Package net.sf.saxon

Examples of net.sf.saxon.Controller

            same = NodeKindTest.makeNodeKindTest(node.getNodeKind());
        } else {
            same = new NameTest(node);

        Controller controller = (context == null ? null : context.getController());
        AxisIterator preceding = node.iterateAxis(Axis.PRECEDING_SIBLING, same);

        int i = 1;
        while (true) {
            NodeInfo prev = (NodeInfo);
            if (prev == null) {

            if (controller != null) {
                int memo = controller.getRememberedNumber(prev);
                if (memo > 0) {
                    memo += i;
                    controller.setRememberedNumber(node, memo);
                    return memo;


        if (controller != null) {
            controller.setRememberedNumber(node, i);
        return i;
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    public static int getNumberAny(Expression inst, NodeInfo node, Pattern count,
                                   Pattern from, XPathContext context, boolean hasVariablesInPatterns) throws XPathException {

        NodeInfo memoNode = null;
        int memoNumber = 0;
        Controller controller = context.getController();
        boolean memoise = (!hasVariablesInPatterns) && from==null;
        if (memoise) {
            Object[] memo = (Object[])controller.getUserData(inst, "xsl:number");
            if (memo != null) {
                memoNode = (NodeInfo)memo[0];
                memoNumber = ((Integer)memo[1]).intValue();

        int num = 0;
        if (count == null) {
            if (node.getFingerprint() == -1) {  // unnamed node
                count = new NodeTestPattern(NodeKindTest.makeNodeKindTest(node.getNodeKind()));
            } else {
                count = new NodeTestPattern(new NameTest(node));
            num = 1;
        } else if (count.matches(node, context)) {
            num = 1;

        // We use a special axis invented for the purpose: the union of the preceding and
        // ancestor axes, but in reverse document order

        // Pass part of the filtering down to the axis iterator if possible
        NodeTest filter;
        if (from == null) {
            filter = count.getNodeTest();
        } else if (from.getNodeKind() == Type.ELEMENT && count.getNodeKind() == Type.ELEMENT) {
            filter = NodeKindTest.ELEMENT;
        } else {
            filter = AnyNodeTest.getInstance();

        if (from != null && from.matches(node, context)) {
            return num;

        SequenceIterator preceding =
                node.iterateAxis(Axis.PRECEDING_OR_ANCESTOR, filter);
        boolean found = false;
        while (true) {
            NodeInfo prev = (NodeInfo);
            if (prev == null) {

            if (count.matches(prev, context)) {
                if (num == 1 && memoNode != null && prev.isSameNodeInfo(memoNode)) {
                    num = memoNumber + 1;
                    found = true;

            if (from != null && from.matches(prev, context)) {
                found = true;
        if (!found && from != null) {
            // we've got to the end without matching the from pattern - result is ()
            return 0;
        if (memoise) {
            Object[] memo = new Object[2];
            memo[0] = node;
            memo[1] = new Integer(num);
            controller.setUserData(inst, "xsl:number", memo);
        return num;
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     * the current date and time are taken directly from the system clock
     * @return the current xs:dateTime

    public static DateTimeValue getCurrentDateTime(XPathContext context) {
        Controller c;
        if (context == null || (c = context.getController()) == null) {
            // non-XSLT/XQuery environment
            // We also take this path when evaluating compile-time expressions that require an implicit timezone.
            return new DateTimeValue(new GregorianCalendar(), true);
        } else {
            return c.getCurrentDateTime();
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            throw new XPathException("Cannot call iterator() on an updating query");
        if (!env.getConfiguration().isCompatible(getExecutable().getConfiguration())) {
            throw new XPathException("The query must be compiled and executed under the same Configuration");
        Controller controller = newController();
        initializeController(env, controller);

        try {
            Item contextItem = env.getContextItem();

            //Bindery bindery = controller.getBindery();
            XPathContextMajor context = controller.newXPathContext();

            if (contextItem != null) {
                if (!staticContext.getUserQueryContext().getRequiredContextItemType().matchesItem(
                        contextItem, false, env.getConfiguration())) {
                    throw new XPathException("The supplied context item does not match the required context item type");
                UnfailingIterator single = SingletonIterator.makeIterator(contextItem);

            // In tracing/debugging mode, evaluate all the global variables first
            if (controller.getTraceListener() != null) {


            SequenceIterator iterator = expression.iterate(context);
            return new ErrorReportingIterator(iterator, controller.getErrorListener());
        } catch (XPathException err) {
            TransformerException terr = err;
            while (terr.getException() instanceof TransformerException) {
                terr = (TransformerException)terr.getException();
            XPathException de = XPathException.makeXPathException(terr);
            throw de;
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            throw new XPathException("Cannot call run() on an updating query");
        if (!env.getConfiguration().isCompatible(getExecutable().getConfiguration())) {
            throw new XPathException("The query must be compiled and executed under the same Configuration");
        Controller controller = newController();
        initializeController(env, controller);

        if (allowDocumentProjection) {
        Properties actualProperties = validateOutputProperties(controller, outputProperties);


        XPathContextMajor context = initialContext(env, controller);

        // In tracing/debugging mode, evaluate all the global variables first
        TraceListener tracer = controller.getTraceListener();
        if (tracer != null) {


        boolean mustClose = (result instanceof StreamResult &&
                ((StreamResult)result).getOutputStream() == null);
        SerializerFactory sf = context.getConfiguration().getSerializerFactory();
        PipelineConfiguration pipe = controller.makePipelineConfiguration();
        Receiver receiver = sf.getReceiver(result, pipe, actualProperties);
        context.changeOutputDestination(receiver, true,
                Validation.PRESERVE, null);

        // Run the query
        try {
        } catch (XPathException err) {
            throw err;

        if (tracer != null) {
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        if (isUpdating) {
            throw new XPathException("Cannot call pull() on an updating query");
        Configuration config = dynamicEnv.getConfiguration();
        try {
            Controller controller = newController();
            //initializeController(dynamicEnv, controller);
            EventIterator iter = iterateEvents(controller, dynamicEnv);
            //iter = new Decomposer(iter, config);

            Properties actualProperties = validateOutputProperties(controller, outputProperties);
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        if (!isUpdating) {
            throw new XPathException("Calling runUpdate() on a non-updating query");

        Configuration config = executable.getConfiguration();
        Controller controller = newController();
        initializeController(dynamicEnv, controller);
        XPathContextMajor context = initialContext(dynamicEnv, controller);
        try {
            PendingUpdateList pul = config.newPendingUpdateList();
            expression.evaluatePendingUpdates(context, pul);
            pul.apply(context, staticContext.getRevalidationMode());
            return pul.getAffectedTrees();
            // Only mark a document for rewriting to disk if it is in the document pool,
            // that is, if it was supplied using doc() or similar functions.
// Code deleted as fix to bug 2091267
//            Set rewrittenTrees = new HashSet();
//            for (Iterator iter = pul.getAffectedTrees().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
//                NodeInfo node = (NodeInfo);
//                if (node.isSameNodeInfo(controller.getDocumentPool().find(node.getSystemId()))) {
//                     rewrittenTrees.add(node);
//                }
//            }
//            return rewrittenTrees;
        } catch (XPathException e) {
            if (!e.hasBeenReported()) {
                try {
                } catch (TransformerException e2) {
                    // ignore secondary error
            throw e;
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        if (!isUpdating) {
            throw new XPathException("Calling runUpdate() on a non-updating query");

        Configuration config = executable.getConfiguration();
        Controller controller = newController();
        initializeController(dynamicEnv, controller);
        XPathContextMajor context = initialContext(dynamicEnv, controller);
        try {
            PendingUpdateList pul = config.newPendingUpdateList();
            expression.evaluatePendingUpdates(context, pul);
            pul.apply(context, staticContext.getRevalidationMode());
            for (Iterator iter = pul.getAffectedTrees().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
                NodeInfo node = (NodeInfo);
                agent.update(node, controller);
        } catch (XPathException e) {
            if (!e.hasBeenReported()) {
                try {
                } catch (TransformerException e2) {
                    // ignore secondary error
            throw e;
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     * @return a newly constructed Controller

    public Controller newController() {
        Controller controller = new Controller(executable.getConfiguration(), executable);
        if (isUpdating && controller.getModel() == TreeModel.TINY_TREE) {
        return controller;
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            next = s;
        } else if (options.getStripSpace() == Whitespace.XSLT) {
            Controller controller = pipe.getController();
            if (controller != null) {
                next = controller.makeStripper(next);

        if (source instanceof NodeInfo) {
            NodeInfo ns = (NodeInfo)source;
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Related Classes of net.sf.saxon.Controller

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