ExecutionContext context = invocationContext.getExecutionContext();
ExecutionModel model = context.getExecutionModel();
List<String> cmdList = new ArrayList<String>();
SSHClient ssh = new SSHClient();
try {
* Notifier
NotificationService notifier = context.getNotificationService();
* Builder Command
// create process builder from command
String command = buildCommand(cmdList);
//redirect StdOut and StdErr
command += SPACE + "1>" + SPACE + model.getStdOut();
command += SPACE + "2>" + SPACE + model.getStderr();
// get the env of the host and the application
Map<String, String> nv = context.getExecutionModel().getEnv();
// extra env's
nv.put(GFacConstants.INPUT_DATA_DIR, context.getExecutionModel().getInputDataDir());
nv.put(GFacConstants.OUTPUT_DATA_DIR, context.getExecutionModel().getOutputDataDir());
// log info
log.info("Command = " + buildCommand(cmdList));
for (String key : nv.keySet()) {
log.info("Env[" + key + "] = " + nv.get(key));
// notify start
DurationObj compObj = notifier.computationStarted();
* Create ssh connection
final Session session = ssh.startSession();
try {
* Build working Directory
log.info("WorkingDir = " + model.getWorkingDir());
session.exec("mkdir -p " + model.getWorkingDir());
session.exec("cd " + model.getWorkingDir());
* Set environment
for (String key : nv.keySet()) {
session.setEnvVar(key, nv.get(key));
* Execute
Command cmd = session.exec(command);
log.info("stdout=" + GfacUtils.readFromStream(session.getInputStream()));
cmd.join(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
// notify end
* check return value. usually not very helpful to draw conclusions
* based on return values so don't bother. just provide warning in
* the log messages
if (cmd.getExitStatus() != 0) {
log.error("Process finished with non zero return value. Process may have failed");
} else {
log.info("Process finished with return value of zero.");
File logDir = new File("./service_logs");
if (!logDir.exists()) {
// Get the Stdouts and StdErrs
QName x = QName.valueOf(invocationContext.getServiceName());
String timeStampedServiceName = GfacUtils.createServiceDirName(x);
File localStdOutFile = new File(logDir, timeStampedServiceName + ".stdout");
File localStdErrFile = new File(logDir, timeStampedServiceName + ".stderr");
SCPFileTransfer fileTransfer = ssh.newSCPFileTransfer();
fileTransfer.download(model.getStdOut(), localStdOutFile.getAbsolutePath());
fileTransfer.download(model.getStderr(), localStdErrFile.getAbsolutePath());
// set to context
OutputUtils.fillOutputFromStdout(invocationContext.getMessageContext("output"), context.getExecutionModel().getStdoutStr(), context.getExecutionModel().getStderrStr());
} catch (Exception e) {
throw e;
} finally {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new GfacException(e.getMessage(), e);
} finally {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {