Package net.opengis.ows11.impl

Examples of net.opengis.ows11.impl.DescriptionTypeImpl

                    .getGridCoverageReader(null, HINTS);
            final ParameterValueGroup params = reader.getFormat().getReadParameters();

            // handle spatial domain subset, if needed
            final GeneralEnvelope originalEnvelope = reader.getOriginalEnvelope();
            final BoundingBoxType bbox = request.getDomainSubset().getBoundingBox();
            final CoordinateReferenceSystem nativeCRS = originalEnvelope
            final GeneralEnvelope destinationEnvelopeInSourceCRS;
            final GeneralEnvelope destinationEnvelope;
            if (bbox != null) {
                // first off, parse the envelope corners
                double[] lowerCorner = new double[bbox.getLowerCorner().size()];
                double[] upperCorner = new double[bbox.getUpperCorner().size()];
                for (int i = 0; i < lowerCorner.length; i++) {
                    lowerCorner[i] = (Double) bbox.getLowerCorner().get(i);
                    upperCorner[i] = (Double) bbox.getUpperCorner().get(i);
                destinationEnvelope = new GeneralEnvelope(lowerCorner, upperCorner);
                // grab the native crs
                // if no crs has beens specified, the native one is assumed
                if (bbox.getCrs() == null) {
                    destinationEnvelopeInSourceCRS = destinationEnvelope;
                } else {
                    // otherwise we need to transform
                    final CoordinateReferenceSystem bboxCRS = CRS.decode(bbox.getCrs());
                    final MathTransform bboxToNativeTx = CRS.findMathTransform(bboxCRS, nativeCRS,
                    destinationEnvelopeInSourceCRS = CRS.transform(bboxToNativeTx,
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    private void checkDomainSubset(CoverageInfo meta, DomainSubsetType domainSubset)
            throws Exception {
        BoundingBoxType bbox = domainSubset.getBoundingBox();
        // workaround for
        CoordinateReferenceSystem bboxCRs = CRS.decode(bbox.getCrs());
        Envelope gridEnvelope = meta.getGridCoverage(null, HINTS).getEnvelope();
        GeneralEnvelope gridEnvelopeBboxCRS = null;
        if (bboxCRs instanceof GeographicCRS) {
            try {
                CoordinateOperationFactory cof = CRS.getCoordinateOperationFactory(true);

                final CoordinateOperation operation = cof.createOperation(gridEnvelope
                        .getCoordinateReferenceSystem(), bboxCRs);
                gridEnvelopeBboxCRS = CRS.transform(operation, gridEnvelope);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                // this may happen, there is nothing we can do about it, we just
                // use the back transformed envelope to be more lenient about
                // which coordinate coorections to make on the longitude axis
                // should the antimeridian style be used

        // check the coordinates, but make sure the case 175,-175 is handled
        // as valid for the longitude axis in a geographic coordinate system
        // see section 7.6.2 of the WCS 1.1.1 spec)
        List<Double> lower = bbox.getLowerCorner();
        List<Double> upper = bbox.getUpperCorner();
        for (int i = 0; i < lower.size(); i++) {
            if (lower.get(i) > upper.get(i)) {
                final CoordinateSystemAxis axis = bboxCRs.getCoordinateSystem().getAxis(i);
                // see if the coordinates can be fixed
                if (bboxCRs instanceof GeographicCRS && axis.getDirection() == AxisDirection.EAST) {
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    private DomainSubsetType parseDomainSubset(Map kvp) {
        final DomainSubsetType domainSubset = Wcs111Factory.eINSTANCE.createDomainSubsetType();

        // either bbox or timesequence must be there
        BoundingBoxType bbox = (BoundingBoxType) kvp.get("BoundingBox");
        TimeSequenceType timeSequence = (TimeSequenceType) kvp.get("TemporalSubset");
        if (timeSequence == null && bbox == null)
            throw new WcsException(
                    "Bounding box cannot be null, TimeSequence has not been specified",
                    WcsExceptionCode.MissingParameterValue, "BoundingBox");
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        // we do not check that lower <= higher because in the case of geographic
        // bbox we have to accept the case where the lower coordinate is higher
        // than the high one and handle it as antimeridian crossing, better do that once
        // in the code that handles GetCoverage (the same check must be performed for xml requests)

        BoundingBoxType bbt = Ows11Factory.eINSTANCE.createBoundingBoxType();
        return bbt;
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     * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
     * <!-- end-user-doc -->
     * @generated
    public NotificationChain basicSetBoundingBoxData(BoundingBoxType newBoundingBoxData, NotificationChain msgs) {
        BoundingBoxType oldBoundingBoxData = boundingBoxData;
        boundingBoxData = newBoundingBoxData;
        if (eNotificationRequired()) {
            ENotificationImpl notification = new ENotificationImpl(this, Notification.SET, Wps10Package.DATA_TYPE__BOUNDING_BOX_DATA, oldBoundingBoxData, newBoundingBoxData);
            if (msgs == null) msgs = notification; else msgs.add(notification);
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            "          <ows:UpperCorner>180.0 90.0</ows:UpperCorner>\n" +
            "        </ows:BoundingBox>";


        BoundingBoxType box = (BoundingBoxType) parse();
        assertEquals( new BigInteger("2"), box.getDimensions() );
        assertEquals( "EPSG:4326", box.getCrs() );
        assertEquals( Arrays.asList(-180.0, -90.0), box.getLowerCorner() );
        assertEquals( Arrays.asList(180.0, 90.0), box.getUpperCorner() );
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        assertEquals( Arrays.asList(-180.0, -90.0), box.getLowerCorner() );
        assertEquals( Arrays.asList(180.0, 90.0), box.getUpperCorner() );
    public void testEncode() throws Exception {
        BoundingBoxType bbox = Ows11Factory.eINSTANCE.createBoundingBoxType();
        bbox.setLowerCorner(Arrays.asList(-180.0, -90.0));
        bbox.setUpperCorner(Arrays.asList(180.0, 90.0));

        Document d = encode(bbox, OWS.BoundingBox);
        Node bboxNode = d.getChildNodes().item(0);
        assertEquals("-180.0 -90.0", bboxNode.getChildNodes().item(0).getTextContent());
        assertEquals("180.0 90.0", bboxNode.getChildNodes().item(1).getTextContent());
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    public DataType createBoundingBoxInputValue(String crs, int dimensions, List<Double> lowerCorner,
        List<Double> upperCorner)
        DataType bbox = wpsFactory.createDataType();
        BoundingBoxType bboxType = Ows11Factory.eINSTANCE.createBoundingBoxType();

        return bbox;
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            FieldSubsetType fs = wcsf.createFieldSubsetType();
            for (int i = 0; i < node.jjtGetNumChildren(); i++) {
                Node child = node.jjtGetChild(i);
                if(child instanceof ASTFieldId) {
                    CodeType id = owsf.createCodeType();
                    id.setValue((String) child.jjtAccept(this, null));
                } else if(child instanceof ASTInterpolation) {
                    fs.setInterpolationType((String) child.jjtAccept(this, null));
                } else if(child instanceof ASTAxisSubset) {
                    fs.getAxisSubset().add(child.jjtAccept(this, null));
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                if (null == this.request.getIdentifier() || this.request.getIdentifier().isEmpty()) {
                    throw new WPSException("Invalid identifier", "No identifier present");

                for (Object identifier : this.request.getIdentifier()) {
                    CodeType ct = (CodeType) identifier;

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Related Classes of net.opengis.ows11.impl.DescriptionTypeImpl

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