Package net.opengis.wps10.impl

Examples of net.opengis.wps10.impl.ComplexDataDescriptionTypeImpl

        return value;
    public Object getProperty(Object object, QName name) throws Exception {
        LanguagesType1 langs = (LanguagesType1) object;
        if ( "Supported".equals( name.getLocalPart() ) ) {
            return langs.getSupported();
        return null;
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            else {
                //actual data, figure out which type
                DataType data = input.getData();
                if ( data.getLiteralData() != null ) {
                    LiteralDataType literal = data.getLiteralData();
                    decoded = ((LiteralPPIO)ppio).decode( literal.getValue() );
                else if ( data.getComplexData() != null ) {
                    ComplexDataType complex = data.getComplexData();
                    decoded = complex.getData().get( 0 );
                    try {
                        decoded = ((ComplexPPIO)ppio).decode( decoded );
                    catch (Exception e) {
                        throw new WPSException( "Unable to decode input: " + input.getIdentifier().getValue() );
            //decode the input
            inputs.put( p.key, decoded );
        //execute the process
        Map<String,Object> result = null;
        Throwable error = null;
        try {
            Process p = pf.create(processName);
            result = p.execute( inputs, null );   
        catch( Throwable t ) {
            //save the error to report back
            error = t;
        //build the response
        Wps10Factory f = Wps10Factory.eINSTANCE;
        ExecuteResponseType response = f.createExecuteResponseType();
        response.setServiceInstance(ResponseUtils.appendQueryString(ResponseUtils.buildURL(request.getBaseUrl(), "ows", null, URLType.SERVICE), ""));
        final ProcessBriefType process = f.createProcessBriefType();
        response.setProcess( process );
        process.setTitle( Ows11Util.languageString( pf.getTitle(processName).toString() ) );
        process.setAbstract( Ows11Util.languageString( pf.getDescription(processName).toString() ) );
        response.setStatus( f.createStatusType() );
        response.getStatus().setCreationTime( Converters.convert( started, XMLGregorianCalendar.class ));
        if ( error != null ) {
            ProcessFailedType failure = f.createProcessFailedType();
            response.getStatus().setProcessFailed( failure );
            failure.setExceptionReport( Ows11Util.exceptionReport( new ServiceException( error ), wps.getGeoServer().getGlobal().isVerboseExceptions()) );
        else {
            response.getStatus().setProcessSucceeded( "Process succeeded.");
        response.setDataInputs( f.createDataInputsType1() );
        for ( Iterator i = request.getDataInputs().getInput().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
            InputType input = (InputType);
            response.getDataInputs().getInput().add( EMFUtils.clone( input, f, true ) );
        //output definitions
        OutputDefinitionsType outputs = f.createOutputDefinitionsType();
        response.setOutputDefinitions( outputs );
        Map<String,Parameter<?>> outs = pf.getResultInfo(processName, null);
        Map<String,ProcessParameterIO> ppios = new HashMap();
        for ( String key : result.keySet() ) {
            Parameter p = pf.getResultInfo(processName, null).get( key );
            if ( p == null ) {
                throw new WPSException( "No such output: " + key );
            //find the ppio
            ProcessParameterIO ppio = ProcessParameterIO.find( p, context );
            if ( ppio == null ) {
                throw new WPSException( "Unable to encode output: " + p.key );
            ppios.put( p.key, ppio );
            DocumentOutputDefinitionType output = f.createDocumentOutputDefinitionType();
            outputs.getOutput().add( output );
            output.setIdentifier( Ows11Util.code( p.key ) );
            if ( ppio instanceof ComplexPPIO ) {
                output.setMimeType( ((ComplexPPIO) ppio).getMimeType() );
            //TODO: encoding + schema
        //process outputs
        ProcessOutputsType1 processOutputs = f.createProcessOutputsType1();
        response.setProcessOutputs( processOutputs );
        for ( String key : result.keySet() ) {
            OutputDataType output = f.createOutputDataType();
            output.setTitle(Ows11Util.languageString(pf.getResultInfo(processName, null).get( key ).description));
            processOutputs.getOutput().add( output );
            final Object o = result.get( key );
            ProcessParameterIO ppio = ppios.get( key );
            if ( ppio instanceof ReferencePPIO ) {
                //encode as a reference
                OutputReferenceType ref = f.createOutputReferenceType();
                output.setReference( ref );
                //TODO: mime type
                ref.setHref( ((ReferencePPIO) ppio).encode(o).toString() );
            else {
                //encode as data
                DataType data = f.createDataType();
                output.setData( data );
                if ( ppio instanceof LiteralPPIO ) {
                    LiteralDataType literal = f.createLiteralDataType();
                    data.setLiteralData( literal );
                    literal.setValue( ((LiteralPPIO) ppio).encode( o ) );
                else if ( ppio instanceof ComplexPPIO ) {
                    ComplexDataType complex = f.createComplexDataType();
                    data.setComplexData( complex );
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        } else {
            // raw response, let's see what the output is
            ExecuteResponseType response = (ExecuteResponseType) value;
            OutputDataType result = (OutputDataType) response
            LiteralDataType literal = result.getData().getLiteralData();
            if(literal != null) {
                // literals are encoded as plain strings
                return "text/plain";
            } else {
                // Execute should have properly setup the mime type
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        } else {
            // raw response, let's see what the output is
            ExecuteResponseType response = (ExecuteResponseType) value;
            OutputDataType result = (OutputDataType) response
            LiteralDataType literal = result.getData().getLiteralData();
            if (literal != null) {
                writeLiteral(output, literal);
            } else {
                writeComplex(output, result);
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     * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
     * <!-- end-user-doc -->
     * @generated
    public NotificationChain basicSetLiteralData(LiteralDataType newLiteralData, NotificationChain msgs) {
        LiteralDataType oldLiteralData = literalData;
        literalData = newLiteralData;
        if (eNotificationRequired()) {
            ENotificationImpl notification = new ENotificationImpl(this, Notification.SET, Wps10Package.DATA_TYPE__LITERAL_DATA, oldLiteralData, newLiteralData);
            if (msgs == null) msgs = notification; else msgs.add(notification);
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            //handle the literal case
            if ( ppios.size() == 1 && ppios.get( 0 ) instanceof LiteralPPIO ) {
                LiteralPPIO lppio = (LiteralPPIO) ppios.get( 0 );
                LiteralInputType literal = wpsf.createLiteralInputType();
                input.setLiteralData( literal );
                //map the java class to an xml type name
                if ( !String.class.equals( lppio.getType() ) ) {
                    Name typeName = lppio.getType() );
                    if ( typeName != null ) {
                        literal.setDataType( Ows11Util.type( typeName.getLocalPart() ) );       
                literal.setAnyValue( owsf.createAnyValueType() );

                //TODO: output the default value
            else {
                //handle the complex data case
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     * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
     * <!-- end-user-doc -->
     * @generated
    public NotificationChain basicSetLiteralData(LiteralInputType newLiteralData, NotificationChain msgs) {
        LiteralInputType oldLiteralData = literalData;
        literalData = newLiteralData;
        if (eNotificationRequired()) {
            ENotificationImpl notification = new ENotificationImpl(this, Notification.SET, Wps10Package.INPUT_DESCRIPTION_TYPE__LITERAL_DATA, oldLiteralData, newLiteralData);
            if (msgs == null) msgs = notification; else msgs.add(notification);
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            //handle the literal case
            if ( ppios.size() == 1 && ppios.get( 0 ) instanceof LiteralPPIO ) {
                LiteralPPIO lppio = (LiteralPPIO) ppios.get( 0 );
                LiteralOutputType literal = wpsf.createLiteralOutputType();
                //map the java class to an xml type name
                if ( !String.class.equals( lppio.getType() ) ) {
                    Name typeName = lppio.getType() );
                    if ( typeName != null ) {
                        literal.setDataType( Ows11Util.type( typeName.getLocalPart() ) );       
            else {
                //handle the complex data case
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     * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
     * <!-- end-user-doc -->
     * @generated
    public NotificationChain basicSetLiteralOutput(LiteralOutputType newLiteralOutput, NotificationChain msgs) {
        LiteralOutputType oldLiteralOutput = literalOutput;
        literalOutput = newLiteralOutput;
        if (eNotificationRequired()) {
            ENotificationImpl notification = new ENotificationImpl(this, Notification.SET, Wps10Package.OUTPUT_DESCRIPTION_TYPE__LITERAL_OUTPUT, oldLiteralOutput, newLiteralOutput);
            if (msgs == null) msgs = notification; else msgs.add(notification);
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                //this is a reference
                InputReferenceType ref = input.getReference();
                //grab the location and method
                String href = ref.getHref();
                MethodType meth = ref.getMethod() != null ? ref.getMethod() : MethodType.GET_LITERAL;
                //handle get vs post
                if ( meth == MethodType.POST_LITERAL ) {
                    //post, handle the body
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Related Classes of net.opengis.wps10.impl.ComplexDataDescriptionTypeImpl

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