Iterator iterator = outputs.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext())
OutputDescriptionType odt = (OutputDescriptionType) iterator.next();
// determine if the output is a literal or complex data, and from that
// find out what type the object should be
LiteralOutputType literalOutput = odt.getLiteralOutput();
SupportedComplexDataType complexOutput = odt.getComplexOutput();
Class type = Object.class;
if (literalOutput != null)
DomainMetadataType dataType = literalOutput.getDataType();
if(dataType != null)
// try and parse the type
Class literalType = null;
if(dataType.getReference() != null) { // reference is 0..1
literalType = guessLiteralType(dataType.getReference());
if(literalType == null) {
LOGGER.warning("Unparsable ows:reference " + dataType.getReference());
if(literalType == null) { // no parsable reference
literalType = guessLiteralType(dataType.getValue()); // value is mandatory
type = literalType != null? literalType : String.class;
// datatype is null => character string (OGC 05-007r7, Table 37, DataType)
type = String.class;
// TODO: handle UOM
else if (complexOutput != null)
// TODO: get all supported types and determine how to handle that, not just the
// default.
ComplexDataDescriptionType format = complexOutput.getDefault().getFormat();
String encoding = format.getEncoding();
String mimetype = format.getMimeType();
String schema = format.getSchema();
if (encoding == null)
encoding = "";
if (mimetype == null)
mimetype = "";
if (schema == null)
schema = "";
type = getComplexType(encoding, mimetype, schema);
// create the parameter
InternationalString description = Text.text(isAbstractNull(odt) ? "" : odt.getAbstract().getValue());
Parameter param = new Parameter(odt.getIdentifier().getValue(), type, Text.text(odt.getTitle().getValue()), description);
map.put(odt.getIdentifier().getValue(), param);
return map;