public Object read(Object request, Map kvp, Map rawKvp) throws Exception {
SectionsType owsSections = (SectionsType) kvp.get("sections");
if(owsSections != null) {
Sections sections = Wcs20Factory.eINSTANCE.createSections();
for(Object o : owsSections.getSection()) {
String sectionName = (String) o;
Section section = Section.get(sectionName);
if(section == null) {
throw new WCS20Exception("Invalid sections value " + sectionName + ", supported values are " + Arrays.asList(Section.values()),
OWSExceptionCode.InvalidParameterValue, "sections");
kvp.put("sections", sections);
// the kvp param is subset, the objet field is dimensionTrim....
Object subset = kvp.get("subset");