String name = TestPrincipal.class.getName() + " \"local\" peer " +
TestPrincipal.class.getName() + " \"peer\"";
String actions = "listen, accept, delegate";
defaultPermsNoSocketPerm = new Permission[] {
new TestPermission("testPermission"),
new AuthenticationPermission(name, actions),
new AuthPermission("doAs"), // needed for newRequest()
// so provider will throw detailed exception instead of generic one
new AuthPermission("getSubject")
defaultPermsWithSocketPerm = new Permission[] {
new TestPermission("testPermission"),
new AuthenticationPermission(name, actions),
new AuthPermission("doAs"), // needed for newRequest()
// so provider will throw detailed exception instead of generic one
new AuthPermission("getSubject"),
new SocketPermission("*:1024-", "accept,connect,listen")