Package net.opengis.wcs11.impl

Examples of net.opengis.wcs11.impl.ImageCRSRefTypeImpl

        GetCoverageType gc = (GetCoverageType), new StringReader(
                request), null);
        assertEquals(1, gc.getRangeSubset().getFieldSubset().size());
        FieldSubsetType field = (FieldSubsetType) gc.getRangeSubset().getFieldSubset().get(0);
        assertEquals("BlueMarble", field.getIdentifier().getValue());
        assertEquals("bicubic", field.getInterpolationType());
        assertEquals(1, field.getAxisSubset().size());
        AxisSubsetType axis = (AxisSubsetType) field.getAxisSubset().get(0);
        assertEquals("Bands", axis.getIdentifier());
        assertEquals(1, axis.getKey().size());
        String key = (String) axis.getKey().get(0);
        assertEquals("Red_band", key);
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            if (request.getRangeSubset() != null) {
                if (request.getRangeSubset().getFieldSubset().size() > 1) {
                    throw new WcsException("Multi field coverages are not supported yet");

                FieldSubsetType field = (FieldSubsetType) request.getRangeSubset().getFieldSubset().get(0);
                interpolationType = field.getInterpolationType();

                // handle axis subset
                if (field.getAxisSubset().size() > 1) {
                    throw new WcsException("Multi axis coverages are not supported yet");
                if (field.getAxisSubset().size() == 1) {
                    // prepare a support structure to quickly get the band index
                    // of a
                    // key
                    List<CoverageDimensionInfo> dimensions = meta.getDimensions();
                    Map<String, Integer> dimensionMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
                    for (int i = 0; i < dimensions.size(); i++) {
                        String keyName = dimensions.get(i).getName().replace(' ', '_');
                        dimensionMap.put(keyName, i);

                    // extract the band indexes
                    AxisSubsetType axisSubset = (AxisSubsetType) field.getAxisSubset().get(0);
                    List keys = axisSubset.getKey();
                    int[] bands = new int[keys.size()];
                    for (int j = 0; j < bands.length; j++) {
                        final String key = (String) keys.get(j);
                        Integer index = dimensionMap.get(key);
                        if (index == null)
                            throw new WcsException("Unknown field/axis/key combination "
                                    + field.getIdentifier().getValue() + "/"
                                    + axisSubset.getIdentifier() + "/" + key);
                        bands[j] = index;

                    // finally execute the band select
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            throw new WcsException("Multi field coverages are not supported yet",
                    InvalidParameterValue, "RangeSubset");

        // check field identifier
        FieldSubsetType field = (FieldSubsetType) rangeSubset.getFieldSubset().get(0);
        final String fieldId = field.getIdentifier().getValue();
        if (!fieldId.equalsIgnoreCase("contents"))
            throw new WcsException("Unknown field " + fieldId, InvalidParameterValue, "RangeSubset");

        // check interpolation
        String interpolation = field.getInterpolationType();
        if (interpolation != null) {
            boolean interpolationSupported = false;

            if (interpolation.equalsIgnoreCase("nearest")) {
                interpolation = "nearest neighbor";
            for (Iterator it = info.getInterpolationMethods().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
                String method = (String);
                if (interpolation.equalsIgnoreCase(method)) {
                    interpolationSupported = true;

            if (!interpolationSupported)
                throw new WcsException(
                        "The requested Interpolation method is not supported by this Coverage.",
                        InvalidParameterValue, "RangeSubset");

        // check axis
        if (field.getAxisSubset().size() > 1) {
            throw new WcsException("Multi axis coverages are not supported yet",
                    InvalidParameterValue, "RangeSubset");
        } else if (field.getAxisSubset().size() == 0)

        AxisSubsetType axisSubset = (AxisSubsetType) field.getAxisSubset().get(0);
        final String axisId = axisSubset.getIdentifier();
        if (!axisId.equalsIgnoreCase("Bands"))
            throw new WcsException("Unknown axis " + axisId + " in field " + fieldId,
                    InvalidParameterValue, "RangeSubset");
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        // set the version attribute on the request
        if (kvp.containsKey("version")) {
            AcceptVersionsType acceptVersions = Ows11Factory.eINSTANCE.createAcceptVersionsType();

            GetCapabilitiesType getCapabilities = (GetCapabilitiesType) request;

        return request;
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                (operation.getService().getVersion().toString().equals("1.1.0") ||

    public String getMimeType(Object value, Operation operation) {
        GetCapabilitiesType request = (GetCapabilitiesType) OwsUtils.parameter(operation
                .getParameters(), GetCapabilitiesType.class);

        if ((request != null) && (request.getAcceptFormats() != null)) {
            //look for an accepted format
            List formats = request.getAcceptFormats().getOutputFormat();

            for (Iterator f = formats.iterator(); f.hasNext();) {
                String format = (String);

                if (format.endsWith("/xml")) {
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    protected void qualifyRequest(WorkspaceInfo ws, LayerInfo l, Operation operation, Request request) {
        GetCapabilitiesType caps = parameter(operation, GetCapabilitiesType.class);
        if (caps != null) {
        DescribeCoverageType dcov = parameter(operation, DescribeCoverageType.class);
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                + "<wcs:GetCapabilities service=\"WCS\" "
                + "xmlns:ows=\"\" "
                + "xmlns:wcs=\"\" "
                + "xmlns:xsi=\"\"/>";
        // smoke test, we only try out a very basic request
        GetCapabilitiesType cap = (GetCapabilitiesType),
                new StringReader(request), null);
        assertEquals("WCS", cap.getService());
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                "<ows:AcceptFormats>" + //
                "  <ows:OutputFormat>text/xml</ows:OutputFormat>" + //
                "</ows:AcceptFormats>" + //
//        System.out.println(request);
        GetCapabilitiesType cap = (GetCapabilitiesType),
                new StringReader(request), null);
        assertEquals("WCS", cap.getService());
        assertEquals(1, cap.getAcceptVersions().getVersion().size());
        assertEquals("1.0.0", (String) cap.getAcceptVersions().getVersion().get(0));
        assertEquals(1, cap.getSections().getSection().size());
        assertEquals("Section1", (String) cap.getSections().getSection().get(0));
        assertEquals(1, cap.getAcceptFormats().getOutputFormat().size());
        assertEquals("text/xml", (String) cap.getAcceptFormats().getOutputFormat().get(0));
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        return multipart.getContentType().replace("mixed", "related");

    public String[][] getHeaders(Object value, Operation operation) throws ServiceException {
        final GetCoverageType request = (GetCoverageType) operation.getParameters()[0];
        final String identifier = request.getIdentifier().getValue();
        return new String[][] { { "Content-Disposition",
                "attachment;filename=\"" + identifier.replace(':', '_') + ".eml\"" } };
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    public boolean canHandle(Operation operation) {
        // this one can handle GetCoverage responses where store = false
        if(!(operation.getParameters()[0] instanceof GetCoverageType))
            return false;
        GetCoverageType getCoverage = (GetCoverageType) operation.getParameters()[0];
        return !getCoverage.getOutput().isStore();
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Related Classes of net.opengis.wcs11.impl.ImageCRSRefTypeImpl

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