"Should have returned 5 modifications.",
Modification mod1 = new Modification();
mod1.type = "modified";
mod1.fileName = "";
mod1.folderName = "";
mod1.revision = "1.2";
mod1.modifiedTime = createDate("2002/03/13 13:45:50 GMT-6:00");
mod1.userName = "alden";
mod1.comment =
"Shortening ConversionPattern so we don't use up all of the available screen space.";
mod1.emailAddress = "";
Modification mod2 = new Modification();
mod2.type = "modified";
mod2.fileName = "build.xml";
mod2.folderName = "main";
mod2.revision = "1.41";
mod2.modifiedTime = createDate("2002/03/13 19:56:34 GMT-6:00");
mod2.userName = "alden";
mod2.comment = "Added target to clean up test results.";
mod2.emailAddress = "";
Modification mod3 = new Modification();
mod3.type = "modified";
mod3.fileName = "build.xml";
mod3.folderName = "main";
mod3.revision = "1.42";
mod3.modifiedTime = createDate("2002/03/15 13:20:28 GMT-6:00");
mod3.userName = "alden";
mod3.comment = "enabled debug info when compiling tests.";
mod3.emailAddress = "";
Modification mod4 = new Modification();
mod4.type = "deleted";
mod4.fileName = "kungfu.xml";
mod4.folderName = "main";
mod4.revision = "1.2";
mod4.modifiedTime = createDate("2002/03/13 13:45:42 GMT-6:00");
mod4.userName = "alden";
mod4.comment = "Hey, look, a deleted file.";
mod4.emailAddress = "";
Modification mod5 = new Modification();
mod5.type = "deleted";
mod5.fileName = "stuff.xml";
mod5.folderName = "main";
mod5.revision = "1.4";
mod5.modifiedTime = createDate("2002/03/13 13:38:42 GMT-6:00");