Package net.helipilot50.stocktrade.displayproject.controls

Examples of net.helipilot50.stocktrade.displayproject.controls.ArrayField$RowSelection

     * rows is more than the passed value, the number of rows will be
     * set to the number of rows used. This method is thread-safe and may be
     * called on or off the GUI thread
    public void setRows(final int pRows) {
        ActionMgr.addAction(new PendingAction(null) {
            public String toString() {
                return GridField.this.getName() + ".setRows(" + pRows + ")";
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     * columns is more than the passed value, the number of columns will be
     * set to the number of columns used. This method is thread-safe and may be
     * called on or off the GUI thread
    public void setColumns(final int pColumns) {
        ActionMgr.addAction(new PendingAction(null) {
            public String toString() {
                return GridField.this.getName() + ".setColumns(" + pColumns + ")";
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        // TF:8/8/07:Made a shallow clone in case there is a really big object attached to the list element
        Array_Of_ListElement<ListElement> clonedList = CloneHelper.clone(les, false);
        Object currentValue = this.list.getValue();
        ListElement valueToReselect = null;
        if (currentValue instanceof ListElement && clonedList != null && this.list.getSelectionHolder() instanceof TypeAwareValueModel) {
          TypeAwareValueModel tavm = (TypeAwareValueModel)this.list.getSelectionHolder();
          // We need to find an item in the new list which is the same as an item in the old list,
          // depending on the type being considered. For example, if the list is mapped to an int,
          // we need to find an element in the new list with the same IntegerValue.
          Class<?> clazz = tavm.getValueType();
          ListElement currentSelection = (ListElement)currentValue;
          for (ListElement item : clonedList) {
            if (clazz.equals(Integer.TYPE) ||
                clazz.equals(Short.TYPE) ||
                NumericData.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz) ||
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      else if (list.getSelectionHolder() == null) {
        requiresDefault = true;
      else {
        ValueModel model = list.getSelectionHolder();
        if (model instanceof TypeAwareValueModel) {
          if (DataValue.class.isAssignableFrom(((TypeAwareValueModel)model).getValueType())) {
            requiresDefault = false;
          else {
            requiresDefault = true;
        else {
          requiresDefault = (model.getValue() == null);
      if (requiresDefault) {
        // TF:05/11/2008:Fixed this up so it actually sets the underlying model
        getSelectionModel().setSelectionInterval(0, 0);
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  // ITC_CONV:Start:TF:25-Mar-08:Handle SkipOnTab focus traversal
  public Component getComponentAfter(Container aContainer, Component aComponent) {

    // Traversing out of an ArrayField is handled via code inside the ArrayField. CraigM 29/08/2007.
    ArrayField af = ArrayFieldCellHelper.getArrayField(aComponent);
    if (af != null && isSwingDisplayerIgnoreArrayField() == false) {
      return af; // Stay in the ArrayField
    Component result = super.getComponentAfter(aContainer, aComponent);
    while (result instanceof JComponent && SkipOnTab.get((JComponent)result)) {
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        // --------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Expand array fields
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------
        if (comp instanceof ArrayField) {
            ArrayField af = (ArrayField)comp;

            if (removeScrollBars) {
            // Expand any text fields that are in the array field
            for (int i=0; i<af.getColumnCount(); i++) {
              TableCellRenderer cellRenderer = af.getCellRenderer(0, i);
              if (cellRenderer instanceof ArrayFieldCellRenderer &&
                  ((ArrayFieldCellRenderer)cellRenderer).getRenderer() instanceof TextFieldCellRenderer) {
            Container parent = af.getParent();

            while (parent != null) {
                if (parent instanceof JFrame) {
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//            if (cb.isEditable() && (!(e.getActionCommand().equals("comboBoxChanged") && e.getModifiers() > 0))) {
//                return;
//            }
            // TF:26/06/2008:If we're a table editor, we must commit the value first as the model hasn't updated at this point in time
            ArrayField af = ArrayFieldCellHelper.getArrayField(cb);
            if (af != null && ArrayFieldCellHelper.getArrayEditorComponent(af) == cb) {
              af.setValueAt(af.getCellEditor().getCellEditorValue(), af.getEditingRow(), af.getEditingColumn());
            Logger.getLogger(this.getClass()).debug("ComboBox Action: " + e.getActionCommand());
            if ((e.getActionCommand() == "comboBoxChanged") ||
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            params = new Hashtable<String, Object>();
        params.put("child", new ParameterHolder(pChild));

        // TF:27/9/07:Revamped this logic as our renderers are now in panels.
        ArrayField owningArray = ArrayFieldCellHelper.getArrayField(pChild);
        int row = 0;
        int column = 0;
        // Extract the X and Y co-ordinate from the event which may be in array coordinates
        ParameterHolder pX = (ParameterHolder)params.get("x");
        ParameterHolder pY = (ParameterHolder)params.get("y");

         * There are 2 cases when considering children events of array fields:
         * 1) The component cell renderer/editor is attached to the array field as a child. This is typically when the
         *     editor is active. In this case the click we get is in the coordinate space of the child, but the row
         *     and column are not set properly. We can map the coordinate space of the child to the coordinate space
         *     of the array and then determine the row and column from there.
         * 2) The component cell renderer/editor is not attached to the array field. In this case, the component will
         *     have a client property set which refers to the array and the location is in the coordinate space of the
         *     array. We can use this to determine the row and column and then map the coordinate down to the
         *     coordinate space of the child.
        while (mum != null){
            if (mum == owningArray) {
                if (pX != null && pY != null) {
                    // We are a direct child of the table, remap the coordinate space to the array to get the row and column
                    Point p = new Point(UIutils.milsToPixels(pX.getInt()), UIutils.milsToPixels(pY.getInt()));
                    Point arrayPoint = SwingUtilities.convertPoint(pChild, p, mum);
                    row = owningArray.rowAtPoint(arrayPoint);
                    column = owningArray.columnAtPoint(arrayPoint);
                    // Store the real row and column in the array. This isn't actually done in Forte, but makes life
                    // much easier if we want to determine which cell generated the click.
                    params.put( "row", new ParameterHolder(row+1) );
                    params.put( "column", new ParameterHolder(column+1) );
                owningArray = null;
            pList.add(new EventHandle(mum, pEventName, params));
            // TF:18/06/2008:Fixed this so menus work properly
            if (mum instanceof JPopupMenu)
                mum = (Container)((JPopupMenu)mum).getInvoker();
                mum = mum.getParent();

        if (owningArray != null) {
            // Now the X and Y coordinates are in the array space, we need to translate them to the child coordinate space and get
            // the correct row and column
            if (pX != null && pY != null) {
                Point p = new Point(UIutils.milsToPixels(pX.getInt()), UIutils.milsToPixels(pY.getInt()));
                row = owningArray.rowAtPoint(p);
                column = owningArray.columnAtPoint(p);
                // Store the real row and column in the array. This isn't actually done in Forte, but makes life
                // much easier if we want to determine which cell generated the click.
                params.put( "row", new ParameterHolder(row+1) );
                params.put( "column", new ParameterHolder(column+1) );

                Rectangle r = owningArray.getCellRect(row, column, false);
                p.x -= r.x;
                p.y -= r.y;
                // Now X and Y are in owningArray coordinate space, need to translate them into pChild's
//              Point childLoc = SwingUtilities.convertPoint(owningArray, p, pChild);
                Point childLoc = p;
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        if (pParent instanceof OutlineField){
        if (pParent instanceof ArrayField) {
          ArrayField table = (ArrayField)pParent;

            // TF:23/9/07:We sometimes need to post the event on the table as well. For example, consider a mouse double click
            // over a non-editable cell in a table. Forte could process the double click and send it through to the event loop,
            // but in java the renderer will not get the double click (it's not really there, after all) so the array will get
            // it. Hence we need to listen for it on the array as well
            // _installOnChild(pRoot, pParent, table, pEvent, pInstaller);
            TableColumnModel cm = table.getColumnModel();
            for (int c = 0; c < cm.getColumnCount(); c++){
                TableColumn tc = cm.getColumn(c);
                TableCellRenderer tcr = tc.getCellRenderer();

                // Handle ArrayFieldCellRenderer. CraigM 30/08/2007
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        if (name != null && (pName.equalsIgnoreCase(name) || pName.substring(3).equalsIgnoreCase(name))) { // extra
            return targetWidget;
        if (targetWidget instanceof ArrayField) {
            ArrayField aContainer = (ArrayField) targetWidget;
            ArrayColumnModel acm = (ArrayColumnModel)aContainer.getColumnModel();
            int colCount = acm.getRealColumnCount();
            for (int i = 0; i < colCount; i++) {
                ArrayColumn ac = (ArrayColumn)acm.getRealColumn(i);
                TableCellEditor tce = ac.getCellEditor();
                JComponent comp = (JComponent)tce.getTableCellEditorComponent(aContainer, null, true, -1, -1);
                if (comp == null) { // then find the cell renderer
                    ArrayFieldCellRenderer afcr = (ArrayFieldCellRenderer) ac
                    comp = (JComponent) afcr.getTableCellRendererComponent(
                            aContainer, null, false, true, -1, -1);
                    comp = (JComponent) comp.getComponent(0);
                    String compName = (comp == null) ? "" : comp.getName();
                    if (compName.endsWith(pName)) {
                        return comp;
                } else if (comp instanceof EditorLayoutPanel
                        && comp.getComponent(0) != null) {
                    comp = (JComponent) comp.getComponent(0);
                String compName = (comp == null) ? "" : comp.getName();
                if (compName.endsWith(pName)) {
                    return comp;
        } else if (targetWidget instanceof Container) {
            Container aContainer = (Container) targetWidget;
            Component[] children = aContainer.getComponents();
            for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
                Component result = UIutils._getFieldByName(pName, children[i]);
                if (result != null) {
                    return result;
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Related Classes of net.helipilot50.stocktrade.displayproject.controls.ArrayField$RowSelection

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