Package net.sf.saxon.value

Examples of net.sf.saxon.value.AtomicValue

        while (true) {
            Item nextCandidate =;
            if (nextCandidate == null) {
            AtomicValue candidateKey =
            try {
                if (currentComparisonKey.equals(comparer.getComparisonKey(candidateKey))) {
                } else {
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    protected void processItem(HashMap<ComparisonKey, List<Item>> index,
                               Item item, XPathContext c2) throws XPathException {
        AtomicValue key = (AtomicValue)keyExpression.evaluateItem(c2);
        ComparisonKey comparisonKey;
        if (key == null) {
            comparisonKey = new ComparisonKey(Type.EMPTY, "()");
        } else {
            comparisonKey = comparer.getComparisonKey(key);
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        // Evaluate the "use" expression against this context node

        SequenceIterable use = keydef.getUse();
        SequenceIterator useval = use.iterate(xc);
        while (true) {
            AtomicValue item = (AtomicValue);
            if (item == null) {
            BuiltInAtomicType actualItemType = item.getPrimitiveType();
            if (foundItemTypes != null) {
            if (!Type.isComparable(actualItemType, soughtItemType, false)) {
                // the types aren't comparable
                if (keydef.isStrictComparison()) {
                    XPathException de = new XPathException("Cannot compare " + soughtItemType +
                            " to " + actualItemType + " using 'eq'");
                    throw de;
                } else if (keydef.isConvertUntypedToOther() &&
                        actualItemType.equals(BuiltInAtomicType.UNTYPED_ATOMIC)) {
                    item = item.convert(soughtItemType, true, xc).asAtomic();
                } else if (keydef.isConvertUntypedToOther() &&
                        soughtItemType.equals(BuiltInAtomicType.UNTYPED_ATOMIC)) {
                    // index the item as is
                } else {
                    // simply ignore this key value
            Object val;

            if (soughtItemType.equals(BuiltInAtomicType.UNTYPED_ATOMIC) ||
                    soughtItemType.equals(BuiltInAtomicType.STRING) ||
                    soughtItemType.equals(BuiltInAtomicType.ANY_URI)) {
                // If the supplied key value is untyped atomic, we build an index using the
                // actual type returned by the use expression
                // If the supplied key value is a string, there is no match unless the use expression
                // returns a string or an untyped atomic value
                if (collation == null) {
                    val = item.getStringValue();
                } else {
                    val = collation.getCollationKey(item.getStringValue());
            } else {
                // Ignore NaN values
                if (item.isNaN()) {
                try {
                    AtomicValue av = item.convert(soughtItemType, true, xc).asAtomic();
                    val = av.getXPathComparable(false, collation, xc);
                } catch (XPathException err) {
                    // ignore values that can't be converted to the required type
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        // non-comparable values are compared. We could report an error immediately if foundItemTypes
        // includes a type that is not comparable to the soughtValue. In practice we only need a maximum
        // of two indexes: one for the sought item type, and one for untypedAtomic.

        HashSet<BuiltInAtomicType> foundItemTypes = null;
        AtomicValue value = soughtValue;
        if (soughtValue instanceof UntypedAtomicValue && definition.isConvertUntypedToOther()) {
            // We try string first, but at the same time as building an index for strings,
            // we collect details of the other types actually encountered for the use expression
            BuiltInAtomicType useType = definition.getIndexedItemType();
            if (useType.equals(BuiltInAtomicType.ANY_ATOMIC)) {
                foundItemTypes = new HashSet<BuiltInAtomicType>(10);
                useType = BuiltInAtomicType.STRING;
            value = soughtValue.convert(useType, true, context).asAtomic();

        // No special action needed for anyURI to string promotion (it just seems to work: tests idky44, 45)

        int keySetNumber = keySet.getKeySetNumber();
        BuiltInAtomicType itemType = value.getPrimitiveType();
        HashMap index;
        synchronized (doc) {
            // Need to synchronize to prevent two threads that use the same stylesheet indexing the same source
            // document simultaneously. We could synchronize on either the key definition or the document
            // (ideally we would use the combination of the two), but the document is less likely to cause
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        DocumentInfo doc = e.getDocumentRoot();
        if (doc==null) {
            return false;
        AtomicValue idValue = (AtomicValue)idExpression.evaluateItem(context);
        if (idValue == null) {
            return false;
        String ids = idValue.getStringValue();
        if (ids.indexOf(' ') < 0 &&
                ids.indexOf(0x09) < 0 &&
                ids.indexOf(0x0a) < 0 &&
                ids.indexOf(0x0c) < 0) {
            NodeInfo element = doc.selectID(ids, false);
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         *          if an error occurs retrieving the next item

        public Item next() throws XPathException {
            while (true) {
                AtomicValue nextBase = (AtomicValue);
                if (nextBase==null) {
                    current = null;
                    position = -1;
                    return null;
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            // the collation was determined statically
            return stringCollator;
        } else {
            int numargs = argument.length;
            if (numargs > arg) {
                AtomicValue av = (AtomicValue) argument[arg].evaluateItem(context);
                StringValue collationValue = (StringValue) av;
                String collationName = collationValue.getStringValue();
                URI collationURI;
                try {
                    collationURI = new URI(collationName);
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     * @return the result of evaluating the expression (a BooleanValue)
     * @throws net.sf.saxon.trans.XPathException

    public Item evaluateItem(XPathContext context) throws XPathException {
        AtomicValue hrefVal = (AtomicValue)argument[0].evaluateItem(context);
        if (hrefVal==null) {
            return BooleanValue.FALSE;
        String href = hrefVal.getStringValue();

        // suppress all error messages while attempting to fetch the document
        Controller controller = context.getController();
        ErrorListener old = controller.getErrorListener();
        controller.setErrorListener(new ErrorListener() {
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    public Item evaluateItem(XPathContext c) throws XPathException {
        int numArgs = argument.length;
        FastStringBuffer sb = new FastStringBuffer(FastStringBuffer.SMALL);
        for (int i=0; i<numArgs; i++) {
            AtomicValue val = (AtomicValue)argument[i].evaluateItem(c);
            if (val!=null) {
        return StringValue.makeStringValue(sb.condense());
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        int numArgs = argument.length;
        // Start and end with an empty string to force space separation from any previous or following outputs
        out.append(StringValue.EMPTY_STRING, 0, 0);
        boolean empty = true;
        for (int i=0; i<numArgs; i++) {
            AtomicValue val = (AtomicValue)argument[i].evaluateItem(context);
            if (val!=null) {
                out.characters(val.getStringValueCS(), 0, 0);
                empty = false;
        if (!empty) {
            out.append(StringValue.EMPTY_STRING, 0, 0);
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Related Classes of net.sf.saxon.value.AtomicValue

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