LinkedList<Workflow> harvest = new LinkedList<Workflow>();
LinkedList<Pair<String, String>> candidates = getCandidates(workflow, dataType);
for (Pair<String, String> pair : candidates) {
Workflow clone = workflow.clone();
NodeImpl node = clone.getGraph().getNode(pair.getLeft());
if (null == node) {
throw new XBayaRuntimeException("Specified node not found:" + pair.getLeft());
Port candidatePort = null;
List<DataPort> inPorts = node.getInputPorts();
for (DataPort dataPort : inPorts) {
if (pair.getRight().equals(dataPort.getID())) {
candidatePort = dataPort;
if (null == candidatePort) {
throw new XBayaRuntimeException("Specifies Port was not found:" + pair.getRight());
if (!(candidatePort.getFromNode() instanceof InputNode)) {
removeUnnecessaryNodes(node, candidatePort, clone);
Node input = clone.addNode(new InputComponent());
input.setPosition(new Point(Math.max(0, node.getPosition().x - 150), node.getPosition().y));
// the returned workflows size should be less than that of the
// original
if (clone.getGraph().getNodes().size() < workflow.getGraph().getNodes().size()
// if the sizes the different its a candidate, but need