private void handleReads(SelectionKey sk, MemcachedNode qa)
throws IOException {
Operation currentOp = qa.getCurrentReadOp();
// If it's a tap ack there is no response
if (currentOp instanceof TapAckOperationImpl) {
ByteBuffer rbuf = qa.getRbuf();
final SocketChannel channel = qa.getChannel();
int read = channel.read(rbuf);
if (read < 0) {
if (currentOp instanceof TapOperation) {
// If were doing tap then we won't throw an exception
((TapOperation) currentOp).streamClosed(OperationState.COMPLETE);
getLogger().debug("Completed read op: %s and giving the next %d bytes",
currentOp, rbuf.remaining());
Operation op = qa.removeCurrentReadOp();
assert op == currentOp : "Expected to pop " + currentOp + " got " + op;
currentOp = qa.getCurrentReadOp();
} else {
// our model is to keep the connection alive for future ops
// so we'll queue a reconnect if disconnected via an IOException
throw new IOException("Disconnected unexpected, will reconnect.");
while (read > 0) {
getLogger().debug("Read %d bytes", read);
while (rbuf.remaining() > 0) {
if (currentOp == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("No read operation.");
synchronized(currentOp) {
if (currentOp.getState() == OperationState.COMPLETE) {
getLogger().debug("Completed read op: %s and giving the next %d "
+ "bytes", currentOp, rbuf.remaining());
Operation op = qa.removeCurrentReadOp();
assert op == currentOp : "Expected to pop " + currentOp + " got "
+ op;
} else if (currentOp.getState() == OperationState.RETRY) {
getLogger().warn("Reschedule read op due to NOT_MY_VBUCKET error: "
+ "%s ", currentOp);
((VBucketAware) currentOp).addNotMyVbucketNode(
Operation op = qa.removeCurrentReadOp();
assert op == currentOp : "Expected to pop " + currentOp + " got "
+ op;