Package net.sf.jz3950

Examples of net.sf.jz3950.ProtocolException


    public void testType1Encoding() throws Exception
        Type1Encoder.encode(new PrefixQuery("Voyager", "@attrset bib-1 @attr 1=4 \"brain\""), "utf-8");
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            if (localAttributeSet == null)
                localAttributeSet = namespaceId;

            attributePlusTermNode.setAttribute(localAttributeSet + "." + attributeType, new AttributeValue(localAttributeSet, attributeType + "." + attributeValue));

        // See if we have an element name
        if (currentToken == PrefixQuery.TOKEN_ELEMENTNAME)
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                if (relation.getBase() != null)
                    if (relation.getBase().equalsIgnoreCase("src"))
                        attributePlusTermNode.setAttribute("bib-1.2", new AttributeValue("="));
                    else if (relation.getBase().equalsIgnoreCase("exact"))
                        attributePlusTermNode.setAttribute("bib-1.2", new AttributeValue("="));
                    else if (relation.getBase().equalsIgnoreCase("all"))
                        attributePlusTermNode.setAttribute("bib-1.2", new AttributeValue("="));
                    else if (relation.getBase().equalsIgnoreCase("any"))
                        attributePlusTermNode.setAttribute("bib-1.2", new AttributeValue("="));
                        attributePlusTermNode.setAttribute("bib-1.2", new AttributeValue(relation.getBase()));

                    logger.debug("Modifiers: " + relation.getModifiers());
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                // Consume the attribute token
                currentToken = readToken(tokenizer);
                throw new InvalidQueryException("Unexpected error processing RPN query, expected attribute type");

            // Ensure that there is an equals
            if (currentToken == PrefixQuery.TOKEN_EQUALS)
                // Consume it
                currentToken = readToken(tokenizer);
                throw new InvalidQueryException("Unexpected error processing RPN query, expected =");

            // Ensure there is a value
            if (currentToken == PrefixQuery.TOKEN_NUMBER)
                attributeValue = java.math.BigInteger.valueOf((int) tokenizer.nval);
                // Consume It
                currentToken = readToken(tokenizer);
            else if (currentToken == PrefixQuery.TOKEN_TERM)
                // With the new attribute set architecture we will start to get string values... Deal here
                attributeValue = tokenizer.sval;
                // Consume It
                currentToken = readToken(tokenizer);
                throw new InvalidQueryException("Unexpected error processing RPN query, expected str or num attribute");

            if (localAttributeSet == null)
                localAttributeSet = namespaceId;

            attributePlusTermNode.setAttribute(localAttributeSet + "." + attributeType, new AttributeValue(localAttributeSet, attributeType + "." + attributeValue));

        // See if we have an element name
        if (currentToken == PrefixQuery.TOKEN_ELEMENTNAME)
            // Consume the element name token and move on to the actual element name
            currentToken = readToken(tokenizer);

            // Consume the actual element name
            currentToken = readToken(tokenizer);

        // Process any terms following the attrs
        while ((currentToken == PrefixQuery.TOKEN_TERM) || (currentToken == PrefixQuery.TOKEN_NUMBER))
            if (currentToken == PrefixQuery.TOKEN_TERM)
                terms.add("" + tokenizer.nval);

            currentToken = readToken(tokenizer);

        if (terms.size() > 1)
        else if (terms.size() == 1)
            throw new InvalidQueryException("No Terms");

        return attributePlusTermNode;
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                    attributeValue = new BigInteger(result[2]);
                throw new InvalidQueryException("Unable to parse attribute triple \"" + attributeTripleStr + "\"");

            return new Type1AttributeTriple(attributeSet, attributeType, attributeValue);
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    public QueryModel toQueryModel() throws InvalidQueryException
        StreamTokenizer tokenizer = createTokenizer(new StringReader(this.prefixString));
        QueryModel result = new QueryModel();
        int currentToken = readToken(tokenizer);

        if (currentToken == PrefixQuery.TOKEN_ATTRSET)
            // Consume the Attrset token
            currentToken = readToken(tokenizer);

            String attributeSet = tokenizer.sval;

            // Consume the namespace value token
            currentToken = readToken(tokenizer);

            QueryModelNamespaceNode namespaceNode = new QueryModelNamespaceNode();
            namespaceNode.setRoot(visitPrefixQuery(tokenizer, currentToken, attributeSet));
            result.setRoot(visitPrefixQuery(tokenizer, currentToken, "bib-1"));

        return result;
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        this.rootNode = rootNode;

    public QueryModel toQueryModel() throws InvalidQueryException
        return new QueryModel(translate(this.rootNode));
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        return node;

    private static QueryModelAPTNode visitQueryNode(StreamTokenizer tokenizer, int currentToken, String namespaceId) throws InvalidQueryException
        QueryModelAPTNode attributePlusTermNode = new QueryModelAPTNode();
        List<String> terms = new ArrayList<String>();

        while (currentToken == PrefixQuery.TOKEN_ATTR)
            int attributeType = 0;
            Object attributeValue = null;
            String localAttributeSet = null;

            // Consume the @attr and see what's next
            currentToken = readToken(tokenizer);

            // See if there is an attrset, as in "@attr gils 1=2016"
            if (currentToken == PrefixQuery.TOKEN_TERM)
                // It must be an attribute set identifier, since attr types are always numeric
                localAttributeSet = tokenizer.sval;
                currentToken = readToken(tokenizer);

            // Process the attribute
            if (currentToken == PrefixQuery.TOKEN_NUMBER)
                attributeType = (int) tokenizer.nval;
                // Consume the attribute token
                currentToken = readToken(tokenizer);
                throw new InvalidQueryException("Unexpected error processing RPN query, expected attribute type");

            // Ensure that there is an equals
            if (currentToken == PrefixQuery.TOKEN_EQUALS)
                // Consume it
                currentToken = readToken(tokenizer);
                throw new InvalidQueryException("Unexpected error processing RPN query, expected =");

            // Ensure there is a value
            if (currentToken == PrefixQuery.TOKEN_NUMBER)
                attributeValue = java.math.BigInteger.valueOf((int) tokenizer.nval);
                // Consume It
                currentToken = readToken(tokenizer);
            else if (currentToken == PrefixQuery.TOKEN_TERM)
                // With the new attribute set architecture we will start to get string values... Deal here
                attributeValue = tokenizer.sval;
                // Consume It
                currentToken = readToken(tokenizer);
                throw new InvalidQueryException("Unexpected error processing RPN query, expected str or num attribute");

            if (localAttributeSet == null)
                localAttributeSet = namespaceId;

            attributePlusTermNode.setAttribute(localAttributeSet + "." + attributeType, new AttributeValue(localAttributeSet, attributeType + "." + attributeValue));

        // See if we have an element name
        if (currentToken == PrefixQuery.TOKEN_ELEMENTNAME)
            // Consume the element name token and move on to the actual element name
            currentToken = readToken(tokenizer);

            // Consume the actual element name
            currentToken = readToken(tokenizer);

        // Process any terms following the attrs
        while ((currentToken == PrefixQuery.TOKEN_TERM) || (currentToken == PrefixQuery.TOKEN_NUMBER))
            if (currentToken == PrefixQuery.TOKEN_TERM)
                terms.add("" + tokenizer.nval);

            currentToken = readToken(tokenizer);

        if (terms.size() > 1)
        else if (terms.size() == 1)
            throw new InvalidQueryException("No Terms");
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            rpnStructure.which = RPNStructure_type.rpnrpnop_CID;
            rpnStructure.o = rpnOp;
        else if (node instanceof QueryModelAPTNode)
            QueryModelAPTNode aptNode = (QueryModelAPTNode) node;

            AttributesPlusTerm_type attributePlusTerm = new AttributesPlusTerm_type();
            attributePlusTerm.attributes = new ArrayList();

            for (String attributeId : aptNode.getAttributes().keySet())
                Type1AttributeTriple attributeTriple = Type1AttributeTriple.parse(aptNode.getAttribute(attributeId).toString());

                AttributeElement_type attributeElement = new AttributeElement_type();
                attributeElement.attributeValue = new attributeValue_inline3_type();
                attributeElement.attributeType = BigInteger.valueOf(attributeTriple.attributeType);

                 * Use OID registry to lookup attr set oid if one is present. Don't fill out element attrset if it's the
                 * same as default attrset
                String elementAttributeSet = attributeTriple.attributeSet;

                if ((null != elementAttributeSet) && (!elementAttributeSet.equals(defaultNamespace)))
                    attributeElement.attributeSet = ProtocolOIDRegister.getInstance().oidByName(elementAttributeSet);

                if (attributeTriple.attributeValue instanceof BigInteger)
                    attributeElement.attributeValue.which = attributeValue_inline3_type.numeric_CID;
                    attributeElement.attributeValue.o = BigInteger.valueOf(((BigInteger) attributeTriple.attributeValue).intValue());
                else if (attributeTriple.attributeValue instanceof String)
                    StringOrNumeric_type son = new StringOrNumeric_type();
                    son.which = StringOrNumeric_type.string_CID;
                    son.o = attributeTriple.attributeValue.toString();

                    complex_inline4_type cit = new complex_inline4_type();
                    cit.list = new ArrayList();

                    attributeElement.attributeValue.which = attributeValue_inline3_type.complex_CID;
                    attributeElement.attributeValue.o = cit;
                    logger.warn("Unhandled type (" + attributeTriple.attributeValue.getClass().getName() + ") for attribute value");


                 * Add new AttributeElement members for each attribute.
                attributePlusTerm.term = new Term_type();
                attributePlusTerm.term.which = Term_type.general_CID;
                attributePlusTerm.term.o = aptNode.getTerm().toString().getBytes(encoding);
            catch ( e)
                logger.warn("Problem converting search string to requested encoding", e);
                attributePlusTerm.term.o = aptNode.getTerm().toString().getBytes();

            Operand_type operand = new Operand_type();
            operand.which = Operand_type.attrterm_CID;
            operand.o = attributePlusTerm;
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        else if (node instanceof CQLTermNode)
            logger.warn("FIXME: CQLTermNode will not be translated properly");

            CQLTermNode cqlTermNode = (CQLTermNode) node;
            QueryModelAPTNode attributePlusTermNode = new QueryModelAPTNode();

            if ((cqlTermNode.getQualifier() != null) && (cqlTermNode.getQualifier().length() > 0))
                logger.debug("Using supplied qualifier: " + cqlTermNode.getQualifier());
                attributePlusTermNode.setAttribute("bib-1.1", cqlTermNode.getQualifier());
                logger.debug("Using default qualifier: " + DEFAULT_QUALIFIER);
                attributePlusTermNode.setAttribute("bib-1.1", DEFAULT_QUALIFIER);

            CQLRelation relation = cqlTermNode.getRelation();

            if (relation != null)
                if (relation.getBase() != null)
                    if (relation.getBase().equalsIgnoreCase("src"))
                        attributePlusTermNode.setAttribute("bib-1.2", new AttributeValue("="));
                    else if (relation.getBase().equalsIgnoreCase("exact"))
                        attributePlusTermNode.setAttribute("bib-1.2", new AttributeValue("="));
                    else if (relation.getBase().equalsIgnoreCase("all"))
                        attributePlusTermNode.setAttribute("bib-1.2", new AttributeValue("="));
                    else if (relation.getBase().equalsIgnoreCase("any"))
                        attributePlusTermNode.setAttribute("bib-1.2", new AttributeValue("="));
                        attributePlusTermNode.setAttribute("bib-1.2", new AttributeValue(relation.getBase()));

                    logger.debug("Modifiers: " + relation.getModifiers());
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Related Classes of net.sf.jz3950.ProtocolException

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