Package netapp.manage

Examples of netapp.manage.NaServer

        boolean snapPolicy = false;
        boolean snapshotRes = false;
        boolean volumeCreated = false;

        NaServer s = getServer(ipAddress, username, password);

        NaElement xi = new NaElement("volume-create");
        xi.addNewChild("volume", volName);
        xi.addNewChild("containing-aggr-name", aggName);
        xi.addNewChild("size", volSize);

        NaElement xi1 = new NaElement("snapshot-set-reserve");
        if (snapshotReservation != null) {
            snapshotRes = true;
            xi1.addNewChild("percentage", snapshotReservation.toString());
            xi1.addNewChild("volume", volName);

        NaElement xi2 = new NaElement("snapshot-set-schedule");

        if (snapshotPolicy != null) {
            snapPolicy = true;

            String weeks = null;
            String days = null;
            String hours = null;
            String whichHours = null;
            String minutes = null;
            String whichMinutes = null;

            StringTokenizer s1 = new StringTokenizer(snapshotPolicy, " ");

            //count=4: weeks days hours@csi mins@csi
            //count=3: weeks days hours@csi
            //count=2: weeks days
            //count=1: weeks

            if (s1.hasMoreTokens()) {
                weeks = s1.nextToken();
            if (weeks != null && s1.hasMoreTokens()) {
                days = s1.nextToken();
            if (days != null && s1.hasMoreTokens()) {
                String[] hoursArr = s1.nextToken().split("@");
                hours = hoursArr[0];
                whichHours = hoursArr[1];
            if (hours != null && s1.hasMoreTokens()) {
                String[] minsArr = s1.nextToken().split("@");
                minutes = minsArr[0];
                whichMinutes = minsArr[1];

            if (weeks != null)
                xi2.addNewChild("weeks", weeks);
            if (days != null)
                xi2.addNewChild("days", days);
            if (hours != null)
                xi2.addNewChild("hours", hours);
            if (minutes != null)
                xi2.addNewChild("minutes", minutes);
            xi2.addNewChild("volume", volName);

            if (whichHours != null)
                xi2.addNewChild("which-hours", whichHours);
            if (whichMinutes != null)
                xi2.addNewChild("which-minutes", whichMinutes);
        Long volumeId = null;

        final TransactionLegacy txn = TransactionLegacy.currentTxn();
        NetappVolumeVO volume = null;
        volume = _volumeDao.findVolume(ipAddress, aggName, volName);

        if (volume != null) {
            throw new InvalidParameterValueException("The volume for the given ipAddress/aggregateName/volumeName tuple already exists");
        PoolVO pool = _poolDao.findPool(poolName);
        if (pool == null) {
            throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Cannot find pool " + poolName);
        pool = _poolDao.acquireInLockTable(pool.getId());
        if (pool == null) {
            s_logger.warn("Failed to acquire lock on pool " + poolName);
            throw new ConcurrentModificationException("Failed to acquire lock on pool " + poolName);
        volume = new NetappVolumeVO(ipAddress, aggName, pool.getId(), volName, volSize, "", 0, username, password, 0, pool.getName());
        volume = _volumeDao.persist(volume);

        volumeId = volume.getId();
        try {
            volumeCreated = true;

            if (snapshotRes) {
                _volumeDao.update(volumeId, volume);

            if (snapPolicy) {
                _volumeDao.update(volumeId, volume);
        } catch (NaException nae) {
            //zapi call failed, log and throw e
            s_logger.warn("Failed to create volume on the netapp filer:", nae);
            if (volumeCreated) {
                try {
                    deleteRogueVolume(volName, s);//deletes created volume on filer
                } catch (NaException e) {
                    s_logger.warn("Failed to cleanup created volume whilst rolling back on the netapp filer:", e);
                    throw new ServerException("Unable to create volume via cloudtools."
                        + "Failed to cleanup created volume on netapp filer whilst rolling back on the cloud db:", e);
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    s_logger.warn("Failed to cleanup created volume whilst rolling back on the netapp filer:", e);
                    throw new ServerException("Unable to create volume via cloudtools."
                        + "Failed to cleanup created volume on netapp filer whilst rolling back on the cloud db:", e);
            throw new ServerException("Unable to create volume", nae);
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            s_logger.warn("Failed to create volume on the netapp filer:", ioe);
            if (volumeCreated) {
                try {
                    deleteRogueVolume(volName, s);//deletes created volume on filer
                } catch (NaException e) {
                    s_logger.warn("Failed to cleanup created volume whilst rolling back on the netapp filer:", e);
                    throw new ServerException("Unable to create volume via cloudtools."
                        + "Failed to cleanup created volume on netapp filer whilst rolling back on the cloud db:", e);
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    s_logger.warn("Failed to cleanup created volume whilst rolling back on the netapp filer:", e);
                    throw new ServerException("Unable to create volume via cloudtools."
                        + "Failed to cleanup created volume on netapp filer whilst rolling back on the cloud db:", e);
            throw new ServerException("Unable to create volume", ioe);
        } finally {
            if (s != null)
            if (pool != null)

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    private String returnSnapshotSchedule(NetappVolumeVO vol) throws ServerException {

        NaElement xi = new NaElement("snapshot-get-schedule");
        xi.addNewChild("volume", vol.getVolumeName());
        NaServer s = null;
        try {
            s = getServer(vol.getIpAddress(), vol.getUsername(), vol.getPassword());
            NaElement xo = s.invokeElem(xi);
            String weeks = xo.getChildContent("weeks");
            String days = xo.getChildContent("days");
            String hours = xo.getChildContent("hours");
            String minutes = xo.getChildContent("minutes");
            String whichHours = xo.getChildContent("which-hours");
            String whichMinutes = xo.getChildContent("which-minutes");

            StringBuilder sB = new StringBuilder();
                .append(" ")
                .append(" ")
                .append(" ")
            return sB.toString();
        } catch (NaException nae) {
            s_logger.warn("Failed to get volume size ", nae);
            throw new ServerException("Failed to get volume size", nae);
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            s_logger.warn("Failed to get volume size ", ioe);
            throw new ServerException("Failed to get volume size", ioe);
        } finally {
            if (s != null)
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    public long returnAvailableVolumeSize(String volName, String userName, String password, String serverIp) throws ServerException {
        long availableSize = 0;

        NaElement xi = new NaElement("volume-list-info");
        xi.addNewChild("volume", volName);
        NaServer s = null;
        String volumeState = null;
        try {
            s = getServer(serverIp, userName, password);
            NaElement xo = s.invokeElem(xi);
            List volList = xo.getChildByName("volumes").getChildren();
            Iterator volIter = volList.iterator();
            while (volIter.hasNext()) {
                NaElement volInfo = (NaElement);
                availableSize = volInfo.getChildLongValue("size-available", -1);
                volumeState = volInfo.getChildContent("state");

            if (volumeState != null) {
                return volumeState.equalsIgnoreCase("online") ? availableSize : -1; //return -1 if volume is offline
            } else {
                //catch all
                //volume state unreported
                return -1; // as good as volume offline

        } catch (NaException nae) {
            s_logger.warn("Failed to get volume size ", nae);
            throw new ServerException("Failed to get volume size", nae);
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            s_logger.warn("Failed to get volume size ", ioe);
            throw new ServerException("Failed to get volume size", ioe);
        } finally {
            if (s != null)
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        pool = _poolDao.acquireInLockTable(pool.getId());
        if (pool == null) {
            s_logger.warn("Failed to acquire lock on the pool " + poolName);
            return result;
        NaServer s = null;

        try {
            if (algorithm == null || algorithm.equals(Algorithm.roundrobin.toString())) {
                selectedVol = _netappAllocator.chooseVolumeFromPool(poolName, lunSize);
            } else if (algorithm.equals(Algorithm.leastfull.toString())) {

                selectedVol = _netappAllocator.chooseLeastFullVolumeFromPool(poolName, lunSize);

            if (selectedVol == null) {
                throw new ServerException("Could not find a suitable volume to create lun on");

            if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled())
                s_logger.debug("Request --> createLun " + "serverIp:" + selectedVol.getIpAddress());

            StringBuilder exportPath = new StringBuilder("/vol/");

            lun = new LunVO(exportPath.toString(), selectedVol.getId(), lunSize, "", "");
            lun = _lunDao.persist(lun);

            //Lun id created: 6 digits right justified eg. 000045
            String lunIdStr = String.valueOf(lun.getId());
            String zeroStr = "000000";
            int length = lunIdStr.length();
            int offset = 6 - length;
            StringBuilder lunIdOnPath = new StringBuilder();
            lunIdOnPath.append(zeroStr.substring(0, offset));


            //update lun name
            _lunDao.update(lun.getId(), lun);

            NaElement xi;
            NaElement xi1;

            long lSizeBytes = 1L * lunSize * 1024 * 1024 * 1024; //This prevents integer overflow
            Long lunSizeBytes = new Long(lSizeBytes);

            s = getServer(selectedVol.getIpAddress(), selectedVol.getUsername(), selectedVol.getPassword());

            //create lun
            xi = new NaElement("lun-create-by-size");
            xi.addNewChild("ostype", "linux");
            xi.addNewChild("path", exportPath.toString());
            xi.addNewChild("size", (lunSizeBytes.toString()));


            try {
                //now create an igroup
                xi1 = new NaElement("igroup-create");
                xi1.addNewChild("initiator-group-name", lunName.toString());
                xi1.addNewChild("initiator-group-type", "iscsi");
                xi1.addNewChild("os-type", "linux");
            } catch (NaAPIFailedException e) {
                if (e.getErrno() == 9004) {
                    //igroup already exists hence no error
                    s_logger.warn("Igroup already exists");

            //get target iqn
            NaElement xi4 = new NaElement("iscsi-node-get-name");
            NaElement xo = s.invokeElem(xi4);
            String iqn = xo.getChildContent("node-name");

            _lunDao.update(lun.getId(), lun);

            //create lun mapping
            //now map the lun to the igroup
            NaElement xi3 = new NaElement("lun-map");
            xi3.addNewChild("force", "true");
            xi3.addNewChild("initiator-group", lunName.toString());
            xi3.addNewChild("path", lun.getPath() + lun.getLunName());

            xi3.addNewChild("lun-id", lunIdStr);

            //set the result
            result[0] = lunName.toString();//lunname
            result[1] = iqn;//iqn
            result[2] = selectedVol.getIpAddress();

            return result;

        } catch (NaAPIFailedException naf) {
            if (naf.getErrno() == 9023) { //lun is already mapped to this group
                result[0] = lunName.toString();//lunname;
                result[1] = lun.getTargetIqn();//iqn
                result[2] = selectedVol.getIpAddress();
                return result;
            if (naf.getErrno() == 9024) { //another lun mapped at this group
                result[0] = lunName.toString();//lunname;
                result[1] = lun.getTargetIqn();//iqn
                result[2] = selectedVol.getIpAddress();
                return result;
        } catch (NaException nae) {
            throw new ServerException("Unable to create LUN", nae);
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            throw new ServerException("Unable to create LUN", ioe);
        } finally {
            if (pool != null) {
            if (s != null) {

        return result;
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        NetappVolumeVO vol = _volumeDao.acquireInLockTable(lun.getVolumeId());
        if (vol == null) {
            s_logger.warn("Failed to lock volume id= " + lun.getVolumeId());
        NaServer s = null;
        try {
            s = getServer(vol.getIpAddress(), vol.getUsername(), vol.getPassword());

            if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled())
                s_logger.debug("Request --> destroyLun " + ":serverIp:" + vol.getIpAddress());

            try {
                //Unmap lun
                NaElement xi2 = new NaElement("lun-unmap");
                xi2.addNewChild("initiator-group", lunName);
                xi2.addNewChild("path", lun.getPath() + lun.getLunName());
            } catch (NaAPIFailedException naf) {
                if (naf.getErrno() == 9016)
                    s_logger.warn("no map exists excpn 9016 caught in deletelun, continuing with delete");

            //destroy lun
            NaElement xi = new NaElement("lun-destroy");
            xi.addNewChild("force", "true");
            xi.addNewChild("path", lun.getPath() + lun.getLunName());

            //destroy igroup
            NaElement xi1 = new NaElement("igroup-destroy");
            xi1.addNewChild("initiator-group-name", lunName);

        } catch (UnknownHostException uhe) {
            s_logger.warn("Failed to delete lun", uhe);
            throw new ServerException("Failed to delete lun", uhe);
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            s_logger.warn("Failed to delete lun", ioe);
            throw new ServerException("Failed to delete lun", ioe);
        } catch (NaAPIFailedException naf) {
            if (naf.getErrno() == 9017) {//no such group exists excpn
                s_logger.warn("no such group exists excpn 9017 caught in deletelun, continuing with delete");
            } else if (naf.getErrno() == 9029) {//LUN maps for this initiator group exist
                s_logger.warn("LUN maps for this initiator group exist errno 9029 caught in deletelun, continuing with delete");
            } else {
                s_logger.warn("Failed to delete lun", naf);
                throw new ServerException("Failed to delete lun", naf);

        } catch (NaException nae) {
            s_logger.warn("Failed to delete lun", nae);
            throw new ServerException("Failed to delete lun", nae);
        } finally {
            if (vol != null) {
            if (s != null)

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        if (lun == null)
            throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Cannot find LUN " + lunName);

        NetappVolumeVO vol = _volumeDao.findById(lun.getVolumeId());
        NaServer s = null;
        try {
            s = getServer(vol.getIpAddress(), vol.getUsername(), vol.getPassword());

            if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled())
                s_logger.debug("Request --> disassociateLun " + ":serverIp:" + vol.getIpAddress());

            xi = new NaElement("igroup-remove");
            xi.addNewChild("force", "true");
            xi.addNewChild("initiator", iGroup);
            xi.addNewChild("initiator-group-name", lunName);

        } catch (UnknownHostException uhe) {
            throw new ServerException("Failed to disassociate lun", uhe);
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            throw new ServerException("Failed to disassociate lun", ioe);
        } catch (NaException nae) {
            throw new ServerException("Failed to disassociate lun", nae);
        } finally {
            if (s != null)

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        returnVal[0] = lunIdStr;
        returnVal[1] = lun.getTargetIqn();
        returnVal[2] = vol.getIpAddress();

        NaServer s = null;

        try {
            s = getServer(vol.getIpAddress(), vol.getUsername(), vol.getPassword());

            if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled())
                s_logger.debug("Request --> associateLun " + ":serverIp:" + vol.getIpAddress());

            //add iqn to the group
            xi2 = new NaElement("igroup-add");
            xi2.addNewChild("force", "true");
            xi2.addNewChild("initiator", guestIqn);
            xi2.addNewChild("initiator-group-name", lunName);

            return returnVal;
        } catch (UnknownHostException uhe) {
            s_logger.warn("Unable to associate LUN ", uhe);
            throw new ServerException("Unable to associate LUN", uhe);
        } catch (NaAPIFailedException naf) {
            if (naf.getErrno() == 9008) { //initiator group already contains node
                return returnVal;
            s_logger.warn("Unable to associate LUN ", naf);
            throw new ServerException("Unable to associate LUN", naf);
        } catch (NaException nae) {
            s_logger.warn("Unable to associate LUN ", nae);
            throw new ServerException("Unable to associate LUN", nae);
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            s_logger.warn("Unable to associate LUN ", ioe);
            throw new ServerException("Unable to associate LUN", ioe);
        } finally {
            if (s != null)

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     * @throws UnknownHostException
    private NaServer getServer(String serverIp, String userName, String password) throws UnknownHostException {
      //Initialize connection to server, and
    //request version 1.3 of the API set
      NaServer s = new NaServer(serverIp, 1, 3);
    s.setAdminUser(userName, password);
    return s;
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     pool = _poolDao.acquireInLockTable(pool.getId());
     if (pool == null) {
       throw new ConcurrentModificationException("Failed to acquire lock on pool " + volume.getPoolId());
    NaServer s = null;
      s = getServer(volume.getIpAddress(), volume.getUsername(), volume.getPassword());
      //bring the volume down
      xi0 = new NaElement("volume-offline");

      //now destroy it
      xi1 = new NaElement("volume-destroy");

      //now delete from our records

    } catch (UnknownHostException uhe) {
      s_logger.warn("Unable to delete volume on filer " , uhe);
      throw new ServerException("Unable to delete volume on filer", uhe);
    }catch (NaAPIFailedException naf) {
      s_logger.warn("Unable to delete volume on filer " , naf);
      if( naf.getErrno() == 13040 ){"Deleting the volume: " + volName);
      throw new ServerException("Unable to delete volume on filer", naf);
    catch (NaException nae) {
      s_logger.warn("Unable to delete volume on filer " , nae);
      throw new ServerException("Unable to delete volume on filer", nae);
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
      s_logger.warn("Unable to delete volume on filer " , ioe);
      throw new ServerException("Unable to delete volume on filer", ioe);
      if (pool != null) {
      if (s != null)

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    boolean snapPolicy = false;
    boolean snapshotRes = false;
    boolean volumeCreated = false;
    NaServer s = getServer(ipAddress, username, password);
    NaElement xi = new NaElement("volume-create");
    xi.addNewChild("volume", volName);
    NaElement xi1 = new NaElement("snapshot-set-reserve");
      snapshotRes = true;
    NaElement xi2 = new NaElement("snapshot-set-schedule");
      snapPolicy = true;
      String weeks = null;
      String days = null;
      String hours = null;
      String whichHours = null;
      String minutes = null;
      String whichMinutes = null;
      StringTokenizer s1 = new StringTokenizer(snapshotPolicy," ");
      //count=4: weeks days hours@csi mins@csi
      //count=3: weeks days hours@csi
      //count=2: weeks days
      //count=1: weeks
        weeks = s1.nextToken();
      if(weeks!=null && s1.hasMoreTokens())
        days = s1.nextToken();
      if(days!=null && s1.hasMoreTokens())
        String[] hoursArr = s1.nextToken().split("@");
        hours = hoursArr[0];
        whichHours = hoursArr[1];
      if(hours!=null && s1.hasMoreTokens())
        String[] minsArr = s1.nextToken().split("@");
        minutes = minsArr[0];
        whichMinutes = minsArr[1];
    Long volumeId = null;
    final TransactionLegacy txn = TransactionLegacy.currentTxn();
    NetappVolumeVO volume = null;
    volume = _volumeDao.findVolume(ipAddress, aggName, volName);
    if(volume != null) {
      throw new InvalidParameterValueException("The volume for the given ipAddress/aggregateName/volumeName tuple already exists");
    PoolVO pool = _poolDao.findPool(poolName);
    if (pool == null) {
      throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Cannot find pool " + poolName);
    pool = _poolDao.acquireInLockTable(pool.getId());
    if (pool == null) {
      s_logger.warn("Failed to acquire lock on pool " + poolName);
      throw new ConcurrentModificationException("Failed to acquire lock on pool " + poolName);
    volume = new NetappVolumeVO(ipAddress, aggName, pool.getId(), volName, volSize, "", 0, username, password,0,pool.getName());
    volume = _volumeDao.persist(volume);
    volumeId = volume.getId();
    try {
      volumeCreated = true;
        _volumeDao.update(volumeId, volume);

        _volumeDao.update(volumeId, volume);
    } catch (NaException nae) {
      //zapi call failed, log and throw e
      s_logger.warn("Failed to create volume on the netapp filer:", nae);
      if(volumeCreated) {
        try {
          deleteRogueVolume(volName, s);//deletes created volume on filer
        } catch (NaException e) {
          s_logger.warn("Failed to cleanup created volume whilst rolling back on the netapp filer:", e);
          throw new ServerException("Unable to create volume via cloudtools."+"Failed to cleanup created volume on netapp filer whilst rolling back on the cloud db:", e);
        } catch (IOException e) {
          s_logger.warn("Failed to cleanup created volume whilst rolling back on the netapp filer:", e);
          throw new ServerException("Unable to create volume via cloudtools."+"Failed to cleanup created volume on netapp filer whilst rolling back on the cloud db:", e);
      throw new ServerException("Unable to create volume", nae);
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
      s_logger.warn("Failed to create volume on the netapp filer:", ioe);
      if(volumeCreated) {
        try {
          deleteRogueVolume(volName, s);//deletes created volume on filer
        } catch (NaException e) {
          s_logger.warn("Failed to cleanup created volume whilst rolling back on the netapp filer:", e);
          throw new ServerException("Unable to create volume via cloudtools."+"Failed to cleanup created volume on netapp filer whilst rolling back on the cloud db:", e);
        } catch (IOException e) {
          s_logger.warn("Failed to cleanup created volume whilst rolling back on the netapp filer:", e);
          throw new ServerException("Unable to create volume via cloudtools."+"Failed to cleanup created volume on netapp filer whilst rolling back on the cloud db:", e);
      throw new ServerException("Unable to create volume", ioe);
      if (s != null)
      if (pool != null)
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Related Classes of netapp.manage.NaServer

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