* After this period of time, we should only have 2 entries in the cache
public void testCacheSetting() throws Exception
CacheManager cacheManager = null;
long clockSkew = 1000; // 1 sec
cacheManager = new CacheManager();
cacheManager.addCache( "kdcReplayCache" );
Cache ehCache = cacheManager.getCache( "kdcReplayCache" );
ehCache.getCacheConfiguration().setMaxElementsInMemory( 2 );
ehCache.getCacheConfiguration().setTimeToLiveSeconds( 1 );
ehCache.getCacheConfiguration().setTimeToIdleSeconds( 1 );
ehCache.getCacheConfiguration().setDiskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds( 1 );
ReplayCacheImpl cache = new ReplayCacheImpl( ehCache, clockSkew );
int i = 0;
// Inject 4 entries
while ( i < 4 )
KerberosPrincipal serverPrincipal = new KerberosPrincipal( "server" + i + "@APACHE.ORG",
PrincipalNameType.KRB_NT_PRINCIPAL.getValue() );
KerberosPrincipal clientPrincipal = new KerberosPrincipal( "client" + i + "@APACHE.ORG",
PrincipalNameType.KRB_NT_PRINCIPAL.getValue() );
cache.save( serverPrincipal, clientPrincipal, new KerberosTime( System.currentTimeMillis() ), 0 );
List<?> keys = ehCache.getKeys();
// We should have 4 entries
assertTrue( keys.size() != 0 );
// Wait till the timetolive time exceeds
Thread.sleep( 1200 );
// then access the cache so that the objects present in the cache will be expired
for ( Object k : keys )
assertNull( ehCache.get( k ) );
assertEquals( 0, ehCache.getKeys().size() );
if ( cacheManager != null )