//handle the literal case
if ( ppios.size() == 1 && ppios.get( 0 ) instanceof LiteralPPIO ) {
LiteralPPIO lppio = (LiteralPPIO) ppios.get( 0 );
LiteralInputType literal = wpsf.createLiteralInputType();
input.setLiteralData( literal );
//map the java class to an xml type name
if ( !String.class.equals( lppio.getType() ) ) {
Name typeName = xsp.name( lppio.getType() );
if ( typeName != null ) {
literal.setDataType( Ows11Util.type( typeName.getLocalPart() ) );
literal.setAnyValue( owsf.createAnyValueType() );
//TODO: output the default value
else {
//handle the complex data case