Package net.n3.nanoxml

Examples of net.n3.nanoxml.StdXMLReader

        // ----------------------------------------------------
        Vector fields = spec.getChildrenNamed(FIELD_NODE_ID);

        for (int i = 0; i < fields.size(); i++)
            XMLElement field = (XMLElement) fields.elementAt(i);
            String attribute = field.getAttribute(TYPE);

            if (attribute != null)
                if (attribute.equals(RULE_FIELD))
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    private void readSpec() throws Exception
        InputStream input = null;
        XMLElement data;
        Vector specElements;
        String attribute;
        String instance = Integer.toString(instanceNumber);

            input = parentFrame.getResource(SPEC_FILE_NAME);
        catch (Exception exception)
            haveSpec = false;
        if (input == null)
            haveSpec = false;

        // initialize the parser
        StdXMLParser parser = new StdXMLParser();
        parser.setBuilder(new StdXMLBuilder());
        parser.setValidator(new NonValidator());
        parser.setReader(new StdXMLReader(input));

        // get the data
        data = (XMLElement) parser.parse();

        // extract the spec to this specific panel instance
        if (data.hasChildren())
            specElements = data.getChildrenNamed(NODE_ID);
            for (int i = 0; i < specElements.size(); i++)
                data = (XMLElement) specElements.elementAt(i);
                attribute = data.getAttribute(INSTANCE_IDENTIFIER);

                if (instance.equals(attribute))
                    // use the current element as spec
                    spec = data;
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    private void addRuleField(XMLElement spec)
        Vector forPacks = spec.getChildrenNamed(SELECTEDPACKS);
        Vector forOs = spec.getChildrenNamed(OS);
        XMLElement element = spec.getFirstChildNamed(SPEC);
        String variable = spec.getAttribute(VARIABLE);
        RuleInputField field = null;
        JLabel label;
        String layout;
        String set;
        String separator;
        String format;
        String validator = null;
        String message = null;
        boolean hasParams = false;
        String paramName = null;
        String paramValue = null;
        HashMap validateParamMap = null;
        Vector validateParams = null;
        String processor = null;
        int resultFormat = RuleInputField.DISPLAY_FORMAT;

        // ----------------------------------------------------
        // extract the specification details
        // ----------------------------------------------------
        if (element != null)
            label = new JLabel(getText(element));
            layout = element.getAttribute(RULE_LAYOUT);
            set = element.getAttribute(SET);

            // retrieve value of variable if not specified
            // (does not work here because of special format for set attribute)
            // if (set == null)
            // {
            // set = idata.getVariable (variable);
            // }

            separator = element.getAttribute(RULE_SEPARATOR);
            format = element.getAttribute(RULE_RESULT_FORMAT);

            if (format != null)
                if (format.equals(RULE_PLAIN_STRING))
                    resultFormat = RuleInputField.PLAIN_STRING;
                else if (format.equals(RULE_DISPLAY_FORMAT))
                    resultFormat = RuleInputField.DISPLAY_FORMAT;
                else if (format.equals(RULE_SPECIAL_SEPARATOR))
                    resultFormat = RuleInputField.SPECIAL_SEPARATOR;
                else if (format.equals(RULE_ENCRYPTED))
                    resultFormat = RuleInputField.ENCRYPTED;
        // ----------------------------------------------------
        // if there is no specification element, return without
        // doing anything.
        // ----------------------------------------------------

        // ----------------------------------------------------
        // get the description and add it to the list of UI
        // elements if it exists.
        // ----------------------------------------------------
        element = spec.getFirstChildNamed(DESCRIPTION);
        addDescription(element, forPacks, forOs);

        // ----------------------------------------------------
        // get the validator and processor if they are defined
        // ----------------------------------------------------
        element = spec.getFirstChildNamed(VALIDATOR);
        if (element != null)
            validator = element.getAttribute(CLASS);
            message = getText(element);
            // ----------------------------------------------------------
            // check and see if we have any parameters for this validator.
            // If so, then add them to validateParamMap.
            // ----------------------------------------------------------
            validateParams = element.getChildrenNamed(RULE_PARAM);
            if (validateParams != null && validateParams.size() > 0)
                hasParams = true;
                if (validateParamMap == null)
                    validateParamMap = new HashMap();

                for (Iterator it = validateParams.iterator(); it.hasNext();)
                    element = (XMLElement);
                    paramName = element.getAttribute(RULE_PARAM_NAME);
                    paramValue = element.getAttribute(RULE_PARAM_VALUE);
                    validateParamMap.put(paramName, paramValue);


        element = spec.getFirstChildNamed(PROCESSOR);
        if (element != null)
            processor = element.getAttribute(CLASS);

        // ----------------------------------------------------
        // create an instance of RuleInputField based on the
        // extracted specifications, then add it to the list
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    private void addTextField(XMLElement spec)
        Vector forPacks = spec.getChildrenNamed(SELECTEDPACKS);
        Vector forOs = spec.getChildrenNamed(OS);
        XMLElement element = spec.getFirstChildNamed(SPEC);
        JLabel label;
        String set;
        int size;

        String variable = spec.getAttribute(VARIABLE);
        if ((variable == null) || (variable.length() == 0)) { return; }

        // ----------------------------------------------------
        // extract the specification details
        // ----------------------------------------------------
        if (element != null)
            label = new JLabel(getText(element));
            set = element.getAttribute(SET);
            if (set == null)
                set = idata.getVariable(variable);
                if (set == null)
                    set = "";
                if (set != null && !"".equals(set)){
                    VariableSubstitutor vs = new VariableSubstitutor(idata.getVariables());
                    set = vs.substitute(set, null);
                size = Integer.parseInt(element.getAttribute(TEXT_SIZE));
            catch (Throwable exception)
                size = 1;
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    private void addComboBox(XMLElement spec)
        Vector forPacks = spec.getChildrenNamed(SELECTEDPACKS);
        Vector forOs = spec.getChildrenNamed(OS);
        XMLElement element = spec.getFirstChildNamed(SPEC);
        String variable = spec.getAttribute(VARIABLE);
        TextValuePair listItem = null;
        JComboBox field = new JComboBox();
        JLabel label;

  Vector variables = new Vector();
  Vector values = new Vector();
        // ----------------------------------------------------
        // extract the specification details
        // ----------------------------------------------------
        if (element != null)
            label = new JLabel(getText(element));

            Vector choices = element.getChildrenNamed(COMBO_CHOICE);

            if (choices == null) { return; }

            for (int i = 0; i < choices.size(); i++)

                String processorClass = ((XMLElement) choices.elementAt(i))

                if (processorClass != null && !"".equals(processorClass))

                    String choiceValues = "";
                        choiceValues = ((Processor) Class.forName(processorClass).newInstance())
                    catch (Throwable t)

                    String set = ((XMLElement) choices.elementAt(i)).getAttribute(SET);
                    if (set == null)
                        set = "";
                    if (set != null && !"".equals(set)){
                        VariableSubstitutor vs = new VariableSubstitutor(idata.getVariables());
                        set = vs.substitute(set, null);
                    StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(choiceValues, ":");
                    int counter = 0;
                    while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens())
                        String token = tokenizer.nextToken();
                        listItem = new TextValuePair(token, token);
                        if (set.equals(token))
                            field.setSelectedIndex(field.getItemCount() - 1);
                    listItem = new TextValuePair(getText((XMLElement) choices.elementAt(i)),
                            ((XMLElement) choices.elementAt(i)).getAttribute(COMBO_VALUE));

        XMLElement choiceElement = (XMLElement) choices.elementAt(i);

        // handle additional variable-value assignments
        Vector assignments = choiceElement.getChildrenNamed(ASSIGN);

        for (int j = 0; j < assignments.size(); j++)
          XMLElement assignmentElement = (XMLElement) assignments.get(j);
          String variable2 = assignmentElement.getAttribute(VARIABLE);
          if (variable2 != null)

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        Vector forPacks = spec.getChildrenNamed(SELECTEDPACKS);
        Vector forOs = spec.getChildrenNamed(OS);
        String variable = spec.getAttribute(VARIABLE);
        String value = null;

        XMLElement element = null;
        ButtonGroup group = new ButtonGroup();

        TwoColumnConstraints constraints = new TwoColumnConstraints();
        constraints.position = TwoColumnConstraints.BOTH;
        constraints.indent = true;
        constraints.stretch = true;

        // ----------------------------------------------------
        // get the description and add it to the list of UI
        // elements if it exists.
        // ----------------------------------------------------
        element = spec.getFirstChildNamed(DESCRIPTION);
        addDescription(element, forPacks, forOs);

        // ----------------------------------------------------
        // extract the specification details
        // ----------------------------------------------------
        element = spec.getFirstChildNamed(SPEC);

        if (element != null)
            Vector choices = element.getChildrenNamed(RADIO_CHOICE);

            if (choices == null) { return; }

            // --------------------------------------------------
            // process each choice element
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        Vector forOs = spec.getChildrenNamed(OS);
        String variable = spec.getAttribute(VARIABLE);
        String validator = null;
        String message = null;
        String processor = null;
        XMLElement element = null;
        PasswordGroup group = null;
        int size = 0;

        // ----------------------------------------------------
        // get the description and add it to the list of UI
        // elements if it exists.
        // ----------------------------------------------------
        element = spec.getFirstChildNamed(DESCRIPTION);
        addDescription(element, forPacks, forOs);

        // ----------------------------------------------------
        // get the validator and processor if they are defined
        // ----------------------------------------------------
        element = spec.getFirstChildNamed(VALIDATOR);
        if (element != null)
            validator = element.getAttribute(CLASS);
            message = getText(element);

        element = spec.getFirstChildNamed(PROCESSOR);
        if (element != null)
            processor = element.getAttribute(CLASS);

        group = new PasswordGroup(validator, processor);

        // ----------------------------------------------------
        // extract the specification details
        // ----------------------------------------------------
        element = spec.getFirstChildNamed(SPEC);

        if (element != null)
            Vector inputs = element.getChildrenNamed(PWD_INPUT);

            if (inputs == null) { return; }

            // --------------------------------------------------
            // process each input field
            // --------------------------------------------------
            XMLElement fieldSpec;
            for (int i = 0; i < inputs.size(); i++)
                fieldSpec = (XMLElement) inputs.elementAt(i);
                String set = fieldSpec.getAttribute(SET);
                if (set != null && !"".equals(set)){
                    VariableSubstitutor vs = new VariableSubstitutor(idata.getVariables());
                    set = vs.substitute(set, null);
                JLabel label = new JLabel(getText(fieldSpec));
                    size = Integer.parseInt(fieldSpec.getAttribute(PWD_SIZE));
                catch (Throwable exception)
                    size = 1;
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        String label = "";
        String set = null;
        String trueValue = null;
        String falseValue = null;
        String variable = spec.getAttribute(VARIABLE);
        XMLElement detail = spec.getFirstChildNamed(SPEC);

        if (variable == null) { return; }

        if (detail != null)
            label = getText(detail);
            set = detail.getAttribute(SET);
            trueValue = detail.getAttribute(TRUE);
            falseValue = detail.getAttribute(FALSE);

        JCheckBox checkbox = new JCheckBox(label);

        if (set != null)
            if (set != null && !"".equals(set)){
                VariableSubstitutor vs = new VariableSubstitutor(idata.getVariables());
                set = vs.substitute(set, null);
            if (set.equals(FALSE))
            if (set.equals(TRUE))

        // ----------------------------------------------------
        // get the description and add it to the list of UI
        // elements if it exists.
        // ----------------------------------------------------
        XMLElement element = spec.getFirstChildNamed(DESCRIPTION);
        addDescription(element, forPacks, forOs);

        TwoColumnConstraints constraints = new TwoColumnConstraints();
        constraints.position = TwoColumnConstraints.BOTH;
        constraints.stretch = true;
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    private void addSearch(XMLElement spec)
        Vector forPacks = spec.getChildrenNamed(SELECTEDPACKS);
        Vector forOs = spec.getChildrenNamed(OS);
        XMLElement element = spec.getFirstChildNamed(SPEC);
        String variable = spec.getAttribute(VARIABLE);
        String filename = null;
        String check_filename = null;
        int search_type = 0;
        int result_type = 0;
        JComboBox combobox = new JComboBox();
        JLabel label = null;

        // System.out.println ("adding search combobox, variable "+variable);

        // allow the user to enter something

        // ----------------------------------------------------
        // extract the specification details
        // ----------------------------------------------------
        if (element != null)
            label = new JLabel(getText(element));

            // search type is optional (default: file)
            search_type = SearchField.TYPE_FILE;

            String search_type_str = element.getAttribute(SEARCH_TYPE);

            if (search_type_str != null)
                if (search_type_str.equals(SEARCH_FILE))
                    search_type = SearchField.TYPE_FILE;
                else if (search_type_str.equals(SEARCH_DIRECTORY))
                    search_type = SearchField.TYPE_DIRECTORY;

            // result type is mandatory too
            String result_type_str = element.getAttribute(SEARCH_RESULT);

            if (result_type_str == null)
            else if (result_type_str.equals(SEARCH_FILE))
                result_type = SearchField.RESULT_FILE;
            else if (result_type_str.equals(SEARCH_DIRECTORY))
                result_type = SearchField.RESULT_DIRECTORY;
            else if (result_type_str.equals(SEARCH_PARENTDIR))
                result_type = SearchField.RESULT_PARENTDIR;

            // might be missing - null is okay
            filename = element.getAttribute(SEARCH_FILENAME);

            check_filename = element.getAttribute(SEARCH_CHECKFILENAME);

            Vector choices = element.getChildrenNamed(SEARCH_CHOICE);

            if (choices == null) { return; }

            for (int i = 0; i < choices.size(); i++)
                XMLElement choice_el = (XMLElement) choices.elementAt(i);

                if (!OsConstraint.oneMatchesCurrentSystem(choice_el)) continue;

                String value = choice_el.getAttribute(SEARCH_VALUE);


                String set = ((XMLElement) choices.elementAt(i)).getAttribute(SET);
                if (set != null)
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     * @param idata The installation data.
     * @param panelRoot The XML root element of the panels blackbox tree.
    public void makeXMLData(AutomatedInstallData idata, XMLElement panelRoot )
        XMLElement userInput;
        XMLElement dataElement;

        // ----------------------------------------------------
        // add the item that combines all entries
        // ----------------------------------------------------
        userInput = new XMLElement(AUTO_KEY_USER_INPUT);
        userInput.setAttribute( AUTO_ATTR_PANEL_NAME, panelName );
        // ###ead - bug.  Multiple entries into panel result in
        //                multiple XML panel entries.
        Vector panels = panelRoot.getChildrenNamed(AUTO_KEY_USER_INPUT);
        for( int i = 0; i < panels.size(); ++i ) {
           panelRoot.removeChild( (XMLElement)panels.elementAt(i) );

        // ----------------------------------------------------
        // add all entries
        // ----------------------------------------------------
        Iterator keys = entries.keySet().iterator();
        while (keys.hasNext())
            String key = (String);
            String value = (String) entries.get(key);

            dataElement = new XMLElement(AUTO_KEY_ENTRY);
            dataElement.setAttribute(AUTO_ATTRIBUTE_KEY, key);
            dataElement.setAttribute(AUTO_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE, value);

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Related Classes of net.n3.nanoxml.StdXMLReader

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