boolean snapPolicy = false;
boolean snapshotRes = false;
boolean volumeCreated = false;
NaServer s = getServer(ipAddress, username, password);
NaElement xi = new NaElement("volume-create");
xi.addNewChild("volume", volName);
xi.addNewChild("containing-aggr-name", aggName);
xi.addNewChild("size", volSize);
NaElement xi1 = new NaElement("snapshot-set-reserve");
if (snapshotReservation != null) {
snapshotRes = true;
xi1.addNewChild("percentage", snapshotReservation.toString());
xi1.addNewChild("volume", volName);
NaElement xi2 = new NaElement("snapshot-set-schedule");
if (snapshotPolicy != null) {
snapPolicy = true;
String weeks = null;
String days = null;
String hours = null;
String whichHours = null;
String minutes = null;
String whichMinutes = null;
StringTokenizer s1 = new StringTokenizer(snapshotPolicy, " ");
//count=4: weeks days hours@csi mins@csi
//count=3: weeks days hours@csi
//count=2: weeks days
//count=1: weeks
if (s1.hasMoreTokens()) {
weeks = s1.nextToken();
if (weeks != null && s1.hasMoreTokens()) {
days = s1.nextToken();
if (days != null && s1.hasMoreTokens()) {
String[] hoursArr = s1.nextToken().split("@");
hours = hoursArr[0];
whichHours = hoursArr[1];
if (hours != null && s1.hasMoreTokens()) {
String[] minsArr = s1.nextToken().split("@");
minutes = minsArr[0];
whichMinutes = minsArr[1];
if (weeks != null)
xi2.addNewChild("weeks", weeks);
if (days != null)
xi2.addNewChild("days", days);
if (hours != null)
xi2.addNewChild("hours", hours);
if (minutes != null)
xi2.addNewChild("minutes", minutes);
xi2.addNewChild("volume", volName);
if (whichHours != null)
xi2.addNewChild("which-hours", whichHours);
if (whichMinutes != null)
xi2.addNewChild("which-minutes", whichMinutes);
Long volumeId = null;
final TransactionLegacy txn = TransactionLegacy.currentTxn();
NetappVolumeVO volume = null;
volume = _volumeDao.findVolume(ipAddress, aggName, volName);
if (volume != null) {
throw new InvalidParameterValueException("The volume for the given ipAddress/aggregateName/volumeName tuple already exists");
PoolVO pool = _poolDao.findPool(poolName);
if (pool == null) {
throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Cannot find pool " + poolName);
pool = _poolDao.acquireInLockTable(pool.getId());
if (pool == null) {
s_logger.warn("Failed to acquire lock on pool " + poolName);
throw new ConcurrentModificationException("Failed to acquire lock on pool " + poolName);
volume = new NetappVolumeVO(ipAddress, aggName, pool.getId(), volName, volSize, "", 0, username, password, 0, pool.getName());
volume = _volumeDao.persist(volume);
volumeId = volume.getId();
try {
volumeCreated = true;
if (snapshotRes) {
_volumeDao.update(volumeId, volume);
if (snapPolicy) {
_volumeDao.update(volumeId, volume);
} catch (NaException nae) {
//zapi call failed, log and throw e
s_logger.warn("Failed to create volume on the netapp filer:", nae);
if (volumeCreated) {
try {
deleteRogueVolume(volName, s);//deletes created volume on filer
} catch (NaException e) {
s_logger.warn("Failed to cleanup created volume whilst rolling back on the netapp filer:", e);
throw new ServerException("Unable to create volume via cloudtools."
+ "Failed to cleanup created volume on netapp filer whilst rolling back on the cloud db:", e);
} catch (IOException e) {
s_logger.warn("Failed to cleanup created volume whilst rolling back on the netapp filer:", e);
throw new ServerException("Unable to create volume via cloudtools."
+ "Failed to cleanup created volume on netapp filer whilst rolling back on the cloud db:", e);
throw new ServerException("Unable to create volume", nae);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
s_logger.warn("Failed to create volume on the netapp filer:", ioe);
if (volumeCreated) {
try {
deleteRogueVolume(volName, s);//deletes created volume on filer
} catch (NaException e) {
s_logger.warn("Failed to cleanup created volume whilst rolling back on the netapp filer:", e);
throw new ServerException("Unable to create volume via cloudtools."
+ "Failed to cleanup created volume on netapp filer whilst rolling back on the cloud db:", e);
} catch (IOException e) {
s_logger.warn("Failed to cleanup created volume whilst rolling back on the netapp filer:", e);
throw new ServerException("Unable to create volume via cloudtools."
+ "Failed to cleanup created volume on netapp filer whilst rolling back on the cloud db:", e);
throw new ServerException("Unable to create volume", ioe);
} finally {
if (s != null)
if (pool != null)