Package net.n3.nanoxml.sax

Examples of net.n3.nanoxml.sax.SAXEntityResolver

        Vector forPacks = spec.getChildrenNamed(SELECTEDPACKS);
        Vector forOs = spec.getChildrenNamed(OS);
        String variable = spec.getAttribute(VARIABLE);
        String value = null;

        XMLElement element = null;
        ButtonGroup group = new ButtonGroup();

        TwoColumnConstraints constraints = new TwoColumnConstraints();
        constraints.position = TwoColumnConstraints.BOTH;
        constraints.indent = true;
        constraints.stretch = true;

        // ----------------------------------------------------
        // get the description and add it to the list of UI
        // elements if it exists.
        // ----------------------------------------------------
        element = spec.getFirstChildNamed(DESCRIPTION);
        addDescription(element, forPacks, forOs, null);

        // ----------------------------------------------------
        // extract the specification details
        // ----------------------------------------------------
        element = spec.getFirstChildNamed(SPEC);

        if (element != null)
            Vector choices = element.getChildrenNamed(RADIO_CHOICE);

            if (choices == null) { return; }

            // --------------------------------------------------
            // process each choice element
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        Vector forOs = spec.getChildrenNamed(OS);
        String variable = spec.getAttribute(VARIABLE);
        String validator = null;
        String message = null;
        String processor = null;
        XMLElement element = null;
        PasswordGroup group = null;
        int size = 0;

        // ----------------------------------------------------
        // get the description and add it to the list of UI
        // elements if it exists.
        // ----------------------------------------------------
        element = spec.getFirstChildNamed(DESCRIPTION);
        addDescription(element, forPacks, forOs, null);

        // ----------------------------------------------------
        // get the validator and processor if they are defined
        // ----------------------------------------------------
        element = spec.getFirstChildNamed(VALIDATOR);
        if (element != null)
            validator = element.getAttribute(CLASS);
            message = getText(element);

        element = spec.getFirstChildNamed(PROCESSOR);
        if (element != null)
            processor = element.getAttribute(CLASS);

        group = new PasswordGroup(validator, processor);

        // ----------------------------------------------------
        // extract the specification details
        // ----------------------------------------------------
        element = spec.getFirstChildNamed(SPEC);

        if (element != null)
            Vector inputs = element.getChildrenNamed(PWD_INPUT);

            if (inputs == null) { return; }

            // --------------------------------------------------
            // process each input field
            // --------------------------------------------------
            XMLElement fieldSpec;
            for (int i = 0; i < inputs.size(); i++)
                fieldSpec = (XMLElement) inputs.elementAt(i);
                String set = fieldSpec.getAttribute(SET);
                if (set != null && !"".equals(set)){
                    VariableSubstitutor vs = new VariableSubstitutor(idata.getVariables());
                    set = vs.substitute(set, null);
                JLabel label = new JLabel(getText(fieldSpec));
                    size = Integer.parseInt(fieldSpec.getAttribute(PWD_SIZE));
                catch (Throwable exception)
                    size = 1;
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       return fRet;
    protected Vector getFieldSuppressionList( XMLElement spec ) { // ###ead
       Vector supps = null;
       XMLElement suppress = spec.getFirstChildNamed( SUPPRESS );
       if( suppress != null ) {
          Vector whens = suppress.getChildrenNamed( WHEN );
          for( int i = 0; i < whens.size(); ++i ) {
             if( supps == null ) supps = new Vector();
             XMLElement when = (XMLElement)whens.elementAt(i);
             String var = when.getAttribute( VARIABLE );
             String val = when.getAttribute( VALUE );
             supps.add( new TextValuePair( var, val ));
       return supps;
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        String label = "";
        String set = null;
        String trueValue = null;
        String falseValue = null;
        String variable = spec.getAttribute(VARIABLE);
        XMLElement detail = spec.getFirstChildNamed(SPEC);
        Vector suppress = getFieldSuppressionList( spec ); // ###ead
        if (variable == null) { return; }

        if (detail != null)
            label = getText(detail);
            set = detail.getAttribute(SET);
            trueValue = detail.getAttribute(TRUE);
            falseValue = detail.getAttribute(FALSE);

        VCheckBox checkbox = new VCheckBox(label, varMap, idata, spec);

        if (set != null)
            if (set != null && !"".equals(set)){
                VariableSubstitutor vs = new VariableSubstitutor(idata.getVariables());
                set = vs.substitute(set, null);
            if (set.equals(FALSE))
            if (set.equals(TRUE))

        // ----------------------------------------------------
        // get the description and add it to the list of UI
        // elements if it exists.
        // ----------------------------------------------------
        XMLElement element = spec.getFirstChildNamed(DESCRIPTION);
        addDescription( element, forPacks, forOs, suppress );

        TwoColumnConstraints constraints = new TwoColumnConstraints();
        constraints.position = TwoColumnConstraints.BOTH;
        constraints.stretch = true;
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    protected void addSearch(XMLElement spec)
        Vector forPacks = spec.getChildrenNamed(SELECTEDPACKS);
        Vector forOs = spec.getChildrenNamed(OS);
        XMLElement element = spec.getFirstChildNamed(SPEC);
        String variable = spec.getAttribute(VARIABLE);
        String filename = null;
        String check_filename = null;
        int search_type = 0;
        int result_type = 0;
        JComboBox combobox = new JComboBox();
        JLabel label = null;

        // System.out.println ("adding search combobox, variable "+variable);

        // allow the user to enter something

        // ----------------------------------------------------
        // extract the specification details
        // ----------------------------------------------------
        if (element != null)
            label = new JLabel(getText(element));

            // search type is optional (default: file)
            search_type = SearchField.TYPE_FILE;

            String search_type_str = element.getAttribute(SEARCH_TYPE);

            if (search_type_str != null)
                if (search_type_str.equals(SEARCH_FILE))
                    search_type = SearchField.TYPE_FILE;
                else if (search_type_str.equals(SEARCH_DIRECTORY))
                    search_type = SearchField.TYPE_DIRECTORY;

            // result type is mandatory too
            String result_type_str = element.getAttribute(SEARCH_RESULT);

            if (result_type_str == null)
            else if (result_type_str.equals(SEARCH_FILE))
                result_type = SearchField.RESULT_FILE;
            else if (result_type_str.equals(SEARCH_DIRECTORY))
                result_type = SearchField.RESULT_DIRECTORY;
            else if (result_type_str.equals(SEARCH_PARENTDIR))
                result_type = SearchField.RESULT_PARENTDIR;

            // might be missing - null is okay
            filename = element.getAttribute(SEARCH_FILENAME);

            check_filename = element.getAttribute(SEARCH_CHECKFILENAME);

            Vector choices = element.getChildrenNamed(SEARCH_CHOICE);

            if (choices == null) { return; }

            for (int i = 0; i < choices.size(); i++)
                XMLElement choice_el = (XMLElement) choices.elementAt(i);

                if (!OsConstraint.oneMatchesCurrentSystem(choice_el)) continue;

                String value = choice_el.getAttribute(SEARCH_VALUE);


                String set = ((XMLElement) choices.elementAt(i)).getAttribute(SET);
                if (set != null)
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        System.out.println("Descripciones ..." + ansDescriptions);
        PreparedStatement stmtItem = c.prepareStatement("insert into articulo ( codigo , descripcion , fecha_registro , "
                    + "codigo_de_barras , modelo , unidad_venta, "
                    + "existencia_actual, bloqueado, imagen, descuento ) values (?,?,now(),?,?,?,0,0,?,?)");
        PreparedStatement stmtBarcode = c.prepareStatement("insert IGNORE into codigo_de_barras(codigo_de_articulo,codigo_de_barras) values(?,?)");
        XMLElement xmlI = null;
        for (Object x : xml.getChildren()) {
            xmlI = (XMLElement)x;
            if ( !itemsNeededJustOnce.contains(xmlI.getAttribute("MATNR","")) ){
                stmtItem.setString(1, xmlI.getAttribute("MATNR",""));
                stmtItem.setString(2, xmlI.getAttribute("MAKTG",""));
                stmtItem.setString(3, xmlI.getAttribute("EAN11",""));
                stmtItem.setString(4, xmlI.getAttribute("MATKL",""));
                stmtItem.setString(5, xmlI.getAttribute("MSEH3",""));
                stmtItem.setString(6, Shared.getConfig("photoDir") + xmlI.getAttribute("MATNR","") + ".JPG");
                stmtItem.setString(7, "0");

                stmtBarcode.setString(1, xmlI.getAttribute("MATNR",""));
                stmtBarcode.setString(2, xmlI.getAttribute("EAN11",""));


            xmlI = null;

        itemsNeededJustOnce = null;
        xml = null;
        parser = null;
        reader = null;
        ansDescriptions = null;

        Iterator<XMLElement> itr = Shared.itemsNeeded.iterator();
        stmtItem = c.prepareStatement("update articulo set existencia_actual = existencia_actual + ? where codigo = ? ");
        while ( itr.hasNext() ){
            xmlI =;
            int reason = 1;
            if ( checkReason ){
                reason = Shared.calculateReason(xmlI.getAttribute("BWART",""), xmlI.getAttribute("SHKZG",""));
            if ( reason == 0 ){
                // we are in problems... =(
                stmtItem.setString(2, xmlI.getAttribute("MATNR",""));
                stmtItem.setInt(1, reason * Integer.parseInt(xmlI.getAttribute("MENGE","").split("\\.")[0]));
                int ans = stmtItem.executeUpdate();
                if ( ans == 0 ){
                    // We are in problemas again... ='(
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        PreparedStatement stmtUpdate = c.prepareStatement("update articulo set descuento = ? where codigo = ? ");
        PreparedStatement stmtDelete = c.prepareStatement("delete from precio where codigo_de_articulo = ? and fecha = curdate() ");
        PreparedStatement stmtInsert = c.prepareStatement("insert into precio ( codigo_de_articulo , monto , fecha ) values ( ? , ? , curdate() ) ");
        PreparedStatement stmtItem = c.prepareStatement("select codigo from articulo where codigo = ?");
        XMLElement xmlI = null;
        Double dis = null;
        String disS = null;
        parser = null;
        reader = null;
        System.out.println("Comenzo a fijar los descuentos...");
        ResultSet rs = null;
        for (Object x : xml.getChildren()) {

            xmlI = (XMLElement)x;

            if ( xmlI.getAttribute("KONWA","").equals("%") ) {
                dis = -1*Double.parseDouble(xmlI.getAttribute("KBETR",""))/10;
                disS = (dis+"").substring(0,Math.min((dis+"").length(), 5));

                stmtUpdate.setString(1, disS);
                stmtUpdate.setString(2, xmlI.getAttribute("VAKEY","").substring(4));
                stmtItem.setString(1, xmlI.getAttribute("VAKEY","").substring(6));
                rs = stmtItem.executeQuery();

                if ( ){
                    stmtDelete.setString(1, xmlI.getAttribute("VAKEY","").substring(6));
                    stmtInsert.setString(1, xmlI.getAttribute("VAKEY","").substring(6));
                    stmtInsert.setString(2, Double.parseDouble(xmlI.getAttribute("KBETR",""))+"");

            xmlI = null;
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        PreparedStatement stmtDeletePrice = c.prepareStatement("delete from precio where codigo_de_articulo = ? and fecha = curdate() ");
        PreparedStatement stmtInsertPrice = c.prepareStatement("insert into precio ( codigo_de_articulo , monto , fecha ) values ( ? , ? , curdate() ) ");

        for (Object x : xml.getChildren()) {
            XMLElement xmlI = (XMLElement)x;

            stmtUpdateItem.setString(1, xmlI.getAttribute("MAKTG",""));
            stmtUpdateItem.setString(2, xmlI.getAttribute("EAN11",""));
            stmtUpdateItem.setString(3, xmlI.getAttribute("MATKL",""));
            stmtUpdateItem.setString(4, xmlI.getAttribute("MSEH3",""));
            stmtUpdateItem.setString(5, xmlI.getAttribute("DISC",""));
            stmtUpdateItem.setString(6, xmlI.getAttribute("MATNR",""));
            int ans = stmtUpdateItem.executeUpdate();
            if ( ans == 0 ){
                stmtItem.setString(1, xmlI.getAttribute("MATNR",""));
                stmtItem.setString(2, xmlI.getAttribute("MAKTG",""));
                stmtItem.setString(3, xmlI.getAttribute("EAN11",""));
                stmtItem.setString(4, xmlI.getAttribute("MATKL",""));
                stmtItem.setString(5, xmlI.getAttribute("MSEH3",""));
                stmtItem.setString(6, Shared.getConfig("photoDir") + xmlI.getAttribute("MATNR","") + ".JPG");
                stmtItem.setString(7, xmlI.getAttribute("DISC",""));

            stmtBarcode.setString(1, xmlI.getAttribute("MATNR",""));
            stmtBarcode.setString(2, xmlI.getAttribute("EAN11",""));

            stmtDeletePrice.setString(1, xmlI.getAttribute("MATNR",""));

            stmtInsertPrice.setString(1, xmlI.getAttribute("MATNR",""));
            stmtInsertPrice.setString(2, xmlI.getAttribute("PRICE",""));

            lastMovement = xmlI.getAttribute("MBLNR");
            // TODO QUITAR
            /*if ( !xmlI.getAttribute("MBLNR").equals("4900458135") && !xmlI.getAttribute("MBLNR").equals("4900458134")
                    && !xmlI.getAttribute("MBLNR").equals("4900458133") && !xmlI.getAttribute("MBLNR").equals("4900458130") && !xmlI.getAttribute("MBLNR").equals("4900458129")){
            /*if (
                    !xmlI.getAttribute("MBLNR").equals("4900447579")&& !xmlI.getAttribute("MBLNR").equals("4900447580")
                    && !xmlI.getAttribute("MBLNR").equals("4900447581")){
            int reason = Shared.calculateReason(xmlI.getAttribute("BWART",""), xmlI.getAttribute("SHKZG",""));
            // TODO QUITAR
            //reason *= -1;

            System.out.println("MBLNR = " + xmlI.getAttribute("MBLNR","") + " reason = " + reason + " codigo_articulo = " + xmlI.getAttribute("MATNR",""));

            stmtDetailsMovements.setString(1, xmlI.getAttribute("MATNR",""));
            stmtDetailsMovements.setInt(2, reason * Integer.parseInt(xmlI.getAttribute("MENGE","").split("\\.")[0]));
            stmtDetailsMovements.setString(3, xmlI.getAttribute("BWART",""));

            System.out.println("Movimiento " + reason + " articulo " + xmlI.getAttribute("MATNR",""));

        stmtMI.setString(1, "lastSAPcodeAtInitialStock");
        stmtMI.setString(2, lastMovement);
        stmtMI.setString(3, "Ultimo Movimiento Para Inventario Inicial");
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        IXMLElement xml = (IXMLElement) parser.parse();

        PreparedStatement stmt = c.prepareStatement("truncate empleado");
        for (Object x : xml.getChildren()) {
            XMLElement xmlI = (XMLElement)x;

            stmt = c.prepareStatement("insert into empleado (codigo,nombre_completo, departamento) values(?,?,?)");
            stmt.setString(1, xmlI.getAttribute("c",""));
            stmt.setString(2, xmlI.getAttribute("n",""));
            stmt.setString(3, xmlI.getAttribute("d",""));

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        PreparedStatement stmtItem = c.prepareStatement("update articulo set descripcion = ? , "
                    + "codigo_de_barras = ? , modelo = ? , unidad_venta = ? "
                    + " where codigo = ?");
        PreparedStatement stmtBarcode = c.prepareStatement("update codigo_de_barras set codigo_de_barras = ? where codigo_de_articulo = ?");

        XMLElement xmlI = null;
        for (Object x : xml.getChildren()) {
            xmlI = (XMLElement)x;
            stmtItem.setString(1, xmlI.getAttribute("MAKTG",""));
            stmtItem.setString(2, xmlI.getAttribute("EAN11",""));
            stmtItem.setString(3, xmlI.getAttribute("MATKL",""));
            stmtItem.setString(4, xmlI.getAttribute("MSEH3",""));
            stmtItem.setString(5, xmlI.getAttribute("MATNR",""));

            stmtBarcode.setString(2, xmlI.getAttribute("MATNR",""));
            stmtBarcode.setString(1, xmlI.getAttribute("EAN11",""));

            xmlI = null;
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Related Classes of net.n3.nanoxml.sax.SAXEntityResolver

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