* @return a ranking: the higher the number, the better is the ranking
public long cardinal(final WordReferenceVars t) {
//return Long.MAX_VALUE - preRanking(ranking, iEntry, this.entryMin, this.entryMax, this.searchWords);
// the normalizedEntry must be a normalized indexEntry
final Bitfield flags = t.flags();
assert this.min != null;
assert this.max != null;
assert t != null;
assert this.ranking != null;
final long tf = ((this.max.termFrequency() == this.min.termFrequency()) ? 0 : (((int)(((t.termFrequency()-this.min.termFrequency())*256.0)/(this.max.termFrequency() - this.min.termFrequency())))) << this.ranking.coeff_termfrequency);
//System.out.println("tf(" + t.urlHash + ") = " + Math.floor(1000 * t.termFrequency()) + ", min = " + Math.floor(1000 * min.termFrequency()) + ", max = " + Math.floor(1000 * max.termFrequency()) + ", tf-normed = " + tf);
final int maxmaxpos = this.max.maxposition();
final int minminpos = this.min.minposition();
final long r =
((256 - DigestURI.domLengthNormalized(t.urlhash())) << this.ranking.coeff_domlength)
+ ((this.ranking.coeff_ybr > 12) ? ((256 - (BlockRank.ranking(t.urlhash()) << 4)) << this.ranking.coeff_ybr) : 0)
+ ((this.max.urlcomps() == this.min.urlcomps() ) ? 0 : (256 - (((t.urlcomps() - this.min.urlcomps() ) << 8) / (this.max.urlcomps() - this.min.urlcomps()) )) << this.ranking.coeff_urlcomps)
+ ((this.max.urllength() == this.min.urllength() ) ? 0 : (256 - (((t.urllength() - this.min.urllength() ) << 8) / (this.max.urllength() - this.min.urllength()) )) << this.ranking.coeff_urllength)
+ ((maxmaxpos == minminpos) ? 0 : (256 - (((t.minposition() - minminpos) << 8) / (maxmaxpos - minminpos))) << this.ranking.coeff_posintext)
+ ((this.max.posofphrase() == this.min.posofphrase()) ? 0 : (256 - (((t.posofphrase() - this.min.posofphrase() ) << 8) / (this.max.posofphrase() - this.min.posofphrase()) )) << this.ranking.coeff_posofphrase)
+ ((this.max.posinphrase() == this.min.posinphrase()) ? 0 : (256 - (((t.posinphrase() - this.min.posinphrase() ) << 8) / (this.max.posinphrase() - this.min.posinphrase()) )) << this.ranking.coeff_posinphrase)
+ ((this.max.distance() == this.min.distance() ) ? 0 : (256 - (((t.distance() - this.min.distance() ) << 8) / (this.max.distance() - this.min.distance()) )) << this.ranking.coeff_worddistance)
+ ((this.max.virtualAge() == this.min.virtualAge()) ? 0 : (((t.virtualAge() - this.min.virtualAge() ) << 8) / (this.max.virtualAge() - this.min.virtualAge()) ) << this.ranking.coeff_date)
+ ((this.max.wordsintitle() == this.min.wordsintitle()) ? 0 : (((t.wordsintitle() - this.min.wordsintitle() ) << 8) / (this.max.wordsintitle() - this.min.wordsintitle()) ) << this.ranking.coeff_wordsintitle)
+ ((this.max.wordsintext() == this.min.wordsintext()) ? 0 : (((t.wordsintext() - this.min.wordsintext() ) << 8) / (this.max.wordsintext() - this.min.wordsintext()) ) << this.ranking.coeff_wordsintext)
+ ((this.max.phrasesintext() == this.min.phrasesintext()) ? 0 : (((t.phrasesintext()- this.min.phrasesintext() ) << 8) / (this.max.phrasesintext()- this.min.phrasesintext()) ) << this.ranking.coeff_phrasesintext)
+ ((this.max.llocal() == this.min.llocal()) ? 0 : (((t.llocal() - this.min.llocal() ) << 8) / (this.max.llocal() - this.min.llocal()) ) << this.ranking.coeff_llocal)
+ ((this.max.lother() == this.min.lother()) ? 0 : (((t.lother() - this.min.lother() ) << 8) / (this.max.lother() - this.min.lother()) ) << this.ranking.coeff_lother)
+ ((this.max.hitcount() == this.min.hitcount()) ? 0 : (((t.hitcount() - this.min.hitcount() ) << 8) / (this.max.hitcount() - this.min.hitcount()) ) << this.ranking.coeff_hitcount)
+ tf
+ ((this.ranking.coeff_authority > 12) ? (authority(t.hosthash()) << this.ranking.coeff_authority) : 0)
+ ((flags.get(WordReferenceRow.flag_app_dc_identifier)) ? 255 << this.ranking.coeff_appurl : 0)
+ ((flags.get(WordReferenceRow.flag_app_dc_title)) ? 255 << this.ranking.coeff_app_dc_title : 0)
+ ((flags.get(WordReferenceRow.flag_app_dc_creator)) ? 255 << this.ranking.coeff_app_dc_creator : 0)
+ ((flags.get(WordReferenceRow.flag_app_dc_subject)) ? 255 << this.ranking.coeff_app_dc_subject : 0)
+ ((flags.get(WordReferenceRow.flag_app_dc_description)) ? 255 << this.ranking.coeff_app_dc_description : 0)
+ ((flags.get(WordReferenceRow.flag_app_emphasized)) ? 255 << this.ranking.coeff_appemph : 0)
+ ((flags.get(Condenser.flag_cat_indexof)) ? 255 << this.ranking.coeff_catindexof : 0)
+ ((flags.get(Condenser.flag_cat_hasimage)) ? 255 << this.ranking.coeff_cathasimage : 0)
+ ((flags.get(Condenser.flag_cat_hasaudio)) ? 255 << this.ranking.coeff_cathasaudio : 0)
+ ((flags.get(Condenser.flag_cat_hasvideo)) ? 255 << this.ranking.coeff_cathasvideo : 0)
+ ((flags.get(Condenser.flag_cat_hasapp)) ? 255 << this.ranking.coeff_cathasapp : 0)
+ ((ByteBuffer.equals(t.language, this.language)) ? 255 << this.ranking.coeff_language : 0)
+ ((DigestURI.probablyRootURL(t.urlhash())) ? 15 << this.ranking.coeff_urllength : 0);
//if (searchWords != null) r += (yacyURL.probablyWordURL(t.urlHash(), searchWords) != null) ? 256 << ranking.coeff_appurl : 0;