Package net.sourceforge.cruisecontrol

Examples of net.sourceforge.cruisecontrol.Modification

                + "</log>";

        Modification[] modifications = SVN.SVNLogXMLParser.parse(svnLog);
        assertEquals(5, modifications.length);

        Modification modification =
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            new GregorianCalendar(2003, Calendar.JULY, 29, 18, 0, 0).getTime();

        List modifications = SVN.SVNLogXMLParser.parseAndFilter(svnLog, julyTwentynineSixPM2003);
        assertEquals(2, modifications.size());

        Modification modification =
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        String comment,
        String revision,
        String folder,
        String file,
        String type) {
        Modification modification = new Modification();
        modification.modifiedTime = date;
        modification.userName = user;
        modification.comment = comment;
        modification.revision = revision;
        modification.folderName = folder;
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    private void checkUserName(String userName, AlwaysBuild alwaysBuild) {
        List modifications = alwaysBuild.getModifications(new Date(), new Date());
        assertEquals(1, modifications.size());
        Modification modification = (Modification) modifications.get(0);
        assertEquals(userName, modification.userName);
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        assertEquals("Should have returned 3 modifications.",

        Modification mod1 = new Modification("Content");
        Modification.ModifiedFile mod1file = mod1.createModifiedFile("build.xml", "/xxx/yyy/cccc/dddd");
        mod1file.action = "modified";
        mod1.revision = "18";
        mod1.modifiedTime = parseSnaphotOutDateFormat("2004/01/06 15:49:38");
        mod1.userName = "pacon";
        mod1.comment =
                "Corrected capitalization for all parameters";

        Modification mod2 = new Modification("Content");
        Modification.ModifiedFile mod2file = mod2.createModifiedFile("build.xml", "/xxx/yyy/cccc/dddd");
        mod2file.action = "modified";
        mod2.revision = "19";
        mod2.modifiedTime = parseSnaphotOutDateFormat("2004/01/06 17:00:40");
        mod2.userName = "pacon";
        mod2.comment = "Removed -D param from SnapshotCM wco and wci commands.";

        Modification mod3 = new Modification("Content");
        Modification.ModifiedFile mod3file =
            mod3.createModifiedFile("wallawalla", "/xxx/yyy/zzzz/scripts/sbin/init.d/");
        mod3file.action = "modified";
        mod3.revision = "8";
        mod3.modifiedTime = parseSnaphotOutDateFormat("2004/01/07 09:51:34");
        mod3.userName = "pacon";
        mod3.comment = "remove obsolete comment";
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                "Should have returned 5 modifications.",

        Modification mod1 = new Modification();
        mod1.type = "modified";
        mod1.fileName = "";
        mod1.folderName = "";
        mod1.revision = "1.2";
        mod1.modifiedTime = createDate("2002/03/13 13:45:50 GMT-6:00");
        mod1.userName = "alden";
        mod1.comment =
                "Shortening ConversionPattern so we don't use up all of the available screen space.";
        mod1.emailAddress = "";

        Modification mod2 = new Modification();
        mod2.type = "modified";
        mod2.fileName = "build.xml";
        mod2.folderName = "main";
        mod2.revision = "1.41";
        mod2.modifiedTime = createDate("2002/03/13 19:56:34 GMT-6:00");
        mod2.userName = "alden";
        mod2.comment = "Added target to clean up test results.";
        mod2.emailAddress = "";

        Modification mod3 = new Modification();
        mod3.type = "modified";
        mod3.fileName = "build.xml";
        mod3.folderName = "main";
        mod3.revision = "1.42";
        mod3.modifiedTime = createDate("2002/03/15 13:20:28 GMT-6:00");
        mod3.userName = "alden";
        mod3.comment = "enabled debug info when compiling tests.";
        mod3.emailAddress = "";

        Modification mod4 = new Modification();
        mod4.type = "deleted";
        mod4.fileName = "kungfu.xml";
        mod4.folderName = "main";
        mod4.revision = "1.2";
        mod4.modifiedTime = createDate("2002/03/13 13:45:42 GMT-6:00");
        mod4.userName = "alden";
        mod4.comment = "Hey, look, a deleted file.";
        mod4.emailAddress = "";

        Modification mod5 = new Modification();
        mod5.type = "deleted";
        mod5.fileName = "stuff.xml";
        mod5.folderName = "main";
        mod5.revision = "1.4";
        mod5.modifiedTime = createDate("2002/03/13 13:38:42 GMT-6:00");
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                "Should have returned 4 modifications.",

        Modification mod1 = new Modification();
        mod1.type = "modified";
        mod1.fileName = "test.version";
        mod1.folderName = "";
        mod1.revision = "";
        mod1.modifiedTime = createDate("2002/10/03 16:05:23 GMT");
        mod1.userName = "tim";
        mod1.comment = "Test commit once more";

        Modification mod2 = new Modification();
        mod2.type = "modified";
        mod2.fileName = "test.version";
        mod2.folderName = "";
        mod2.revision = "";
        mod2.modifiedTime = createDate("2002/10/03 14:24:17 GMT");
        mod2.userName = "tim";
        mod2.comment = "Test commit";

        Modification mod3 = new Modification();
        mod3.type = "modified";
        mod3.fileName = "test.version";
        mod3.folderName = "";
        mod3.revision = "";
        mod3.modifiedTime = createDate("2002/10/02 21:54:44 GMT");
        mod3.userName = "tim";
        mod3.comment = "Update parameters for test";

        Modification mod4 = new Modification();
        mod4.type = "modified";
        mod4.fileName = "test.version";
        mod4.folderName = "";
        mod4.revision = "";
        mod4.modifiedTime = createDate("2002/10/02 21:49:31 GMT");
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    public List getModifications(Date lastBuild, Date now) {
        ArrayList result = new ArrayList();

        if (version == 1) {
            //build up a couple Modification objects
            Modification mod1 = new Modification();
            mod1.type = "Checkin";
            mod1.fileName = "file1";
            mod1.folderName = "dir1";
            mod1.userName = "user1";
            mod1.modifiedTime = modifiedDate;
            mod1.comment = "comment1";

            Modification mod2 = new Modification();
            mod2.type = "Checkin";
            mod2.fileName = "file2";
            mod2.folderName = "dir2";
            mod2.userName = "user2";
            mod2.modifiedTime = modifiedDate;
            mod2.comment = "comment2";

            if (property != null) {
                properties.put(property, "true");

        if (version == 2) {
            Modification mod3 = new Modification();
            mod3.type = "Checkin";
            mod3.fileName  = "file3";
            mod3.folderName = "dir3";
            mod3.userName = "user3";
            mod3.modifiedTime = modifiedDate;
            mod3.comment = "comment3";

            Modification mod4 = new Modification();
            mod4.type = "Checkin";
            mod4.fileName = "file4";
            mod4.folderName = "dir4";
            mod4.userName = "user4";
            mod4.modifiedTime = modifiedDate;
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        List modifications = httpFile.getModifications(new Date(1), new Date());
        assertEquals(1, modifications.size());
        Modification modif = (Modification) modifications.get(0);
        assertEquals("my/path?que=ry", modif.getFileName());
        assertEquals("", modif.getFolderName());
        assertEquals("", modif.getFullPath());
        assertEquals("", modif.comment);
        assertEquals(timestamp, modif.modifiedTime.getTime());
        assertEquals("User", modif.userName);
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            mods = fsystem.getModifications(timeTwo, timeThree);
            assertEquals(1, mods.size());
            //Using this one mod, check the modification information for correctness.
            Modification modification = (Modification) mods.get(0);
            assertEquals(tempFile.getName(), modification.getFileName());
            assertEquals(getDirectory(tempFile).getPath(), modification.getFolderName());
            assertEquals(tempFile.lastModified(), modification.modifiedTime.getTime());
        } finally {
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Related Classes of net.sourceforge.cruisecontrol.Modification

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