_streamingManager.setPadding(4, 4, 4, 4);
// Add HorizontalFieldManager for buttons
final HorizontalFieldManager buttonManager =
new HorizontalFieldManager(FIELD_HCENTER);
_snapshotButton = new ButtonField("Snapshot");
_calibrateButton = new ButtonField("Calibrate");
add(new SeparatorField());
// Add fields for displaying snapshot data
_snapshotManager = new VerticalFieldManager();
_snapshotHeadingField = new TextField("Snapshot heading: ", "");
_snapshotAngleField = new TextField("Snapshot angle: ", "");
_snapshotStrengthField = new TextField("Snapshot field strength: ", "");
_snapshotQualityField =
new TextField("Snapshot calibration quality: ", "");
_snapshotQuaternionField = new TextField("Snapshot quaternion: ", "");
_snapshotManager.setPadding(4, 4, 4, 4);
add(new SeparatorField());
// The magnetometer channel will be opened with a sampling
// frequency of 10 hertz and will be active only when the app
// is in the foreground. This is the default configuration
// that would be set automatically if the no arg constructor
// for MagnetometerChannelConfig was used.
final MagnetometerChannelConfig mcc =
new MagnetometerChannelConfig(10, true, false);
// Open up the magnetometer channel for reading data and
// set this class as a MagnetometerListener.
_magnetometerChannel = MagnetometerSensor.openChannel(app, mcc);
// Cache the application for use later
_app = app;
// Start looking for the device's location and initialize
// the GeomagneticField if on a real device.
if (!isSim) {
// Add the declination fields only if on a real device
_declinationField = new TextField("Declination: ", "");
_snapshotDeclinationField =
new TextField("Snapshot declination: ", "");
// Add field for displaying location status
_locationInfo = new TextField("Location status: ", "");
// Add HorizontalFieldManager for the location information
_locationManager = new HorizontalFieldManager(FIELD_HCENTER);
_latitude = new TextField("Latitude : ", "");
_longitude = new TextField("Longitude : ", "");
_altitude = new TextField("Altitude : ", "");