Package net.yacy.kelondro.blob

Examples of net.yacy.kelondro.blob.BEncodedHeap

    private RobotsTxtEntry getEntry(final MultiProtocolURI theURL, final Set<String> thisAgents, final boolean fetchOnlineIfNotAvailableOrNotFresh) throws IOException {
            // this method will always return a non-null value
        final String urlHostPort = getHostPort(theURL);
        RobotsTxtEntry robotsTxt4Host = null;
        Map<String, byte[]> record;
        final BEncodedHeap robotsTable = this.tables.getHeap(WorkTables.TABLE_ROBOTS_NAME);
        try {
            record = robotsTable.get(robotsTable.encodedKey(urlHostPort));
        } catch (final RowSpaceExceededException e) {
            log.warn("memory exhausted", e);
            record = null;
        if (record != null) robotsTxt4Host = new RobotsTxtEntry(urlHostPort, record);

        if (fetchOnlineIfNotAvailableOrNotFresh && (
             robotsTxt4Host == null ||
             robotsTxt4Host.getLoadedDate() == null ||
             System.currentTimeMillis() - robotsTxt4Host.getLoadedDate().getTime() > 7*24*60*60*1000
           )) {

            // make or get a synchronization object
          DomSync syncObj = this.syncObjects.get(urlHostPort);
            if (syncObj == null) {
                syncObj = new DomSync();
                this.syncObjects.put(urlHostPort, syncObj);

            // we can now synchronize for each host separately
            synchronized (syncObj) {

                // if we have not found any data or the data is older than 7 days, we need to load it from the remote server

                // check the robots table again for all threads that come here because they waited for another one
                // to complete a download
                try {
                    record = robotsTable.get(robotsTable.encodedKey(urlHostPort));
                } catch (final RowSpaceExceededException e) {
                    log.warn("memory exhausted", e);
                    record = null;
                if (record != null) robotsTxt4Host = new RobotsTxtEntry(urlHostPort, record);
                if (robotsTxt4Host != null &&
                    robotsTxt4Host.getLoadedDate() != null &&
                    System.currentTimeMillis() - robotsTxt4Host.getLoadedDate().getTime() <= 1*24*60*60*1000) {
                    return robotsTxt4Host;

                // generating the proper url to download the robots txt
                MultiProtocolURI robotsURL = null;
                try {
                    robotsURL = new MultiProtocolURI("http://" + urlHostPort + "/robots.txt");
                } catch (final MalformedURLException e) {
                    log.fatal("Unable to generate robots.txt URL for host:port '" + urlHostPort + "'.", e);
                    robotsURL = null;

                Object[] result = null;
                if (robotsURL != null) {
                    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Trying to download the robots.txt file from URL '" + robotsURL + "'.");
                    try {
                        result = downloadRobotsTxt(robotsURL, 3, robotsTxt4Host);
                    } catch (final Exception e) {
                        result = null;
                assert !loadedRobots.contains(robotsURL.toNormalform(false, false)) :
                    "robots-url=" + robotsURL.toString() +
                    ", robots=" + ((result == null || result[DOWNLOAD_ROBOTS_TXT] == null) ? "NULL" : UTF8.String((byte[]) result[DOWNLOAD_ROBOTS_TXT])) +
                    ", robotsTxt4Host=" + ((robotsTxt4Host == null) ? "NULL" : robotsTxt4Host.getLoadedDate().toString());
                loadedRobots.add(robotsURL.toNormalform(false, false));

                if (result == null) {
                    // no robots.txt available, make an entry to prevent that the robots loading is done twice
                    if (robotsTxt4Host == null) {
                        // generate artificial entry
                        robotsTxt4Host = new RobotsTxtEntry(
                                new ArrayList<String>(),
                                new ArrayList<String>(),
                                new Date(),
                                new Date(),
                    } else {
                        robotsTxt4Host.setLoadedDate(new Date());

                    // store the data into the robots DB
                    final int sz = robotsTable.size();
                    if (robotsTable.size() <= sz) {
                      log.fatal("new entry in robots.txt table failed, resetting database");
                } else {
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    private String addEntry(final RobotsTxtEntry entry) {
        // writes a new page and returns key
        try {
            final BEncodedHeap robotsTable = this.tables.getHeap(WorkTables.TABLE_ROBOTS_NAME);
            robotsTable.insert(robotsTable.encodedKey(entry.getHostName()), entry.getMem());
            return entry.getHostName();
        } catch (final Exception e) {
            log.warn("cannot write robots.txt entry", e);
            return null;
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Related Classes of net.yacy.kelondro.blob.BEncodedHeap

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