Package net.sf.saxon

Examples of net.sf.saxon.Configuration$LicenseFeature

    public Set runUpdate(DynamicQueryContext dynamicEnv) throws XPathException {
        if (!isUpdating) {
            throw new XPathException("Calling runUpdate() on a non-updating query");

        Configuration config = executable.getConfiguration();
        Controller controller = newController();
        initializeController(dynamicEnv, controller);
        XPathContextMajor context = initialContext(dynamicEnv, controller);
        try {
            PendingUpdateList pul = config.newPendingUpdateList();
            expression.evaluatePendingUpdates(context, pul);
            pul.apply(context, staticContext.getRevalidationMode());
            return pul.getAffectedTrees();
            // Only mark a document for rewriting to disk if it is in the document pool,
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    public void runUpdate(DynamicQueryContext dynamicEnv, UpdateAgent agent) throws XPathException {
        if (!isUpdating) {
            throw new XPathException("Calling runUpdate() on a non-updating query");

        Configuration config = executable.getConfiguration();
        Controller controller = newController();
        initializeController(dynamicEnv, controller);
        XPathContextMajor context = initialContext(dynamicEnv, controller);
        try {
            PendingUpdateList pul = config.newPendingUpdateList();
            expression.evaluatePendingUpdates(context, pul);
            pul.apply(context, staticContext.getRevalidationMode());
            for (Iterator iter = pul.getAffectedTrees().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
                NodeInfo node = (NodeInfo);
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     *                    XS or XDT namespace.
     * @return true if this type can be used in this static context

    public boolean isAllowedBuiltInType(BuiltInAtomicType type) {
        Configuration config = getConfiguration();
        if (type.getFingerprint() == StandardNames.XS_DATE_TIME_STAMP) {
            return config.getXsdVersion() == Configuration.XSD11;
        return getExecutable().isSchemaAware() || type.isAllowedInBasicXSLT();
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     * @since 8.9

    public static void serialize(NodeInfo node, Result destination, Properties outputProperties)
    throws XPathException {
        Configuration config = node.getConfiguration();
        serializeSequence(SingletonIterator.makeIterator(node), config, destination, outputProperties);
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        } else {
            if (log != null) {
                log.println("Overwriting file " + existingFile);
        Configuration config = doc.getConfiguration();
        PipelineConfiguration pipe = config.makePipelineConfiguration();
        SerializerFactory factory = config.getSerializerFactory();
        Receiver r = factory.getReceiver(new StreamResult(existingFile), pipe, outputProperties);
        doc.copy(r, NodeInfo.ALL_NAMESPACES, false, 0);
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     * has nothing to do with Java code generation)
     * @throws XPathException if errors are found

    public void compile() throws XPathException {
        Configuration config = staticContext.getConfiguration();
        try {
            // If a query function is imported into several modules, then the compile()
            // method will be called once for each importing module. If the compiled
            // function already exists, then this is a repeat call, and the only thing
            // needed is to fix up references to the function from within the importing
            // module.

            if (compiledFunction == null) {
                SlotManager map = config.makeSlotManager();
                UserFunctionParameter[] params = getParameterDefinitions();
                for (int i=0; i<params.length; i++) {

                // type-check the body of the function

                ExpressionVisitor visitor = ExpressionVisitor.make(staticContext);
                body = visitor.simplify(body);
                body = visitor.typeCheck(body, null);

                // Try to extract new global variables from the body of the function
                //body = config.getOptimizer().promoteExpressionsToGlobal(body, visitor);
                RoleLocator role =
                        new RoleLocator(RoleLocator.FUNCTION_RESULT, functionName, 0);
                body = TypeChecker.staticTypeCheck(body, resultType, false, role, visitor);
                if (config.isCompileWithTracing()) {
                    namespaceResolver = staticContext.getNamespaceResolver();
                    TraceExpression trace = new TraceExpression(body);
                    trace.setLocationId(staticContext.getLocationMap().allocateLocationId(systemId, lineNumber));
                    body = trace;

                compiledFunction = config.newUserFunction(memoFunction);
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                throw err;
        ExpressionVisitor visitor = ExpressionVisitor.make(staticContext);
        Configuration config = staticContext.getConfiguration();
        Optimizer opt = config.getOptimizer();
        int arity = arguments.size();
        if (opt.getOptimizationLevel() != Optimizer.NO_OPTIMIZATION) {
            body = visitor.optimize(body, null);

            // Try to extract new global variables from the body of the function
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        try {
            XSLStylesheet thisSheet = (XSLStylesheet)getParent();
            PreparedStylesheet pss = getPreparedStylesheet();
            URIResolver resolver = pss.getCompilerInfo().getURIResolver();
            Configuration config = pss.getConfiguration();

            //System.err.println("GeneralIncorporate: href=" + href + " base=" + getBaseURI());
            String relative = href;
            String fragment = null;
            int hash = relative.indexOf('#');
            if (hash == 0 || relative.length() == 0) {
                compileError("A stylesheet cannot " + getLocalPart() + " itself",
                                (this instanceof XSLInclude ? "XTSE0180" : "XTSE0210"));
                return null;
            } else if (hash == relative.length() - 1) {
                relative = relative.substring(0, hash);
            } else if (hash > 0) {
                if (hash+1 < relative.length()) {
                    fragment = relative.substring(hash+1);
                relative = relative.substring(0, hash);
            Source source;
            try {
                source = resolver.resolve(relative, getBaseURI());
            } catch (TransformerException e) {
                throw XPathException.makeXPathException(e);

            // if a user URI resolver returns null, try the standard one
            // (Note, the standard URI resolver never returns null)
            if (source==null) {
                source = config.getSystemURIResolver().resolve(relative, getBaseURI());

            if (fragment != null) {
                IDFilter filter = new IDFilter(fragment);
                source = AugmentedSource.makeAugmentedSource(source);

            // check for recursion

            XSLStylesheet anc = thisSheet;

            if (source.getSystemId() != null) {
                while(anc!=null) {
                    if (source.getSystemId().equals(anc.getSystemId())) {
                        compileError("A stylesheet cannot " + getLocalPart() + " itself",
                                (this instanceof XSLInclude ? "XTSE0180" : "XTSE0210"));
                        return null;
                    anc = anc.getImporter();

            StyleNodeFactory snFactory = config.getStyleNodeFactory();
            includedDoc = pss.loadStylesheetModule(source, snFactory);

            // allow the included document to use "Literal Result Element as Stylesheet" syntax

            ElementImpl outermost = includedDoc.getDocumentElement();
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        boolean isFinal = options.isContinueAfterValidationErrors();
        if (source instanceof AugmentedSource) {
            source = ((AugmentedSource)source).getContainedSource();
        Configuration config = pipe.getConfiguration();

        Receiver next = receiver;

        int schemaValidation = options.getSchemaValidationMode();
        if (isFinal) {
            // this ensures that the Validate command produces multiple error messages
            schemaValidation |= Validation.VALIDATE_OUTPUT;

        SchemaType topLevelType = options.getTopLevelType();
        List filters = options.getFilters();
        if (filters != null) {
            for (int i=filters.size()-1; i>=0; i--) {
                ProxyReceiver filter = (ProxyReceiver)filters.get(i);
                next = filter;

        if (options.getStripSpace() == Whitespace.ALL) {
            Stripper s = new AllElementStripper();
            next = s;
        } else if (options.getStripSpace() == Whitespace.XSLT) {
            Controller controller = pipe.getController();
            if (controller != null) {
                next = controller.makeStripper(next);

        if (source instanceof NodeInfo) {
            NodeInfo ns = (NodeInfo)source;
            String baseURI = ns.getBaseURI();
            int val = schemaValidation & Validation.VALIDATION_MODE_MASK;
            if (val != Validation.PRESERVE) {
                StructuredQName topLevelName = options.getTopLevelElement();
                int topLevelNameCode = -1;
                if (topLevelName != null) {
                    topLevelNameCode = config.getNamePool().allocate(
                        topLevelName.getPrefix(), topLevelName.getNamespaceURI(), topLevelName.getLocalName());
                next = config.getDocumentValidator(
                        next, baseURI, val, options.getStripSpace(), topLevelType, topLevelNameCode);

            int kind = ns.getNodeKind();
            if (kind != Type.DOCUMENT && kind != Type.ELEMENT) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Sender can only handle document or element nodes");
            sendDocumentInfo(ns, next);

        } else if (source instanceof PullSource) {
            sendPullSource((PullSource)source, next, options);

        } else if (source instanceof PullEventSource) {
            sendPullEventSource((PullEventSource)source, next, options);

        } else if (source instanceof EventSource) {

        } else if (source instanceof SAXSource) {
            sendSAXSource((SAXSource)source, next, options);

        } else if (source instanceof StreamSource) {
            StreamSource ss = (StreamSource)source;
            // Following code allows the .NET platform to use a Pull parser
            boolean dtdValidation = options.getDTDValidationMode() == Validation.STRICT;
            Source ps = Configuration.getPlatform().getParserSource(
                    pipe, ss, schemaValidation, dtdValidation, options.getStripSpace());
            if (ps == ss) {
                String url = source.getSystemId();
                InputSource is = new InputSource(url);
                boolean reuseParser = false;
                XMLReader parser = options.getXMLReader();
                if (parser == null) {
                    parser = config.getSourceParser();
                    if (options.getEntityResolver() != null) {
                    reuseParser = true;
                //System.err.println("Using parser: " + parser.getClass().getName());
                SAXSource sax = new SAXSource(parser, is);
                sendSAXSource(sax, next, options);
                if (reuseParser) {

            } else {
                // the Platform substituted a different kind of source
                // On .NET with a default URIResolver we can expect an AugnmentedSource wrapping a PullSource
                send(ps, next, options);
        } else if (staxSourceClass != null && staxSourceClass.isAssignableFrom(source.getClass())) {
            // Test for a StAXSource
            // Use reflection to avoid problems if JAXP 1.4 not installed
            XMLStreamReader reader = null;
            try {
                Method getReaderMethod = staxSourceClass.getMethod("getXMLStreamReader", EMPTY_CLASS_ARRAY);
                reader = (XMLStreamReader)getReaderMethod.invoke(source);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                // no action
            //XMLStreamReader reader = ((StAXSource)source).getXMLStreamReader();
            if (reader == null) {
                throw new XPathException("Saxon can only handle a StAXSource that wraps an XMLStreamReader");
            StaxBridge bridge = new StaxBridge();
            sendPullSource(new PullSource(bridge), next, options);
        } else {
            next = makeValidator(next, source.getSystemId(), options);

            // See if there is a registered SourceResolver than can handle it
            Source newSource = config.getSourceResolver().resolveSource(source, config);
            if (newSource instanceof StreamSource ||
                    newSource instanceof SAXSource ||
                    newSource instanceof NodeInfo ||
                    newSource instanceof PullSource ||
                    newSource instanceof AugmentedSource ||
                    newSource instanceof EventSource) {
                send(newSource, next, options);

            // See if there is a registered external object model that knows about this kind of source
            // (Note, this should pick up the platform-specific DOM model)

            List externalObjectModels = config.getExternalObjectModels();
            for (int m=0; m<externalObjectModels.size(); m++) {
                ExternalObjectModel model = (ExternalObjectModel)externalObjectModels.get(m);
                boolean done = model.sendSource(source, next, pipe);
                if (done) {
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    private void sendSAXSource(SAXSource source, Receiver receiver, ParseOptions options)
    throws XPathException {
        XMLReader parser = source.getXMLReader();
        boolean reuseParser = false;
        final Configuration config = pipe.getConfiguration();
        ErrorListener listener = options.getErrorListener();
        if (listener == null) {
            listener = pipe.getErrorListener();
        StandardErrorHandler standardErrorHandler = new StandardErrorHandler(listener);
        if (parser==null) {
            parser = options.getXMLReader();
        if (parser==null) {
            SAXSource ss = new SAXSource();
            parser = config.getSourceParser();
            if (options.getEntityResolver() != null) {
            source = ss;
            reuseParser = true;
        } else {
            // user-supplied parser: ensure that it meets the namespace requirements
            if (parser.getErrorHandler() == null) {

        if (!pipe.isExpandAttributeDefaults()) { //TODO: put this in ParseOptions
            try {
                parser.setFeature("", true);
            } catch (SAXNotRecognizedException err) {
                // ignore the failure, we did our best (Xerces gives us an Attribute2 even though it
                // doesn't recognize this request!)
            } catch (SAXNotSupportedException err) {
                // ignore the failure, we did our best

        boolean dtdValidation = (options.getDTDValidationMode() == Validation.STRICT ||
                options.getDTDValidationMode() == Validation.LAX);
        boolean dtdRecover = options.getDTDValidationMode() == Validation.LAX;
        try {
            parser.setFeature("", dtdValidation);
        } catch (SAXNotRecognizedException err) {
            if (dtdValidation) {
                throw new XPathException("XML Parser does not recognize request for DTD validation", err);
        } catch (SAXNotSupportedException err) {
            if (dtdValidation) {
                throw new XPathException("XML Parser does not support DTD validation", err);

        boolean xInclude = options.isXIncludeAware();
        if (xInclude) {
            boolean tryAgain = false;
            try {
                // This feature name is supported in the version of Xerces bundled with JDK 1.5
                parser.setFeature("", true);
            } catch (SAXNotRecognizedException err) {
                tryAgain = true;
            } catch (SAXNotSupportedException err) {
                tryAgain = true;
            if (tryAgain) {
                try {
                    // This feature name is supported in Xerces 2.9.0
                    parser.setFeature("", true);
                } catch (SAXNotRecognizedException err) {
                    throw new XPathException("Selected XML parser " + parser.getClass().getName() +
                            " does not recognize request for XInclude processing", err);
                } catch (SAXNotSupportedException err) {
                    throw new XPathException("Selected XML parser " + parser.getClass().getName() +
                            " does not support XInclude processing", err);
//        if (config.isTiming()) {
//            System.err.println("Using SAX parser " + parser);
//        }

        receiver = makeValidator(receiver, source.getSystemId(), options);

        // Reuse the previous ReceivingContentHandler if possible (it contains a useful cache of names)

        ReceivingContentHandler ce;
        final ContentHandler ch = parser.getContentHandler();
        if (ch instanceof ReceivingContentHandler) {
            ce = (ReceivingContentHandler)ch;
        } else {
            ce = new ReceivingContentHandler();
            try {
                parser.setProperty("", ce);
            } catch (SAXNotSupportedException err) {    // this just means we won't see the comments
                // ignore the error
            } catch (SAXNotRecognizedException err) {
                // ignore the error
//        TracingFilter tf = new TracingFilter();
//        tf.setUnderlyingReceiver(receiver);
//        tf.setPipelineConfiguration(pipe);
//        receiver = tf;

        try {
        } catch (SAXException err) {
            Exception nested = err.getException();
            if (nested instanceof XPathException) {
                throw (XPathException)nested;
            } else if (nested instanceof RuntimeException) {
                throw (RuntimeException)nested;
            } else {
                if (standardErrorHandler != null && standardErrorHandler.getFatalErrorCount() == 0) {
                    // The built-in parser for JDK 1.6 has a nasty habit of not notifying errors to the ErrorHandler
                    XPathException de = new XPathException("Error reported by XML parser processing " +
                            source.getSystemId() + ": " + err.getMessage(), err);
                    try {
                    } catch (TransformerException e) {
                    throw de;
                } else {
                    XPathException de = new XPathException(err);
                    throw de;
        } catch ( err) {
            throw new XPathException(err);
        if (standardErrorHandler != null) {
            int errs = standardErrorHandler.getFatalErrorCount();
            if (errs > 0) {
                throw new XPathException("The XML parser reported " + errs + (errs == 1 ? " error" : " errors"));
            errs = standardErrorHandler.getErrorCount();
            if (errs > 0) {
                XPathException xe = new XPathException("The XML parser reported " + errs + " validation error" +
                        (errs == 1 ? "" : "s"));
                if (dtdRecover) {
                    try {
                    } catch (TransformerException e) {
                } else {
                    throw xe;
        if (reuseParser) {
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Related Classes of net.sf.saxon.Configuration$LicenseFeature

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