params = new DefaultSolrParams( this._invariantParams, params );
byte[] result = null;
final HTTPClient client = new HTTPClient();
if (this.solraccount.length() > 0 && this.solrpw.length() > 0 && > 0) {
HTTPClient.setAuth(, this.port, this.solraccount, this.solrpw);
if (SolrRequest.METHOD.POST == request.getMethod()) {
final boolean isMultipart = ( streams != null && streams.size() > 1 );
if (streams == null || isMultipart) {
String url = this._baseURL + path;
final HashMap<String, ContentBody> parts = new HashMap<String, ContentBody>();
final Iterator<String> iter = params.getParameterNamesIterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
final String p =;
final String[] vals = params.getParams(p);
if (vals != null) {
for (final String v : vals) {
if (isMultipart) {
parts.put(p, new StringBody(v, utf8));
} else {
if (url.indexOf('?') >= 0) url += "&" + p + "=" + v; else url += "?" + p + "=" + v;
if (isMultipart) {
for (final ContentStream content : streams) {
parts.put(content.getName(), new InputStreamBody(content.getStream(), content.getContentType(), null));
try {
result = client.POSTbytes(url, parts, true);
} finally {
} else {
// It has one stream, this is the post body, put the params in the URL
final String pstr = ClientUtils.toQueryString(params, false);
final String url = this._baseURL + path + pstr;
// Single stream as body
// Using a loop just to get the first one
final ContentStream[] contentStream = new ContentStream[1];
for (final ContentStream content : streams) {
contentStream[0] = content;
result = client.POSTbytes(url, contentStream[0].getStream(), contentStream[0].getStream().available());
} else if (SolrRequest.METHOD.GET == request.getMethod()) {
result = client.GETbytes( this._baseURL + path + ClientUtils.toQueryString( params, false ));
} else {
throw new SolrServerException("Unsupported method: "+request.getMethod() );
final int statusCode = client.getStatusCode();
if (statusCode != 200) {
throw new IOException("bad status code: " + statusCode + ", " + client.getHttpResponse().getStatusLine() + ", url = " + this._baseURL + path);
// Read the contents
//System.out.println("SOLR RESPONSE: " + UTF8.String(result));
final InputStream respBody = new ByteArrayInputStream(result);