// first overflow
overflowStartPage = pageCount;
else if (pageCount >= overflowStartPage + 2)
throw new JRRuntimeException("List row overflowed on 3 consecutive pages, "
+ "likely infinite loop");
// set the filling flag so that we know that we are continuing
filling = true;
// set the index of the column that overflowed
// this is actually the index + 1
overflowColumnIndex = columnIndex;
return FillPrepareResult.printStretch(availableHeight, overflow);
// list has completed;
// fill last row, if not filled
if (columnIndex > 0)
// reset overflow column index
overflowColumnIndex = 0;
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("List has completed rendering");
filling = false;
if (!hadData)
//if no data, set as no print
return FillPrepareResult.NO_PRINT_NO_OVERFLOW;
return FillPrepareResult.printStretch(printFrame.getHeight(), false);
catch (JRException e)
throw new JRRuntimeException(e);