A basic unit for building applications. XPage integrates with page and event management facilities provided by XUI. The page also provides a number of methods to help control the page lifecycle and many methods to manage the state of the user interface. Most application functionality within an application will be implemented in derivates of the page class, however this is not strictly necessary and the page can act as little more than a container for the user interface components.
Pages can be displayed using the XPageDisplay interface implemented by XApplet and invoked by the XPage manager. Pages can be constructed directly or via the XuiBuilder. The page lifecycle also interaccts with the data bindings, triggering data updates and saving.
The page implements the PageSupport interface which abstracts many of the methods used by the XUI framework to interact with its notion of a page. Through the PageSupport interface the framework can interact with pages that are implement with Widget sets such as Swing and SWT which have different hierarchies and diffent means of instantiation.
The XPage class is little more than a shell and many of its methods are implemented by the XPageHelper class, the page delegates to an instance of the page helper. The page also defines a set of constants for common components, but the page and moreover the framework is not limited to just these components.
Copyright (c) Xoetrope Ltd., 2002-2006
License: see license.txt
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