Package net.opengis.wps10

Examples of net.opengis.wps10.WPSCapabilitiesType

     * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
     * <!-- end-user-doc -->
     * @generated
    public NotificationChain basicSetComplexOutput(SupportedComplexDataType newComplexOutput, NotificationChain msgs) {
        SupportedComplexDataType oldComplexOutput = complexOutput;
        complexOutput = newComplexOutput;
        if (eNotificationRequired()) {
            ENotificationImpl notification = new ENotificationImpl(this, Notification.SET, Wps10Package.OUTPUT_DESCRIPTION_TYPE__COMPLEX_OUTPUT, oldComplexOutput, newComplexOutput);
            if (msgs == null) msgs = notification; else msgs.add(notification);
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     * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
     * <!-- end-user-doc -->
     * @generated
    public NotificationChain basicSetUOMs(SupportedUOMsType newUOMs, NotificationChain msgs) {
        SupportedUOMsType oldUOMs = uOMs;
        uOMs = newUOMs;
        if (eNotificationRequired()) {
            ENotificationImpl notification = new ENotificationImpl(this, Notification.SET, Wps10Package.LITERAL_OUTPUT_TYPE__UO_MS, oldUOMs, newUOMs);
            if (msgs == null) msgs = notification; else msgs.add(notification);
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     * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
     * <!-- end-user-doc -->
     * @generated
    public NotificationChain basicSetValuesReference(ValuesReferenceType newValuesReference, NotificationChain msgs) {
        ValuesReferenceType oldValuesReference = valuesReference;
        valuesReference = newValuesReference;
        if (eNotificationRequired()) {
            ENotificationImpl notification = new ENotificationImpl(this, Notification.SET, Wps10Package.LITERAL_INPUT_TYPE__VALUES_REFERENCE, oldValuesReference, newValuesReference);
            if (msgs == null) msgs = notification; else msgs.add(notification);
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        // encode the response
        Wps10Factory wpsf = Wps10Factory.eINSTANCE;
        Ows11Factory owsf = Ows11Factory.eINSTANCE;
        WPSCapabilitiesType caps = wpsf.createWPSCapabilitiesType();
        //TODO: make configurable
        caps.setLang( "en" );
        ServiceIdentificationType si = owsf.createServiceIdentificationType();
        caps.setServiceIdentification( si );
        si.getTitle().add( Ows11Util.languageString( wps.getTitle() ) );
        si.getAbstract().add( Ows11Util.languageString( wps.getAbstract() ) );
        KeywordsType kw = Ows11Util.keywords( wps.getKeywords( ) ); ;
        if ( kw != null ) {
            si.getKeywords().add( kw );
        si.setServiceType( Ows11Util.code( "WPS" ) );
        si.getServiceTypeVersion().add( "1.0.0" );
        si.setFees( wps.getFees() );
        if ( wps.getAccessConstraints() != null ) {
            si.getAccessConstraints().add( wps.getAccessConstraints() );   
        ServiceProviderType sp = owsf.createServiceProviderType();
        caps.setServiceProvider( sp );
        //TODO: set provder name from context
        GeoServerInfo geoServer = wps.getGeoServer().getGlobal();
        if ( geoServer.getContact().getContactOrganization() != null ) {
            sp.setProviderNamegeoServer.getContact().getContactOrganization()  );   
        else {
            sp.setProviderName( "GeoServer" );
        sp.getProviderSite().setHref( geoServer.getOnlineResource() );
        sp.setServiceContact( responsibleParty( geoServer, owsf ) );
        OperationsMetadataType om = owsf.createOperationsMetadataType();
        caps.setOperationsMetadata( om );
        OperationType gco = owsf.createOperationType();
        gco.getDCP().add( Ows11Util.dcp( "wps", gco.getName(), request ) );
        om.getOperation().add( gco );
        OperationType dpo = owsf.createOperationType();
        dpo.setName( "DescribeProcess");
        dpo.getDCP().add( Ows11Util.dcp( "wps", dpo.getName(), request ) );
        om.getOperation().add( dpo );
        OperationType eo = owsf.createOperationType();
        eo.setName( "Execute" );
        eo.getDCP().add( Ows11Util.dcp( "wps", eo.getName(), request ) );
        om.getOperation().add( eo );
        ProcessOfferingsType po = wpsf.createProcessOfferingsType();
        caps.setProcessOfferings( po );
        for(ProcessFactory pf : Processors.getProcessFactories()) {
            for (Name name : pf.getNames()) {
                ProcessBriefType p = wpsf.createProcessBriefType();
                po.getProcess().add( p );
                p.setTitle(Ows11Util.languageString( pf.getTitle(name).toString()));
                p.setAbstract(Ows11Util.languageString( pf.getDescription(name).toString()));

        LanguagesType1 languages = wpsf.createLanguagesType1();
        caps.setLanguages( languages );
        DefaultType2 defaultLanguage = wpsf.createDefaultType2();
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        Parser parser = new Parser( wps );
        Object o = parser.parse( getClass().getResourceAsStream( "20_wpsGetCapabilities_response.xml"));
        assertTrue( o instanceof WPSCapabilitiesType);
        WPSCapabilitiesType caps = (WPSCapabilitiesType) o;
        assertServiceIdentification( caps.getServiceIdentification() );
        assertServiceProvider( caps.getServiceProvider() );
        assertOperationsMetadata( caps.getOperationsMetadata() );
        assertProcessOfferings( caps.getProcessOfferings() );
        assertLanguages( caps.getLanguages() );
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            in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(url.openStream()));
            object = parser.parse(in);

            assertNotNull("parsed", object);

            WPSCapabilitiesType capabiliites = (WPSCapabilitiesType) object;
            assertEquals("1.0.0", capabiliites.getVersion());

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            in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(url.openStream()));
            object = parser.parse(in);

            assertNotNull("parsed", object);

            WPSCapabilitiesType capabiliites = (WPSCapabilitiesType) object;
            assertEquals("1.0.0", capabiliites.getVersion());

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        String processIdenLocal = "gs:AreaGrid";

        WPSCapabilitiesType capabilities = wps.getCapabilities();

        // get the first process and execute it
        ProcessOfferingsType processOfferings = capabilities.getProcessOfferings();
        EList processes = processOfferings.getProcess();
        // ProcessBriefType process = (ProcessBriefType) processes.get(0);

        // does the server contain the specific process I want
        boolean found = false;
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        String processIdenLocal = "gs:InvalidProcessName";

        WPSCapabilitiesType capabilities = wps.getCapabilities();

        // get the first process and execute it
        ProcessOfferingsType processOfferings = capabilities.getProcessOfferings();
        EList processes = processOfferings.getProcess();
        // ProcessBriefType process = (ProcessBriefType) processes.get(0);

        // does the server contain the specific process I want
        boolean found = false;
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        String processIdenLocal = "gs:AreaGrid";

        WPSCapabilitiesType capabilities = wps.getCapabilities();

        // get the first process and execute it
        ProcessOfferingsType processOfferings = capabilities.getProcessOfferings();
        EList processes = processOfferings.getProcess();
        // ProcessBriefType process = (ProcessBriefType) processes.get(0);

        // does the server contain the specific process I want
        boolean found = false;
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Related Classes of net.opengis.wps10.WPSCapabilitiesType

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