1.getId());
        assertEquals(2, bundle1.getChildNodeEntries().size());
        assertEquals(bundle2.getId(), bundle1.getChildNodeEntries().get(0).getId());
        assertEquals(bundle3.getId(), bundle1.getChildNodeEntries().get(1).getId());
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Examples of org.apache.jackrabbit.core.persistence.util.NodePropBundle

        assertEquals(bundle3.getId(), bundle1.getChildNodeEntries().get(1).getId());

    // Orphaned nodes are those nodes who's parent does not exist
    public void testAddOrphanedNodeToLostAndFound() throws RepositoryException {
        NodePropBundle lostAndFound = new NodePropBundle(new NodeId(0, 0));
        // lost and found must be of type nt:unstructured

        NodePropBundle orphaned = new NodePropBundle(new NodeId(0, 1));
        // set non-existent parent node id
        orphaned.setParentId(new NodeId(1, 0));

        MockPersistenceManager pm = new MockPersistenceManager(Arrays.asList(lostAndFound, orphaned));
        ConsistencyCheckerImpl checker = new ConsistencyCheckerImpl(pm, null);

        // run checker with fix = true
        checker.check(null, false, true, lostAndFound.getId().toString());

        // orphan should have been added to lost+found
        lostAndFound = pm.loadBundle(lostAndFound.getId());
        assertEquals(1, lostAndFound.getChildNodeEntries().size());
        assertEquals(orphaned.getId(), lostAndFound.getChildNodeEntries().get(0).getId());

        orphaned = pm.loadBundle(orphaned.getId());
        assertEquals(lostAndFound.getId(), orphaned.getParentId());
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Examples of org.apache.jackrabbit.core.persistence.util.NodePropBundle

    // Disconnected nodes are those nodes for which there are nodes
    // that have the node as its child, but the node itself does not
    // have those nodes as its parent
    public void testFixDisconnectedNode() throws RepositoryException {
        NodePropBundle bundle1 = new NodePropBundle(new NodeId(0, 0));
        NodePropBundle bundle2 = new NodePropBundle(new NodeId(0, 1));
        NodePropBundle bundle3 = new NodePropBundle(new NodeId(1, 0));

        // node1 has child node3
        bundle1.addChildNodeEntry(nameFactory.create("", "test"), bundle3.getId());
        // node2 also has child node3
        bundle2.addChildNodeEntry(nameFactory.create("", "test"), bundle3.getId());
        // node3 has node2 as parent

        MockPersistenceManager pm = new MockPersistenceManager(Arrays.asList(bundle1, bundle2, bundle3));
        ConsistencyCheckerImpl checker = new ConsistencyCheckerImpl(pm, null);

        // run checker with fix = true
        checker.check(null, false, true, null);

        bundle1 = pm.loadBundle(bundle1.getId());
        bundle2 = pm.loadBundle(bundle2.getId());
        bundle3 = pm.loadBundle(bundle3.getId());

        // node3 should have been removed as child node entry of node1
        assertEquals(0, bundle1.getChildNodeEntries().size());

        // node3 should still be a child of node2
        assertEquals(1, bundle2.getChildNodeEntries().size());
        assertEquals(bundle2.getId(), bundle3.getParentId());
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Examples of org.apache.jackrabbit.core.persistence.util.NodePropBundle


    // make sure we don't fix anything in check mode, we can't be careful enough
    public void testDontFixInCheckMode() throws RepositoryException {
        /** abandoned node, also see {@link #testFixAbandonedNode} */
        NodePropBundle bundle1 = new NodePropBundle(new NodeId(0, 0));
        NodePropBundle bundle2 = new NodePropBundle(new NodeId(0, 1));

        /** orphaned node, also see {@link #testAddOrphanedNodeToLostAndFound} */
        NodePropBundle lostAndFound = new NodePropBundle(new NodeId(1, 0));
        NodePropBundle orphaned = new NodePropBundle(new NodeId(1, 1));
        orphaned.setParentId(new NodeId(0, 2));

        /** disconnected node, also see {@link #testFixDisconnectedNode} */
        NodePropBundle bundle3 = new NodePropBundle(new NodeId(1, 2));
        NodePropBundle bundle4 = new NodePropBundle(new NodeId(2, 2));
        NodePropBundle bundle5 = new NodePropBundle(new NodeId(0, 3));
        bundle3.addChildNodeEntry(nameFactory.create("", "test"), bundle5.getId());
        bundle4.addChildNodeEntry(nameFactory.create("", "test"), bundle5.getId());

        MockPersistenceManager pm = new MockPersistenceManager(Arrays.asList(bundle1, bundle2, bundle3, bundle4, bundle5, lostAndFound, orphaned));
        ConsistencyCheckerImpl checker = new ConsistencyCheckerImpl(pm, null);

        // run checker with fix = false
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