// We don't want to create numerous vertical stripes for weekend units (e.g., for 16
// non-working hours may produce 16 vertical stripes that looks awful). We
// accumulate consecutive weekend units instead and add just a single block.
do {
TimeFrame currentFrame = getTimeUnitStack().createTimeFrame(
currentDate, getTopUnit(currentDate), myBottomUnit);
int bottomUnitCount = currentFrame.getUnitCount(getBottomUnit());
//int bottomUnit
// This will be true if there is at least one working bottom unit in this time frame
// If there are only weekend bottom units, we'll merge neighbor top units
// (like merging two weekend days into one continuous grey stripe)
boolean addTopUnitOffset = false;
int bottomUnitWidth = getBottomUnitWidth();
float offsetStep = getOffsetStep(currentFrame);
if (bottomUnitWidth==0) {
bottomUnitWidth = 1;
for (int i=0; i<bottomUnitCount; i++) {
Date startDate = currentFrame.getUnitStart(getBottomUnit(), i);
Date endDate = currentFrame.getUnitFinish(getBottomUnit(), i);
GPCalendar.DayType dayType = getCalendar().getDayTypeDate(startDate);
if (dayType == GPCalendar.DayType.WEEKEND) {
offsetEnd += offsetStep / myWeekendDecreaseFactor;
bottomUnitOffsets.add(new Offset(
getBottomUnit(), myStartDate, endDate, initialEnd+(int)(offsetEnd*bottomUnitWidth), dayType));
addTopUnitOffset = true;
offsetEnd += offsetStep;
bottomUnitOffsets.add(new Offset(
getBottomUnit(), myStartDate, endDate, initialEnd+(int)(offsetEnd*bottomUnitWidth), dayType));
currentDate = currentFrame.getFinishDate();
if (!addTopUnitOffset) {
topUnitOffsets.add(new Offset(
getTopUnit(), myStartDate, currentDate, initialEnd+(int)(offsetEnd*bottomUnitWidth), DayType.WORKING));