((L2Summon) target).updateEffectIcons(true);
StatusUpdate su = new StatusUpdate(getObjectId());
boolean isSendStatus = false;
// Consume MP of the L2Character and Send the Server->Client packet StatusUpdate with current HP and MP to all other L2PcInstance to inform
double mpConsume = getStat().getMpConsume(skill);
if (mpConsume > 0)
getStatus().reduceMp(calcStat(Stats.MP_CONSUME_RATE, mpConsume, null, null));
su.addAttribute(StatusUpdate.CUR_MP, (int) getCurrentMp());
isSendStatus = true;
// Consume HP if necessary and Send the Server->Client packet StatusUpdate with current HP and MP to all other L2PcInstance to inform
if (skill.getHpConsume() > 0)
double consumeHp;
consumeHp = calcStat(Stats.HP_CONSUME_RATE, skill.getHpConsume(), null, null);
if ((consumeHp + 1) >= getCurrentHp())
consumeHp = getCurrentHp() - 1.0;
getStatus().reduceHp(consumeHp, this);
su.addAttribute(StatusUpdate.CUR_HP, (int) getCurrentHp());
isSendStatus = true;
// Send a Server->Client packet StatusUpdate with MP modification to the L2PcInstance
if (isSendStatus)