Package net.rim.device.api.command

Examples of net.rim.device.api.command.Command


            final MenuItem myItem =
                    new MenuItem(new StringProvider("Switch View"), 0x230010, 0);
            myItem.setCommand(new Command(new SwitchViewCommandHandler(
                    paneManagerView, leftArrow, rightArrow, edgesFour)));
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        _scalableGraphics = ScalableGraphics.createInstance();

        // A menu item used to erase all elements on the screen
        final MenuItem eraseMenu =
                new MenuItem(new StringProvider("Erase Canvas"), 0x230010, 0);
        eraseMenu.setCommand(new Command(new CommandHandler() {
             * @see net.rim.device.api.command.CommandHandler#execute(ReadOnlyCommandMetadata,
             *      Object)
            public void execute(final ReadOnlyCommandMetadata metadata,
                    final Object context) {
                // Reset the last x and y coordinates.
                _lastX = -1;
                _lastY = -1;

                // Remove all children from the svg node.
                SVGElement line = (SVGElement) _svg.getFirstElementChild();
                while (line != null) {
                    line = (SVGElement) _svg.getFirstElementChild();

                // Indicate that the screen requires re-painting.

        // A menu item used to select a line color
        final MenuItem colourMenu =
                new MenuItem(new StringProvider("Change Colour"), 0x230020, 1);
        colourMenu.setCommand(new Command(new CommandHandler() {
             * @see net.rim.device.api.command.CommandHandler#execute(ReadOnlyCommandMetadata,
             *      Object)
            public void execute(final ReadOnlyCommandMetadata metadata,
                    final Object context) {
                final ColorChangeDialog dialog =
                        new ColorChangeDialog(_colorIndex);

                if (dialog.doModal() == Dialog.OK) {
                    _colorIndex = dialog.getColorIndex();
                    _color = dialog.getColor(_colorIndex);

        // A menu item used to select a line color
        final MenuItem widthMenu =
                new MenuItem(new StringProvider("Change Width"), 0x230030, 2);
        widthMenu.setCommand(new Command(new CommandHandler() {
             * @see net.rim.device.api.command.CommandHandler#execute(ReadOnlyCommandMetadata,
             *      Object)
            public void execute(final ReadOnlyCommandMetadata metadata,
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            // Add a menu item to display an animation in a popup screen
            final MenuItem showAnimation =
                    new MenuItem(new StringProvider("Show Animation"),
                            0x230010, 0);
            showAnimation.setCommand(new Command(new CommandHandler() {
                 * @see net.rim.device.api.command.CommandHandler#execute(ReadOnlyCommandMetadata,
                 *      Object)
                public void execute(final ReadOnlyCommandMetadata metadata,
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        // Execute a command retrieved from RemoteCommandRegistrarConnection
        final CommandRegistrarConnection connection =
                new RemoteCommandRegistrarConnection();
        final CommandRequest request =
                new CommandRequest("CommandFrameworkDemoRemoteAppCommand");
        final Command command = connection.getCommand(request);

        // The Command reference may be null if the
        // CommandFrameworkDemoRemoteApp
        // project has not been loaded.
        if (command != null) {

        // Push a MainScreen onto the display stack
        pushScreen(new CommandFrameworkDemoScreen());
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        // A MenuItem to start the diagnostic test
        final MenuItem startTestItem =
                new MenuItem(new StringProvider("Start Test"), 0x300010, 0);
        startTestItem.setCommand(new Command(new CommandHandler() {
             * @see net.rim.device.api.command.CommandHandler#execute(ReadOnlyCommandMetadata,
             *      Object)
            public void execute(final ReadOnlyCommandMetadata metadata,
                    final Object context) {
                // Format the UI for output

                if (_locThread != null) {
                    if (!_locThread.isStopped()) {

                log("Core GPS API test starting");
                log("Device: " + DeviceInfo.getDeviceName());
                log("Device Software: " + DeviceInfo.getSoftwareVersion());
                log("Carrier: " + RadioInfo.getCurrentNetworkName());

                // Begin test
                _locThread = new LocationThread();

        _stopTestItem =
                new MenuItem(new StringProvider("Stop Test"), 0x300020, 1);
        _stopTestItem.setCommand(new Command(new CommandHandler() {
             * @see net.rim.device.api.command.CommandHandler#execute(ReadOnlyCommandMetadata,
             *      Object)
            public void execute(final ReadOnlyCommandMetadata metadata,
                    final Object context) {
                // Stop the thread
                log("Stopping test");
                _locThread = null;

        // A MenuItem to display the help dialog
        final MenuItem helpItem =
                new MenuItem(new StringProvider("Help"), 0x300030, 2);
        helpItem.setCommand(new Command(new CommandHandler() {
             * @see net.rim.device.api.command.CommandHandler#execute(ReadOnlyCommandMetadata,
             *      Object)
            public void execute(final ReadOnlyCommandMetadata metadata,
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         * Creates a new BackMenuItem object
        private BackMenuItem() {
            super(new StringProvider("Back"), 0x230020, 5);
            this.setCommand(new Command(new CommandHandler() {

                 * Closes this screen
                 * @see net.rim.device.api.command.CommandHandler#execute(ReadOnlyCommandMetadata,
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            // Menu Item to add the current location to the list of WayPoints
            final MenuItem markWayPoint =
                    new MenuItem(new StringProvider("Mark waypoint"), 0x230010,
            markWayPoint.setCommand(new Command(new CommandHandler() {
                 * @see net.rim.device.api.command.CommandHandler#execute(ReadOnlyCommandMetadata,
                 *      Object)
                public void execute(final ReadOnlyCommandMetadata metadata,
                        final Object context) {

            // Menu Item to view the marked WayPoints
            final MenuItem viewWayPoints =
                    new MenuItem(new StringProvider("View waypoints"),
                            0x230020, 1);
            viewWayPoints.setCommand(new Command(new CommandHandler() {
                 * @see net.rim.device.api.command.CommandHandler#execute(ReadOnlyCommandMetadata,
                 *      Object)
                public void execute(final ReadOnlyCommandMetadata metadata,
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        // Displays a map of a specified locaton.
        final MenuItem viewMapItem =
                new MenuItem(new StringProvider("View Map"), 0x230020, 0);
        viewMapItem.setCommand(new Command(new CommandHandler() {
             * @see net.rim.device.api.command.CommandHandler#execute(ReadOnlyCommandMetadata,
             *      Object)
            public void execute(final ReadOnlyCommandMetadata metadata,
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        // Menu item to create a new meeting
        final MenuItem newMeetingItem =
                new MenuItem(new StringProvider("New Meeting"), 0x230010, 0);
        newMeetingItem.setCommand(new Command(new CommandHandler() {
             * @see net.rim.device.api.command.CommandHandler#execute(ReadOnlyCommandMetadata,
             *      Object)
            public void execute(final ReadOnlyCommandMetadata metadata,
                    final Object context) {
                final Meeting meeting = new Meeting();
                _uiApp.pushScreen(new MeetingScreen(meeting, -1, true));

        viewItem = new MenuItem(new StringProvider("View"), 0x230020, 1);
        viewItem.setCommand(new Command(new CommandHandler() {
             * @see net.rim.device.api.command.CommandHandler#execute(ReadOnlyCommandMetadata,
             *      Object)
            public void execute(final ReadOnlyCommandMetadata metadata,
                    final Object context) {

        editItem = new MenuItem(new StringProvider("Edit"), 0x230030, 2);
        editItem.setCommand(new Command(new CommandHandler() {
             * @see net.rim.device.api.command.CommandHandler#execute(ReadOnlyCommandMetadata,
             *      Object)
            public void execute(final ReadOnlyCommandMetadata metadata,
                    final Object context) {

        deleteItem = new MenuItem(new StringProvider("Delete"), 0x230040, 3);
        deleteItem.setCommand(new Command(new CommandHandler() {
             * @see net.rim.device.api.command.CommandHandler#execute(ReadOnlyCommandMetadata,
             *      Object)
            public void execute(final ReadOnlyCommandMetadata metadata,
                    final Object context) {
                // Retrieve the highlighted Meeting object and remove it from
                // the
                // vector, then update the list field to reflect the change.
                final int i = _view.getRowNumberWithFocus();
                final String meetingName =
                        ((Meeting) _uiApp.getMeetings().elementAt(i))
                final int result =
                        Dialog.ask(Dialog.DELETE, "Delete " + meetingName + "?");
                if (result == Dialog.YES) {

        // Menu item to gain access to the controlled object
        final MenuItem retrieveItem =
                new MenuItem(new StringProvider("Access controlled object"),
                        0x230050, 0);
        retrieveItem.setCommand(new Command(new CommandHandler() {
             * @see net.rim.device.api.command.CommandHandler#execute(ReadOnlyCommandMetadata,
             *      Object)
            public void execute(final ReadOnlyCommandMetadata metadata,
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        // Create the view
        _view = new TableView(_model);

        // Create the controller
        _controller = new TableController(_model, _view);
        _controller.setCommand(new Command(new CommandHandler() {
             * @see CommandHandler#execute(ReadOnlyCommandMetadata, Object)
            public void execute(final ReadOnlyCommandMetadata metadata,
                    final Object context) {



        // Set the highlight style for the view
                        Color.LIGHTBLUE, Color.BLUE, Color.BLUE));

        // Create a data template that will format the model data as an array of
        // LabelFields
        final DataTemplate dataTemplate = new DataTemplate(_view, 1, 1) {
            public Field[] getDataFields(final int modelRowIndex) {
                final Field[] fields =
                        { new LabelField("Waypoint " + modelRowIndex,
                                DrawStyle.ELLIPSIS | Field.NON_FOCUSABLE) };

                return fields;

        // Define the regions of the data template and column/row size
        dataTemplate.createRegion(new XYRect(0, 0, 1, 1));
        dataTemplate.setColumnProperties(0, new TemplateColumnProperties(
        dataTemplate.setRowProperties(0, new TemplateRowProperties(24));



        _viewPointAction =
                new MenuItem(new StringProvider("View"), 0x230010, 0);
        _viewPointAction.setCommand(new Command(new CommandHandler() {
             * @see net.rim.device.api.command.CommandHandler#execute(ReadOnlyCommandMetadata,
             *      Object)
            public void execute(final ReadOnlyCommandMetadata metadata,
                    final Object context) {

        _deletePointAction =
                new MenuItem(new StringProvider("Delete"), 0x230020, 1);
        _deletePointAction.setCommand(new Command(new CommandHandler() {
             * @see net.rim.device.api.command.CommandHandler#execute(ReadOnlyCommandMetadata,
             *      Object)
            public void execute(final ReadOnlyCommandMetadata metadata,
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Related Classes of net.rim.device.api.command.Command

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