Package net.yacy.kelondro.order

Examples of net.yacy.kelondro.order.ByteOrder

        int keylen = this.table.keylength();
        try {
            return new EntryIter(location, keylen);
        } catch (IOException e1) {
            ByteOrder order = this.table.ordering();
            int buffermax = this.table.getBuffermax();
            try {
                Iterator<Map.Entry<byte[], Map<String, byte[]>>> iter = new EntryIter(location, keylen);
                this.table = new Heap(location, keylen, order, buffermax);
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        return result;

    private static HandleSet joinConstructiveByEnumeration(final HandleSet set1, final HandleSet set2) throws RowSpaceExceededException {
        // implement pairwise enumeration
        final ByteOrder comp = set1.comparator();
        final Iterator<byte[]> mi = set1.iterator();
        final Iterator<byte[]> si = set2.iterator();
        final HandleSet result = new HandleSet(set1.rowdef.primaryKeyLength, comp, 0);
        int c;
        if (mi.hasNext() && si.hasNext()) {
            byte[] mobj =;
            byte[] sobj =;
            while (true) {
                c =, sobj);
                if (c < 0) {
                    if (mi.hasNext()) mobj =; else break;
                } else if (c > 0) {
                    if (si.hasNext()) sobj =; else break;
                } else {
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                    // dump the ram
                    final File dumpFile = this.array.newContainerBLOBFile();
                    // a critical point: when the ram is handed to the dump job,
                    // don't write into it any more. Use a fresh one instead
                    ReferenceContainerCache<ReferenceType> ramdump;
                    final ByteOrder termOrder = this.ram.termKeyOrdering();
                    final int termSize = this.ram.termKeyLength();
                    synchronized (this) {
                        ramdump = this.ram;
                        // get a fresh ram cache
                        this.ram = new ReferenceContainerCache<ReferenceType>(this.factory, termOrder, termSize);
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            Log.logWarning("RowCollection", "corrected wrong chunkcount; chunkcount = " + this.chunkcount + ", chunkcachelength = " + chunkcachelength + ", rowdef.objectsize = " + rowdef.objectsize);
            this.chunkcount = chunkcachelength / rowdef.objectsize; // patch problem
        this.lastTimeWrote = (exportedCollection.getColLong(exp_last_wrote) + 10957) * day;
        final String sortOrderKey = exportedCollection.getColString(exp_order_type);
        ByteOrder oldOrder = null;
        if ((sortOrderKey == null) || (sortOrderKey.equals("__"))) {
            oldOrder = null;
        } else {
            oldOrder = NaturalOrder.bySignature(sortOrderKey);
            if (oldOrder == null) oldOrder = Base64Order.bySignature(sortOrderKey);
        if ((rowdef.objectOrder != null) && (oldOrder != null) && (!(rowdef.objectOrder.signature().equals(oldOrder.signature()))))
            throw new kelondroException("old collection order does not match with new order; objectOrder.signature = " + rowdef.objectOrder.signature() + ", oldOrder.signature = " + oldOrder.signature());
        this.sortBound = (int) exportedCollection.getColLong(exp_order_bound);
        if (sortBound > chunkcount) {
            Log.logWarning("RowCollection", "corrected wrong sortBound; sortBound = " + sortBound + ", chunkcount = " + chunkcount);
            this.sortBound = chunkcount;
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        assert i1.rowdef.equals(i2.rowdef) : "i1 = " + i1.rowdef.toString() + "; i2 = " + i2.rowdef.toString();
        final int keylength = i1.rowdef.width(0);
        assert (keylength == i2.rowdef.width(0));
        final ReferenceContainer<ReferenceType> conj = new ReferenceContainer<ReferenceType>(factory, null, 0); // start with empty search result
        if (!((i1.rowdef.getOrdering().signature().equals(i2.rowdef.getOrdering().signature())))) return conj; // ordering must be equal
        ByteOrder ordering = i1.rowdef.getOrdering();
        final Iterator<ReferenceType> e1 = i1.entries();
        final Iterator<ReferenceType> e2 = i2.entries();
        int c;
        if ((e1.hasNext()) && (e2.hasNext())) {
            ReferenceType ie1;
            ReferenceType ie2;
            ie1 =;
            ie2 =;

            while (true) {
                assert (ie1.urlhash().length == keylength) : "ie1.urlHash() = " + ASCII.String(ie1.urlhash());
                assert (ie2.urlhash().length == keylength) : "ie2.urlHash() = " + ASCII.String(ie2.urlhash());
                c =, ie2.urlhash());
                //System.out.println("** '" + ie1.getUrlHash() + "'.compareTo('" + ie2.getUrlHash() + "')="+c);
                if (c < 0) {
                    if (e1.hasNext()) ie1 =; else break;
                } else if (c > 0) {
                    if (e2.hasNext()) ie2 =; else break;
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        final int keylen = this.table.keylength();
        try {
            return new EntryIter(location, keylen);
        } catch (final IOException e1) {
            final ByteOrder order = this.table.ordering();
            final int buffermax = this.table.getBuffermax();
            try {
                final Iterator<Map.Entry<byte[], Map<String, byte[]>>> iter = new EntryIter(location, keylen);
                this.table = new Heap(location, keylen, order, buffermax);
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            Log.logWarning("RowCollection", "corrected wrong chunkcount; chunkcount = " + this.chunkcount + ", chunkcachelength = " + chunkcachelength + ", rowdef.objectsize = " + rowdef.objectsize);
            this.chunkcount = chunkcachelength / rowdef.objectsize; // patch problem
        this.lastTimeWrote = (exportedCollection.getColLong(exp_last_wrote) + 10957) * day;
        final String sortOrderKey = exportedCollection.getColASCII(exp_order_type);
        ByteOrder oldOrder = null;
        if ((sortOrderKey == null) || (sortOrderKey.equals("__"))) {
            oldOrder = null;
        } else {
            oldOrder = NaturalOrder.bySignature(sortOrderKey);
            if (oldOrder == null) oldOrder = Base64Order.bySignature(sortOrderKey);
        if ((rowdef.objectOrder != null) && (oldOrder != null) && (!(rowdef.objectOrder.signature().equals(oldOrder.signature()))))
            throw new kelondroException("old collection order does not match with new order; objectOrder.signature = " + rowdef.objectOrder.signature() + ", oldOrder.signature = " + oldOrder.signature());
        this.sortBound = (int) exportedCollection.getColLong(exp_order_bound);
        if (this.sortBound > this.chunkcount) {
            Log.logWarning("RowCollection", "corrected wrong sortBound; sortBound = " + this.sortBound + ", chunkcount = " + this.chunkcount);
            this.sortBound = this.chunkcount;
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        return result;

    private static HandleSet joinConstructiveByEnumeration(final HandleSet set1, final HandleSet set2) throws RowSpaceExceededException {
        // implement pairwise enumeration
        final ByteOrder comp = set1.comparator();
        final Iterator<byte[]> mi = set1.iterator();
        final Iterator<byte[]> si = set2.iterator();
        final HandleSet result = new HandleSet(set1.rowdef.primaryKeyLength, comp, 0);
        int c;
        if (mi.hasNext() && si.hasNext()) {
            byte[] mobj =;
            byte[] sobj =;
            while (true) {
                c =, sobj);
                if (c < 0) {
                    if (mi.hasNext()) mobj =; else break;
                } else if (c > 0) {
                    if (si.hasNext()) sobj =; else break;
                } else {
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                        // dump the ram
                        final File dumpFile = IndexCell.this.array.newContainerBLOBFile();
                        // a critical point: when the ram is handed to the dump job,
                        // don't write into it any more. Use a fresh one instead
                        ReferenceContainerCache<ReferenceType> ramdump;
                        final ByteOrder termOrder = IndexCell.this.ram.termKeyOrdering();
                        final int termSize = IndexCell.this.ram.termKeyLength();
                        synchronized (this) {
                            ramdump = IndexCell.this.ram;
                            // get a fresh ram cache
                            IndexCell.this.ram = new ReferenceContainerCache<ReferenceType>(IndexCell.this.factory, termOrder, termSize);
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        assert i1.rowdef.equals(i2.rowdef) : "i1 = " + i1.rowdef.toString() + "; i2 = " + i2.rowdef.toString();
        final int keylength = i1.rowdef.width(0);
        assert (keylength == i2.rowdef.width(0));
        final ReferenceContainer<ReferenceType> conj = new ReferenceContainer<ReferenceType>(factory, null, 0); // start with empty search result
        if (!((i1.rowdef.getOrdering().signature().equals(i2.rowdef.getOrdering().signature())))) return conj; // ordering must be equal
        final ByteOrder ordering = i1.rowdef.getOrdering();
        final Iterator<ReferenceType> e1 = i1.entries();
        final Iterator<ReferenceType> e2 = i2.entries();
        int c;
        if ((e1.hasNext()) && (e2.hasNext())) {
            ReferenceType ie1;
            ReferenceType ie2;
            ie1 =;
            ie2 =;

            while (true) {
                assert (ie1.urlhash().length == keylength) : "ie1.urlHash() = " + ASCII.String(ie1.urlhash());
                assert (ie2.urlhash().length == keylength) : "ie2.urlHash() = " + ASCII.String(ie2.urlhash());
                c =, ie2.urlhash());
                //System.out.println("** '" + ie1.getUrlHash() + "'.compareTo('" + ie2.getUrlHash() + "')="+c);
                if (c < 0) {
                    if (e1.hasNext()) ie1 =; else break;
                } else if (c > 0) {
                    if (e2.hasNext()) ie2 =; else break;
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Related Classes of net.yacy.kelondro.order.ByteOrder

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