// For that case, additionally call getPhysicalNumberOfRows() to tell if there is a row at position zero or not.
if ((worksheet.getLastRowNum() == 0) && (worksheet.getPhysicalNumberOfRows() == 1)) {
// Read the unique line at the position 0 in the current sheet
HSSFRow row = worksheet.getRow(0);
HSSFCell cellB = row.getCell(0);
BusinessPartner bpp = new BusinessPartner();
// TODO - To be completed
throw new NotImplementedException("FileExcelReader : bpp.persist()");
// FIXME bpp.persist();
} else {
// Read all line in the current sheet
for (int i = 3; i < 100; i++) {
HSSFRow row = worksheet.getRow(i);
HSSFCell cellB = row.getCell(0);
BusinessPartner bpp = new BusinessPartner();
// FIXME : bpp.persist();
// TODO - To be completed
throw new NotImplementedException("FileExcelReader : bpp.persist()");