Examples of NodeDefinitionImpl

Examples of org.apache.jackrabbit.core.nodetype.NodeDefinitionImpl

        // (3) check protected flag of parent (i.e. this) node
        int options = ItemValidator.CHECK_LOCK | ItemValidator.CHECK_VERSIONING | ItemValidator.CHECK_CONSTRAINTS;
        session.getValidator().checkModify(this, options, Permission.NONE);

        // (4) check for name collisions
        NodeDefinitionImpl def;
        try {
            def = getApplicableChildNodeDefinition(name, null);
        } catch (RepositoryException re) {
            String msg = "no definition found in parent node's node type for new node";
            throw new ConstraintViolationException(msg, re);
        NodeState thisState = data.getNodeState();
        ChildNodeEntry cne = thisState.getChildNodeEntry(name, 1);
        if (cne != null) {
            // there's already a child node entry with that name;
            // check same-name sibling setting of new node
            if (!def.allowsSameNameSiblings()) {
                throw new ItemExistsException(itemMgr.safeGetJCRPath(nodePath));
            // check same-name sibling setting of existing node
            NodeId newId = cne.getId();
            if (!((NodeImpl) itemMgr.getItem(newId)).getDefinition().allowsSameNameSiblings()) {
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Examples of org.apache.jackrabbit.core.nodetype.NodeDefinitionImpl

                        if (node.getDefinition().isProtected()) {
                            // remove 'orphaned' protected child node immediately
                            removeChildNode(entry.getName(), entry.getIndex());
                        NodeDefinitionImpl ndi = getApplicableChildNodeDefinition(
                        // redefine node
                        // update collection of added definitions
                    } catch (ConstraintViolationException cve) {
                        // no suitable definition found for this child node,
                        // remove it
                        removeChildNode(entry.getName(), entry.getIndex());
            } catch (ItemStateException ise) {
                String msg = entry.getName() + ": failed to retrieve node state";
                log.error(msg, ise);
                throw new RepositoryException(msg, ise);

        // create items that are defined as auto-created by the new primary node
        // type and at the same time were not present with the old nt
        for (Iterator<ItemDef> iter = addedDefs.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
            ItemDef def = iter.next();
            if (def.isAutoCreated()) {
                if (def.definesNode()) {
                    NodeDefinitionImpl ndi = ntMgr.getNodeDefinition(((NodeDef) def).getId());
                    createChildNode(ndi.getQName(), ndi, (NodeTypeImpl) ndi.getDefaultPrimaryType(), null);
                } else {
                    PropertyDefinitionImpl pdi = ntMgr.getPropertyDefinition(((PropDef) def).getId());
                    createChildProperty(pdi.getQName(), pdi.getRequiredType(), pdi);
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Examples of org.apache.jackrabbit.core.nodetype.NodeDefinitionImpl


        // recursively add 'auto-create' child nodes defined in node type
        NodeDefinition[] nda = nodeType.getAutoCreatedNodeDefinitions();
        for (int i = 0; i < nda.length; i++) {
            NodeDefinitionImpl nd = (NodeDefinitionImpl) nda[i];
            node.createChildNode(nd.getQName(), nd,
                    (NodeTypeImpl) nd.getDefaultPrimaryType(), null);

        return node;
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Examples of org.apache.jackrabbit.core.nodetype.NodeDefinitionImpl

            throw new RepositoryException(msg);

    protected void onRedefine(NodeDefId defId) throws RepositoryException {
        NodeDefinitionImpl newDef =
        // modify the state of 'this', i.e. the target node
        NodeState thisState = (NodeState) getOrCreateTransientItemState();
        // set id of new definition
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Examples of org.apache.jackrabbit.core.nodetype.NodeDefinitionImpl

            if (nodeType.isAbstract()) {
                throw new ConstraintViolationException(session.getJCRName(nodeTypeName+ ": is an abstract node type.");
        NodeDefinitionImpl def;
        try {
            def = getApplicableChildNodeDefinition(nodeName, nodeTypeName);
        } catch (RepositoryException re) {
            String msg = "no definition found in parent node's node type for new node";
            throw new ConstraintViolationException(msg, re);
        if (nodeType == null) {
            // use default node type
            nodeType = (NodeTypeImpl) def.getDefaultPrimaryType();
        } else {
            // adding a node with explicit specifying the node type name
            // requires the editing session to have nt_management privilege.
            session.getAccessManager().checkPermission(nodePath, Permission.NODE_TYPE_MNGMT);

        // check for name collisions
        NodeState thisState = data.getNodeState();
        ChildNodeEntry cne = thisState.getChildNodeEntry(nodeName, 1);
        if (cne != null) {
            // there's already a child node entry with that name;
            // check same-name sibling setting of new node
            if (!def.allowsSameNameSiblings()) {
                throw new ItemExistsException(itemMgr.safeGetJCRPath(nodePath));
            // check same-name sibling setting of existing node
            NodeId newId = cne.getId();
            if (!((NodeImpl) itemMgr.getItem(newId)).getDefinition().allowsSameNameSiblings()) {
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Examples of org.apache.jackrabbit.core.nodetype.NodeDefinitionImpl


            // recursively add 'auto-create' child nodes defined in mixin type
            NodeDefinition[] nda = mixin.getAutoCreatedNodeDefinitions();
            for (int i = 0; i < nda.length; i++) {
                NodeDefinitionImpl nd = (NodeDefinitionImpl) nda[i];
                // make sure that the child node is not already defined by primary type
                // or existing mixin's
                NodeTypeImpl declaringNT = (NodeTypeImpl) nd.getDeclaringNodeType();
                if (!entExisting.includesNodeType(declaringNT.getQName())) {
                    createChildNode(nd.getQName(), nd, (NodeTypeImpl) nd.getDefaultPrimaryType(), null);
        } catch (RepositoryException re) {
            // try to undo the modifications by removing the mixin
            try {
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Examples of org.apache.jackrabbit.core.nodetype.NodeDefinitionImpl

                        if (node.getDefinition().isProtected()) {
                            // remove 'orphaned' protected child node immediately
                            removeChildNode(entry.getName(), entry.getIndex());
                        NodeDefinitionImpl ndi = getApplicableChildNodeDefinition(
                        // redefine node
                    } catch (ConstraintViolationException cve) {
                        // no suitable definition found for this child node,
                        // remove it
                        removeChildNode(entry.getName(), entry.getIndex());
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Examples of org.apache.jackrabbit.core.nodetype.NodeDefinitionImpl

        getValidator().checkModify(destParentNode, options, Permission.NONE);

        // check constraints
        // get applicable definition of target node at new location
        NodeTypeImpl nt = (NodeTypeImpl) targetNode.getPrimaryNodeType();
        NodeDefinitionImpl newTargetDef;
        try {
            newTargetDef = destParentNode.getApplicableChildNodeDefinition(destName.getName(), nt.getQName());
        } catch (RepositoryException re) {
            String msg = destAbsPath + ": no definition found in parent node's node type for new node";
            throw new ConstraintViolationException(msg, re);
        // if there's already a node with that name also check same-name sibling
        // setting of new node; just checking same-name sibling setting on
        // existing node is not sufficient since same-name sibling nodes don't
        // necessarily have identical definitions
        if (existing != null && !newTargetDef.allowsSameNameSiblings()) {
            throw new ItemExistsException(
                    "Same name siblings not allowed: " + existing);

        NodeId targetId = targetNode.getNodeId();
        int index = srcName.getIndex();
        if (index == 0) {
            index = 1;

        // check permissions
        AccessManager acMgr = getAccessManager();
        if (!(acMgr.isGranted(srcPath, Permission.REMOVE_NODE) &&
                acMgr.isGranted(destPath, Permission.ADD_NODE | Permission.NODE_TYPE_MNGMT))) {
            String msg = "Not allowed to move node " + srcAbsPath + " to " + destAbsPath;
            throw new AccessDeniedException(msg);

        if (srcParentNode.isSame(destParentNode)) {
            // do rename
            destParentNode.renameChildNode(srcName.getName(), index, targetId, destName.getName());
        } else {
            // check shareable case
            if (((NodeState) targetNode.getItemState()).isShareable()) {
                String msg = "Moving a shareable node is not supported.";
                throw new UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException(msg);

            // do move:
            // 1. remove child node entry from old parent
            NodeState srcParentState =
                    (NodeState) srcParentNode.getOrCreateTransientItemState();
            srcParentState.removeChildNodeEntry(srcName.getName(), index);
            // 2. re-parent target node
            NodeState targetState =
                    (NodeState) targetNode.getOrCreateTransientItemState();
            // 3. add child node entry to new parent
            NodeState destParentState =
                    (NodeState) destParentNode.getOrCreateTransientItemState();
            destParentState.addChildNodeEntry(destName.getName(), targetId);

        // change definition of target
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Examples of org.apache.jackrabbit.core.nodetype.NodeDefinitionImpl

        checkPermission(parentImpl, name, getPermission(true, false));
        // validation: make sure Node is not locked or checked-in.

        NodeTypeImpl nodeType = parentImpl.session.getNodeTypeManager().getNodeType(ntName);
        NodeDefinitionImpl def = parentImpl.getApplicableChildNodeDefinition(name, ntName);

        // check for name collisions
        // TODO: improve. copied from NodeImpl
        NodeState thisState = (NodeState) parentImpl.getItemState();
        ChildNodeEntry cne = thisState.getChildNodeEntry(name, 1);
        if (cne != null) {
            // there's already a child node entry with that name;
            // check same-name sibling setting of new node
            if (!def.allowsSameNameSiblings()) {
                throw new ItemExistsException();
            // check same-name sibling setting of existing node
            NodeId newId = cne.getId();
            NodeImpl n = (NodeImpl) parentImpl.session.getItemManager().getItem(newId);
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Examples of org.apache.jackrabbit.core.nodetype.NodeDefinitionImpl


    private NodeDefinition getDefinition(NodeState state)
            throws RepositoryException {
        NodeDefId defId = state.getDefinitionId();
        NodeDefinitionImpl def = session.getNodeTypeManager().getNodeDefinition(defId);
        if (def == null) {
             * todo need proper way of handling inconsistent/corrupt definition
             * e.g. 'flag' items that refer to non-existent definitions
            log.warn("node at " + safeGetJCRPath(state.getNodeId())
                    + " has invalid definitionId (" + defId + ")");

            // fallback: try finding applicable definition
            NodeImpl parent = (NodeImpl) getItem(state.getParentId());
            NodeState parentState = (NodeState) parent.getItemState();
            ChildNodeEntry cne = parentState.getChildNodeEntry(state.getNodeId());
            def = parent.getApplicableChildNodeDefinition(cne.getName(), state.getNodeTypeName());
        return def;
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