Package net.sourceforge.argparse4j.inf

Examples of net.sourceforge.argparse4j.inf.ArgumentParserException

          public Path convert(ArgumentParser parser, Argument arg, String value) throws ArgumentParserException {
            Path path = super.convert(parser, arg, value);
            if ("hdfs".equals(path.toUri().getScheme()) && path.toUri().getAuthority() == null) {
              // TODO: consider defaulting to hadoop's here or in SolrRecordWriter.createEmbeddedSolrServer()
              throw new ArgumentParserException("Missing authority in path URI: " + path, parser);
            return path;
        .help("HDFS directory to write Solr indexes to. Inside there one output directory per shard will be generated. " +
              "Example: hdfs://$USER/test");
      Argument inputListArg = parser.addArgument("--input-list")
  //      .type(new PathArgumentType(fs).verifyExists().verifyCanRead())
        .help("Local URI or HDFS URI of a UTF-8 encoded file containing a list of HDFS URIs to index, " +
              "one URI per line in the file. If '-' is specified, URIs are read from the standard input. " +
              "Multiple --input-list arguments can be specified.");
      Argument morphlineFileArg = requiredGroup.addArgument("--morphline-file")
        .type(new FileArgumentType().verifyExists().verifyIsFile().verifyCanRead())
        .help("Relative or absolute path to a local config file that contains one or more morphlines. " +
              "The file must be UTF-8 encoded. Example: /path/to/morphline.conf");
      Argument morphlineIdArg = parser.addArgument("--morphline-id")
        .help("The identifier of the morphline that shall be executed within the morphline config file " +
              "specified by --morphline-file. If the --morphline-id option is ommitted the first (i.e. " +
              "top-most) morphline within the config file is used. Example: morphline1");
      Argument solrHomeDirArg = nonSolrCloud(parser.addArgument("--solr-home-dir")
        .type(new FileArgumentType() {
          public File convert(ArgumentParser parser, Argument arg, String value) throws ArgumentParserException {
            File solrHomeDir = super.convert(parser, arg, value);
            File solrConfigFile = new File(new File(solrHomeDir, "conf"), "solrconfig.xml");
            new FileArgumentType().verifyExists().verifyIsFile().verifyCanRead().convert(
                parser, arg, solrConfigFile.getPath());
            return solrHomeDir;
        .help("Relative or absolute path to a local dir containing Solr conf/ dir and in particular " +
              "conf/solrconfig.xml and optionally also lib/ dir. This directory will be uploaded to each MR task. " +
              "Example: src/test/resources/solr/minimr"));
      Argument updateConflictResolverArg = parser.addArgument("--update-conflict-resolver")
        .help("Fully qualified class name of a Java class that implements the UpdateConflictResolver interface. " +
            "This enables deduplication and ordering of a series of document updates for the same unique document " +
            "key. For example, a MapReduce batch job might index multiple files in the same job where some of the " +
            "files contain old and new versions of the very same document, using the same unique document key.\n" +
            "Typically, implementations of this interface forbid collisions by throwing an exception, or ignore all but " +
            "the most recent document version, or, in the general case, order colliding updates ascending from least " +
            "recent to most recent (partial) update. The caller of this interface (i.e. the Hadoop Reducer) will then " +
            "apply the updates to Solr in the order returned by the orderUpdates() method.\n" +
            "The default RetainMostRecentUpdateConflictResolver implementation ignores all but the most recent document " +
            "version, based on a configurable numeric Solr field, which defaults to the file_last_modified timestamp");
      Argument mappersArg = parser.addArgument("--mappers")
        .choices(new RangeArgumentChoice(-1, Integer.MAX_VALUE)) // TODO: also support X% syntax where X is an integer
        .help("Tuning knob that indicates the maximum number of MR mapper tasks to use. -1 indicates use all map slots " +
              "available on the cluster.");
      Argument reducersArg = parser.addArgument("--reducers")
        .choices(new RangeArgumentChoice(-2, Integer.MAX_VALUE)) // TODO: also support X% syntax where X is an integer
        .help("Tuning knob that indicates the number of reducers to index into. " +
            "0 is reserved for a mapper-only feature that may ship in a future release. " +
            "-1 indicates use all reduce slots available on the cluster. " +
            "-2 indicates use one reducer per output shard, which disables the mtree merge MR algorithm. " +
            "The mtree merge MR algorithm improves scalability by spreading load " +
            "(in particular CPU load) among a number of parallel reducers that can be much larger than the number " +
            "of solr shards expected by the user. It can be seen as an extension of concurrent lucene merges " +
            "and tiered lucene merges to the clustered case. The subsequent mapper-only phase " +
            "merges the output of said large number of reducers to the number of shards expected by the user, " +
            "again by utilizing more available parallelism on the cluster.");

      Argument fanoutArg = parser.addArgument("--fanout")
        .choices(new RangeArgumentChoice(2, Integer.MAX_VALUE))
      Argument maxSegmentsArg = parser.addArgument("--max-segments")
        .choices(new RangeArgumentChoice(1, Integer.MAX_VALUE))
        .help("Tuning knob that indicates the maximum number of segments to be contained on output in the index of " +
            "each reducer shard. After a reducer has built its output index it applies a merge policy to merge segments " +
            "until there are <= maxSegments lucene segments left in this index. " +
            "Merging segments involves reading and rewriting all data in all these segment files, " +
            "potentially multiple times, which is very I/O intensive and time consuming. " +
            "However, an index with fewer segments can later be merged faster, " +
            "and it can later be queried faster once deployed to a live Solr serving shard. " +
            "Set maxSegments to 1 to optimize the index for low query latency. " +
            "In a nutshell, a small maxSegments value trades indexing latency for subsequently improved query latency. " +
            "This can be a reasonable trade-off for batch indexing systems.");
      Argument fairSchedulerPoolArg = parser.addArgument("--fair-scheduler-pool")
        .help("Optional tuning knob that indicates the name of the fair scheduler pool to submit jobs to. " +
              "The Fair Scheduler is a pluggable MapReduce scheduler that provides a way to share large clusters. " +
              "Fair scheduling is a method of assigning resources to jobs such that all jobs get, on average, an " +
              "equal share of resources over time. When there is a single job running, that job uses the entire " +
              "cluster. When other jobs are submitted, tasks slots that free up are assigned to the new jobs, so " +
              "that each job gets roughly the same amount of CPU time. Unlike the default Hadoop scheduler, which " +
              "forms a queue of jobs, this lets short jobs finish in reasonable time while not starving long jobs. " +
              "It is also an easy way to share a cluster between multiple of users. Fair sharing can also work with " +
              "job priorities - the priorities are used as weights to determine the fraction of total compute time " +
              "that each job gets.");
      Argument dryRunArg = parser.addArgument("--dry-run")
        .help("Run in local mode and print documents to stdout instead of loading them into Solr. This executes " +
              "the morphline in the client process (without submitting a job to MR) for quicker turnaround during " +
              "early trial & debug sessions.");
      Argument log4jConfigFileArg = parser.addArgument("--log4j")
        .type(new FileArgumentType().verifyExists().verifyIsFile().verifyCanRead())
        .help("Relative or absolute path to a config file on the local file system. This file " +
              "will be uploaded to each MR task. Example: /path/to/");
      Argument verboseArg = parser.addArgument("--verbose", "-v")
        .help("Turn on verbose output.");
        .help("Also show options for Non-SolrCloud mode as part of --help.");
      ArgumentGroup clusterInfoGroup = parser
          .addArgumentGroup("Cluster arguments")
              "Arguments that provide information about your Solr cluster. "
            + nonSolrCloud("If you are building shards for a SolrCloud cluster, pass the --zk-host argument. "
            + "If you are building shards for "
            + "a Non-SolrCloud cluster, pass the --shard-url argument one or more times. To build indexes for "
            + "a replicated Non-SolrCloud cluster with --shard-url, pass replica urls consecutively and also pass --shards. "
            + "Using --go-live requires either --zk-host or --shard-url."));

      Argument zkHostArg = clusterInfoGroup.addArgument("--zk-host")
        .help("The address of a ZooKeeper ensemble being used by a SolrCloud cluster. "
            + "This ZooKeeper ensemble will be examined to determine the number of output "
            + "shards to create as well as the Solr URLs to merge the output shards into when using the --go-live option. "
            + "Requires that you also pass the --collection to merge the shards into.\n"
            + "\n"
            + "The --zk-host option implements the same partitioning semantics as the standard SolrCloud "
            + "Near-Real-Time (NRT) API. This enables to mix batch updates from MapReduce ingestion with "
            + "updates from standard Solr NRT ingestion on the same SolrCloud cluster, "
            + "using identical unique document keys.\n"
            + "\n"
            + "Format is: a list of comma separated host:port pairs, each corresponding to a zk "
            + "server. Example: ',,' If "
            + "the optional chroot suffix is used the example would look "
            + "like: ',,' "
            + "where the client would be rooted at '/solr' and all paths "
            + "would be relative to this root - i.e. getting/setting/etc... "
            + "'/foo/bar' would result in operations being run on "
            + "'/solr/foo/bar' (from the server perspective).\n"
            + nonSolrCloud("\n"
            + "If --solr-home-dir is not specified, the Solr home directory for the collection "
            + "will be downloaded from this ZooKeeper ensemble."));

      Argument shardUrlsArg = nonSolrCloud(clusterInfoGroup.addArgument("--shard-url")
        .help("Solr URL to merge resulting shard into if using --go-live. " +
              "Example: " +
              "Multiple --shard-url arguments can be specified, one for each desired shard. " +
              "If you are merging shards into a SolrCloud cluster, use --zk-host instead."));
      Argument shardsArg = nonSolrCloud(clusterInfoGroup.addArgument("--shards")
        .choices(new RangeArgumentChoice(1, Integer.MAX_VALUE))
        .help("Number of output shards to generate."));
      ArgumentGroup goLiveGroup = parser.addArgumentGroup("Go live arguments")
        .description("Arguments for merging the shards that are built into a live Solr cluster. " +
                     "Also see the Cluster arguments.");

      Argument goLiveArg = goLiveGroup.addArgument("--go-live")
        .help("Allows you to optionally merge the final index shards into a live Solr cluster after they are built. " +
              "You can pass the ZooKeeper address with --zk-host and the relevant cluster information will be auto detected. " +
              nonSolrCloud("If you are not using a SolrCloud cluster, --shard-url arguments can be used to specify each SolrCore to merge " +
              "each shard into."));

      Argument collectionArg = goLiveGroup.addArgument("--collection")
        .help("The SolrCloud collection to merge shards into when using --go-live and --zk-host. Example: collection1");
      Argument goLiveThreadsArg = goLiveGroup.addArgument("--go-live-threads")
        .choices(new RangeArgumentChoice(1, Integer.MAX_VALUE))
        .help("Tuning knob that indicates the maximum number of live merges to run in parallel at one time.");
      // trailing positional arguments
      Argument inputFilesArg = parser.addArgument("input-files")
        .type(new PathArgumentType(conf).verifyHasScheme().verifyExists().verifyCanRead())
        .help("HDFS URI of file or directory tree to index.");
      Namespace ns;
      try {
        ns = parser.parseArgs(args);
      } catch (FoundHelpArgument e) {
        return 0;
      } catch (ArgumentParserException e) {
        return 1;
      opts.log4jConfigFile = (File) ns.get(log4jConfigFileArg.getDest());
      if (opts.log4jConfigFile != null) {
      LOG.debug("Parsed command line args: {}", ns);
      opts.inputLists = ns.getList(inputListArg.getDest());
      if (opts.inputLists == null) {
        opts.inputLists = Collections.EMPTY_LIST;
      opts.inputFiles = ns.getList(inputFilesArg.getDest());
      opts.outputDir = (Path) ns.get(outputDirArg.getDest());
      opts.mappers = ns.getInt(mappersArg.getDest());
      opts.reducers = ns.getInt(reducersArg.getDest());
      opts.updateConflictResolver = ns.getString(updateConflictResolverArg.getDest());
      opts.fanout = ns.getInt(fanoutArg.getDest());
      opts.maxSegments = ns.getInt(maxSegmentsArg.getDest());
      opts.morphlineFile = (File) ns.get(morphlineFileArg.getDest());
      opts.morphlineId = ns.getString(morphlineIdArg.getDest());
      opts.solrHomeDir = (File) ns.get(solrHomeDirArg.getDest());
      opts.fairSchedulerPool = ns.getString(fairSchedulerPoolArg.getDest());
      opts.isDryRun = ns.getBoolean(dryRunArg.getDest());
      opts.isVerbose = ns.getBoolean(verboseArg.getDest());
      opts.zkHost = ns.getString(zkHostArg.getDest());
      opts.shards = ns.getInt(shardsArg.getDest());
      opts.shardUrls = buildShardUrls(ns.getList(shardUrlsArg.getDest()), opts.shards);
      opts.goLive = ns.getBoolean(goLiveArg.getDest());
      opts.goLiveThreads = ns.getInt(goLiveThreadsArg.getDest());
      opts.collection = ns.getString(collectionArg.getDest());

      try {
        if (opts.reducers == 0) {
          throw new ArgumentParserException("--reducers must not be zero", parser);
        verifyGoLiveArgs(opts, parser);
      } catch (ArgumentParserException e) {
        return 1;
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      if (verifyCanExecute && !isSystemIn(file)) {
        verifyCanExecute(parser, file);
    } catch (IOException e) {
      throw new ArgumentParserException(e, parser);
    return file;
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    return file;
  private void verifyExists(ArgumentParser parser, Path file) throws ArgumentParserException, IOException {
    if (!fs.exists(file)) {
      throw new ArgumentParserException("File not found: " + file, parser);
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  private void verifyNotExists(ArgumentParser parser, Path file) throws ArgumentParserException, IOException {
    if (fs.exists(file)) {
      throw new ArgumentParserException("File found: " + file, parser);
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  private void verifyIsFile(ArgumentParser parser, Path file) throws ArgumentParserException, IOException {
    if (!fs.isFile(file)) {
      throw new ArgumentParserException("Not a file: " + file, parser);
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  private void verifyIsDirectory(ArgumentParser parser, Path file) throws ArgumentParserException, IOException {
    if (!fs.isDirectory(file)) {
      throw new ArgumentParserException("Not a directory: " + file, parser);
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  private void verifyCanRead(ArgumentParser parser, Path file) throws ArgumentParserException, IOException {
    verifyExists(parser, file);
    if (!fs.getFileStatus(file).getPermission().getUserAction().implies(FsAction.READ)) {
      throw new ArgumentParserException("Insufficient permissions to read file: " + file, parser);
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  private void verifyCanWrite(ArgumentParser parser, Path file) throws ArgumentParserException, IOException {
    verifyExists(parser, file);
    if (!fs.getFileStatus(file).getPermission().getUserAction().implies(FsAction.WRITE)) {
      throw new ArgumentParserException("Insufficient permissions to write file: " + file, parser);
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  private void verifyCanWriteParent(ArgumentParser parser, Path file) throws ArgumentParserException, IOException {
    Path parent = file.getParent();
    if (parent == null || !fs.exists(parent) || !fs.getFileStatus(parent).getPermission().getUserAction().implies(FsAction.WRITE)) {
      throw new ArgumentParserException("Cannot write parent of file: " + file, parser);
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  private void verifyCanExecute(ArgumentParser parser, Path file) throws ArgumentParserException, IOException {
    verifyExists(parser, file);
    if (!fs.getFileStatus(file).getPermission().getUserAction().implies(FsAction.EXECUTE)) {
      throw new ArgumentParserException("Insufficient permissions to execute file: " + file, parser);
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Related Classes of net.sourceforge.argparse4j.inf.ArgumentParserException

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