if (retryCount < 0) {
sb.crawlQueues.errorURL.push(request, sb.peers.mySeed().hash.getBytes(), new Date(), 1, FailCategory.TEMPORARY_NETWORK_FAILURE, "redirection counter exceeded", -1);
throw new IOException("Redirection counter exceeded for URL " + request.url().toString() + ". Processing aborted.");
DigestURI url = request.url();
final String host = url.getHost();
if (host == null || host.length() < 2) throw new IOException("host is not well-formed: '" + host + "'");
final String path = url.getFile();
int port = url.getPort();
final boolean ssl = url.getProtocol().equals("https");
if (port < 0) port = (ssl) ? 443 : 80;
// check if url is in blacklist
final String hostlow = host.toLowerCase();
if (checkBlacklist && Switchboard.urlBlacklist.isListed(Blacklist.BLACKLIST_CRAWLER, hostlow, path)) {
sb.crawlQueues.errorURL.push(request, sb.peers.mySeed().hash.getBytes(), new Date(), 1, FailCategory.FINAL_LOAD_CONTEXT, "url in blacklist", -1);
throw new IOException("CRAWLER Rejecting URL '" + request.url().toString() + "'. URL is in blacklist.");
// resolve yacy and yacyh domains
AlternativeDomainNames yacyResolver = HTTPDemon.getAlternativeResolver();
if(yacyResolver != null) {
String yAddress = yacyResolver.resolve(host);
if(yAddress != null) {
url = new DigestURI(url.getProtocol() + "://" + yAddress + path);
// take a file from the net
Response response = null;
// create a request header
final RequestHeader requestHeader = new RequestHeader();
requestHeader.put(HeaderFramework.USER_AGENT, ClientIdentification.getUserAgent());
DigestURI refererURL = null;
if (request.referrerhash() != null) refererURL = sb.getURL(Segments.Process.LOCALCRAWLING, request.referrerhash());
if (refererURL != null) requestHeader.put(RequestHeader.REFERER, refererURL.toNormalform(true, true));
requestHeader.put(HeaderFramework.ACCEPT_LANGUAGE, sb.getConfig("crawler.http.acceptLanguage", DEFAULT_LANGUAGE));
requestHeader.put(HeaderFramework.ACCEPT_CHARSET, sb.getConfig("crawler.http.acceptCharset", DEFAULT_CHARSET));
requestHeader.put(HeaderFramework.ACCEPT_ENCODING, sb.getConfig("crawler.http.acceptEncoding", DEFAULT_ENCODING));
// HTTP-Client
final HTTPClient client = new HTTPClient();
client.setRedirecting(false); // we want to handle redirection ourselves, so we don't index pages twice
// send request
final byte[] responseBody = client.GETbytes(url, maxFileSize);
final ResponseHeader header = new ResponseHeader(client.getHttpResponse().getAllHeaders());
final int code = client.getHttpResponse().getStatusLine().getStatusCode();
if (code > 299 && code < 310) {
// redirection (content may be empty)
if (header.containsKey(HeaderFramework.LOCATION)) {
// getting redirection URL
String redirectionUrlString = header.get(HeaderFramework.LOCATION);
redirectionUrlString = redirectionUrlString.trim();
if (redirectionUrlString.length() == 0) {
sb.crawlQueues.errorURL.push(request, sb.peers.mySeed().hash.getBytes(), new Date(), 1, FailCategory.TEMPORARY_NETWORK_FAILURE, "redirection header empy", code);
throw new IOException("CRAWLER Redirection of URL=" + request.url().toString() + " aborted. Location header is empty.");
// normalizing URL
final DigestURI redirectionUrl = new DigestURI(MultiProtocolURI.newURL(request.url(), redirectionUrlString));
// restart crawling with new url
this.log.logInfo("CRAWLER Redirection detected ('" + client.getHttpResponse().getStatusLine() + "') for URL " + request.url().toString());
this.log.logInfo("CRAWLER ..Redirecting request to: " + redirectionUrl);
// if we are already doing a shutdown we don't need to retry crawling
if (Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) {
sb.crawlQueues.errorURL.push(request, sb.peers.mySeed().hash.getBytes(), new Date(), 1, FailCategory.FINAL_LOAD_CONTEXT, "server shutdown", code);
throw new IOException("CRAWLER Retry of URL=" + request.url().toString() + " aborted because of server shutdown.");
// check if the url was already indexed
final String dbname = sb.urlExists(Segments.Process.LOCALCRAWLING, redirectionUrl.hash());
if (dbname != null) {
sb.crawlQueues.errorURL.push(request, sb.peers.mySeed().hash.getBytes(), new Date(), 1, FailCategory.TEMPORARY_NETWORK_FAILURE, "redirection to double content", code);
throw new IOException("CRAWLER Redirection of URL=" + request.url().toString() + " ignored. The url appears already in db " + dbname);