
Examples of$destroyTemporalNPC

  public void onExit()
    if(getEffected() instanceof L2NpcInstance)
      L2NpcInstance npc = (L2NpcInstance)getEffected();
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      PcInventory inv = player.getInventory();

        // given the template entry and information about maintaining enchantment and applying taxes
        // re-create the instance of the entry that will be used for this exchange
      // i.e. change the enchantment level of select ingredient/products and adena amount appropriately.
        final L2NpcInstance merchant = (player.getTarget() instanceof L2NpcInstance)? (L2NpcInstance) player.getTarget() : null;
        if (merchant == null)
        MultiSellEntry entry = prepareEntry(merchant, templateEntry, applyTaxes, maintainEnchantment, enchantment);

        // Generate a list of distinct ingredients and counts in order to check if the correct item-counts
        // are possessed by the player
      FastList<MultiSellIngredient> _ingredientsList = new FastList<MultiSellIngredient>();
      boolean newIng = true;
      for(MultiSellIngredient e: entry.getIngredients())
        newIng = true;

        // at this point, the template has already been modified so that enchantments are properly included
        // whenever they need to be applied.  Uniqueness of items is thus judged by item id AND enchantment level
        for(MultiSellIngredient ex: _ingredientsList)
          // if the item was already added in the list, merely increment the count
          // this happens if 1 list entry has the same ingredient twice (example 2 swords = 1 dual)
          if( (ex.getItemId() == e.getItemId()) && (ex.getEnchantmentLevel() == e.getEnchantmentLevel()) )
        if ((double)ex.getItemCount() + e.getItemCount() > Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
                    player.sendPacket(new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.YOU_HAVE_EXCEEDED_QUANTITY_THAT_CAN_BE_INPUTTED));
                      _ingredientsList = null;
            ex.setItemCount(ex.getItemCount() + e.getItemCount());
            newIng = false;
          // if it's a new ingredient, just store its info directly (item id, count, enchantment)
          _ingredientsList.add(L2Multisell.getInstance().new MultiSellIngredient(e));
      // now check if the player has sufficient items in the inventory to cover the ingredients' expences
      for(MultiSellIngredient e : _ingredientsList)
        if((double)e.getItemCount() * _amount > Integer.MAX_VALUE )
              player.sendPacket(new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.YOU_HAVE_EXCEEDED_QUANTITY_THAT_CAN_BE_INPUTTED));
                _ingredientsList = null;
            if(e.getItemId() !=65336)
              // if this is not a list that maintains enchantment, check the count of all items that have the given id.
              // otherwise, check only the count of items with exactly the needed enchantment level
          if( inv.getInventoryItemCount(e.getItemId(), maintainEnchantment? e.getEnchantmentLevel() : -1) < ((Config.ALT_BLACKSMITH_USE_RECIPES || !e.getMantainIngredient()) ? (e.getItemCount() * _amount) : e.getItemCount()) )
            player.sendPacket(new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.NOT_ENOUGH_ITEMS));
            _ingredientsList = null;
                if(player.getClan() == null)
                    player.sendPacket(new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.YOU_ARE_NOT_A_CLAN_MEMBER));
                    player.sendPacket(new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.ONLY_THE_CLAN_LEADER_IS_ENABLED));
                if(player.getClan().getReputationScore() < e.getItemCount())
                    player.sendPacket(new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.THE_CLAN_REPUTATION_SCORE_IS_TOO_LOW));

      _ingredientsList = null;
      FastList<L2Augmentation> augmentation = new FastList<L2Augmentation>();
      /** All ok, remove items and add final product */

      for(MultiSellIngredient e : entry.getIngredients())
        L2ItemInstance itemToTake = inv.getItemByItemId(e.getItemId());    // initialize and initial guess for the item to take.
        if (itemToTake == null)
        { //this is a cheat, transaction will be aborted and if any items already tanken will not be returned back to inventory!
          _log.severe("Character: " + player.getName() + " is trying to cheat in multisell, merchatnt id:" + merchant.getNpcId());

        if (Config.ALT_BLACKSMITH_USE_RECIPES || !e.getMantainIngredient())
          // if it's a stackable item, just reduce the amount from the first (only) instance that is found in the inventory
          if (itemToTake.isStackable())
                    if (!player.destroyItem("Multisell", itemToTake.getObjectId(), (e.getItemCount() * _amount), player.getTarget(), true))
            // for non-stackable items, one of two scenaria are possible:
            // a) list maintains enchantment: get the instances that exactly match the requested enchantment level
            // b) list does not maintain enchantment: get the instances with the LOWEST enchantment level

            // a) if enchantment is maintained, then get a list of items that exactly match this enchantment
            if (maintainEnchantment)
              // loop through this list and remove (one by one) each item until the required amount is taken.
              L2ItemInstance[] inventoryContents = inv.getAllItemsByItemId(e.getItemId(), e.getEnchantmentLevel());
                        for (int i = 0; i < (e.getItemCount() * _amount); i++)
                          if (inventoryContents[i].isAugmented())
                  if (!player.destroyItem("Multisell", inventoryContents[i].getObjectId(), 1, player.getTarget(), true))
            else  // b) enchantment is not maintained.  Get the instances with the LOWEST enchantment level
              /* NOTE: There are 2 ways to achieve the above goal.
               * 1) Get all items that have the correct itemId, loop through them until the lowest enchantment
               *     level is found.  Repeat all this for the next item until proper count of items is reached.
               * 2) Get all items that have the correct itemId, sort them once based on enchantment level,
               *     and get the range of items that is necessary.
               * Method 1 is faster for a small number of items to be exchanged.
               * Method 2 is faster for large amounts.
               * EXPLANATION:
               *   Worst case scenario for algorithm 1 will make it run in a number of cycles given by:
               * m*(2n-m+1)/2 where m is the number of items to be exchanged and n is the total
               * number of inventory items that have a matching id.
               *   With algorithm 2 (sort), sorting takes n*log(n) time and the choice is done in a single cycle
               * for case b (just grab the m first items) or in linear time for case a (find the beginning of items
               * with correct enchantment, index x, and take all items from x to x+m).
               * Basically, whenever m > log(n) we have: m*(2n-m+1)/2 = (2nm-m*m+m)/2 >
               * (2nlogn-logn*logn+logn)/2 = nlog(n) - log(n*n) + log(n) = nlog(n) + log(n/n*n) =
               * nlog(n) + log(1/n) = nlog(n) - log(n) = (n-1)log(n)
               * So for m < log(n) then m*(2n-m+1)/2 > (n-1)log(n) and m*(2n-m+1)/2 > nlog(n)
               * IDEALLY:
               * In order to best optimize the performance, choose which algorithm to run, based on whether 2^m > n
               * if ( (2<<(e.getItemCount() * _amount)) < inventoryContents.length )
               *   // do Algorithm 1, no sorting
               * else
               *   // do Algorithm 2, sorting
               * In general, it is going to be very rare for a person to do a massive exchange of non-stackable items
               * For this reason, we assume that algorithm 1 will always suffice and we keep things simple.
               * If, in the future, it becomes necessary that we optimize, the above discussion should make it clear
               * what optimization exactly is necessary (based on the comments under "IDEALLY").

              // choice 1.  Small number of items exchanged.  No sorting.
                      for (int i = 1; i <= (e.getItemCount() * _amount); i++)
                L2ItemInstance[] inventoryContents = inv.getAllItemsByItemId(e.getItemId());

                itemToTake = inventoryContents[0];
                // get item with the LOWEST enchantment level  from the inventory...
                // +0 is lowest by default...
                if (itemToTake.getEnchantLevel() > 0)
                  for (int j = 0; j < inventoryContents.length; j++)
                    if (inventoryContents[j].getEnchantLevel() < itemToTake.getEnchantLevel())
                      itemToTake = inventoryContents[j];
                      // nothing will have enchantment less than 0. If a zero-enchanted
                      // item is found, just take it
                      if (itemToTake.getEnchantLevel() == 0)
                if (!player.destroyItem("Multisell", itemToTake.getObjectId(), 1, player.getTarget(), true))
        int repCost = player.getClan().getReputationScore() - e.getItemCount();
        player.getClan().setReputationScore(repCost, true);
        SystemMessage smsg = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.S1_DEDUCTED_FROM_CLAN_REP);
        player.getClan().broadcastToOnlineMembers(new PledgeShowInfoUpdate(player.getClan()));
      // Generate the appropriate items
      for(MultiSellIngredient e : entry.getProducts())
        if (ItemTable.getInstance().createDummyItem(e.getItemId()).isStackable())
          inv.addItem("Multisell", e.getItemId(), (e.getItemCount() * _amount), player, player.getTarget());
        } else
          L2ItemInstance product = null;
              for (int i = 0; i < (e.getItemCount() * _amount); i++)
                product = inv.addItem("Multisell", e.getItemId(), 1, player, player.getTarget());
            if (maintainEnchantment)
              if (i < augmentation.size())
                product.setAugmentation(new L2Augmentation(product, augmentation.get(i).getAugmentationId(), augmentation.get(i).getSkill(), true));
           // msg part
          SystemMessage sm;

          if (e.getItemCount() * _amount > 1)
            sm = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.EARNED_S2_S1_S);
              sm.addNumber(e.getItemCount() * _amount);
              sm = null;
              if(maintainEnchantment && _enchantment > 0)
                  sm = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.ACQUIRED);
                  sm = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.EARNED_ITEM);
              sm = null;
        player.sendPacket(new ItemList(player, false));

        StatusUpdate su = new StatusUpdate(player.getObjectId());
        su.addAttribute(StatusUpdate.CUR_LOAD, player.getCurrentLoad());
        su = null;

        // finally, give the tax to the castle...
    if (merchant.getIsInTown() && merchant.getCastle().getOwnerId() > 0)
        merchant.getCastle().addToTreasury(_transactionTax * _amount);
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