Package net.fortuna.ical4j.model

Examples of net.fortuna.ical4j.model.Recur

        // Construct RRule
        try {
            final RRule rrule = new RRule(recurringRule);

            final Recur recur = rrule.getRecur();

            return recur;
        } catch (final ParseException e) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block
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    public static String getRRuleReadable(final LocalDate startDate, final String recurringRule) {

        String humanReadable = "";

        RRule rrule;
        Recur recur = null;
        try {
            rrule = new RRule(recurringRule);
            recur = rrule.getRecur();
        } catch (final ValidationException e) {
            throw new PlatformDataIntegrityException("error.msg.invalid.recurring.rule", "The Recurring Rule value: " + recurringRule
                    + " is not valid.", "recurrence", recurringRule);
        } catch (final ParseException e) {
            throw new PlatformDataIntegrityException("error.msg.recurring.rule.parsing.error",
                    "Error in pasring the Recurring Rule value: " + recurringRule, "recurrence", recurringRule);

        if (recur == null) { return humanReadable; }

        if (recur.getFrequency().equals(Recur.DAILY)) {
            if (recur.getInterval() == 1) {
                humanReadable = "Daily";
            } else {
                humanReadable = "Every " + recur.getInterval() + " days";
        } else if (recur.getFrequency().equals(Recur.WEEKLY)) {
            if (recur.getInterval() == 1 || recur.getInterval() == -1) {
                humanReadable = "Weekly";
            } else {
                humanReadable = "Every " + recur.getInterval() + " weeks";

            humanReadable += " on ";
            final WeekDayList weekDayList = recur.getDayList();

            for (@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes")
            final Iterator iterator = weekDayList.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
                final WeekDay weekDay = (WeekDay);
                humanReadable += DayNameEnum.from(weekDay.getDay()).getCode();

        } else if (recur.getFrequency().equals(Recur.MONTHLY)) {
            if (recur.getInterval() == 1) {
                humanReadable = "Monthly on day " + startDate.getDayOfMonth();
            } else {
                humanReadable = "Every " + recur.getInterval() + " months on day " + startDate.getDayOfMonth();
        } else if (recur.getFrequency().equals(Recur.YEARLY)) {
            if (recur.getInterval() == 1) {
                humanReadable = "Annually on " + startDate.toString("MMM") + " " + startDate.getDayOfMonth();
            } else {
                humanReadable = "Every " + recur.getInterval() + " years on " + startDate.toString("MMM") + " " + startDate.getDayOfMonth();

        if (recur.getCount() > 0) {
            if (recur.getCount() == 1) {
                humanReadable = "Once";
            humanReadable += ", " + recur.getCount() + " times";

        final Date endDate = recur.getUntil();
        final LocalDate date = new LocalDate(endDate);
        final DateTimeFormatter fmt = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("dd MMMM YY");
        final String formattedDate = date.toString(fmt);
        if (endDate != null) {
            humanReadable += ", until " + formattedDate;
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        return humanReadable;

    public static boolean isValidRedurringDate(final String recurringRule, final LocalDate seedDate, final LocalDate date) {

        final Recur recur = CalendarUtils.getICalRecur(recurringRule);
        if (recur == null) { return false; }

        return isValidRecurringDate(recur, seedDate, date);
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            return DayNameEnum.MO;// Default it to Monday

    public static PeriodFrequencyType getMeetingPeriodFrequencyType(final String recurringRule) {
        final Recur recur = CalendarUtils.getICalRecur(recurringRule);
        PeriodFrequencyType meetingFrequencyType = PeriodFrequencyType.INVALID;
        if (recur.getFrequency().equals(Recur.DAILY)) {
            meetingFrequencyType = PeriodFrequencyType.DAYS;
        } else if (recur.getFrequency().equals(Recur.WEEKLY)) {
            meetingFrequencyType = PeriodFrequencyType.WEEKS;
        } else if (recur.getFrequency().equals(Recur.MONTHLY)) {
            meetingFrequencyType = PeriodFrequencyType.MONTHS;
        } else if (recur.getFrequency().equals(Recur.YEARLY)) {
            meetingFrequencyType = PeriodFrequencyType.YEARS;
        return meetingFrequencyType;
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        return frequency;

    public static int getInterval(final String recurringRule) {
        final Recur recur = CalendarUtils.getICalRecur(recurringRule);
        return recur.getInterval();
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        final Recur recur = CalendarUtils.getICalRecur(recurringRule);
        return recur.getInterval();

    public static CalendarFrequencyType getFrequency(final String recurringRule) {
        final Recur recur = CalendarUtils.getICalRecur(recurringRule);
        return CalendarFrequencyType.fromString(recur.getFrequency());
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        final Recur recur = CalendarUtils.getICalRecur(recurringRule);
        return CalendarFrequencyType.fromString(recur.getFrequency());

    public static CalendarWeekDaysType getRepeatsOnDay(final String recurringRule) {
        final Recur recur = CalendarUtils.getICalRecur(recurringRule);
        final WeekDayList weekDays = recur.getDayList();
        if (weekDays.isEmpty()) return CalendarWeekDaysType.INVALID;
        // supports only one day
        WeekDay weekDay = (WeekDay) weekDays.get(0);
        return CalendarWeekDaysType.fromString(weekDay.getDay());
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        return CalendarWeekDaysType.fromString(weekDay.getDay());

    public static LocalDate getFirstRepaymentMeetingDate(final Calendar calendar, final LocalDate disbursementDate,
            final Integer loanRepaymentInterval, final String frequency) {
        final Recur recur = CalendarUtils.getICalRecur(calendar.getRecurrence());
        if (recur == null) { return null; }
        LocalDate startDate = disbursementDate;
        final LocalDate seedDate = calendar.getStartDateLocalDate();
        if (isValidRedurringDate(calendar.getRecurrence(), seedDate, startDate)) {
            startDate = startDate.plusDays(1);
        // Recurring dates should follow loanRepaymentInterval.
        // e.g.
        // for weekly meeting interval is 1
        // where as for loan product with fortnightly frequency interval is 2
        // to generate currect set of meeting dates reset interval same as loan
        // repayment interval.

        // Recurring dates should follow loanRepayment frequency.
        // e.g.
        // daily meeting frequency should support all loan products with any
        // frequency type.
        // to generate currect set of meeting dates reset frequency same as loan
        // repayment frequency.
        if (recur.getFrequency().equals(Recur.DAILY)) {

        final LocalDate firstRepaymentDate = getNextRecurringDate(recur, seedDate, startDate);

        return firstRepaymentDate;
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        return firstRepaymentDate;

    public static LocalDate getNewRepaymentMeetingDate(final String recurringRule, final LocalDate seedDate,
            final LocalDate oldRepaymentDate, final Integer loanRepaymentInterval, final String frequency, final WorkingDays workingDays) {
        final Recur recur = CalendarUtils.getICalRecur(recurringRule);
        if (recur == null) { return null; }
        if (isValidRecurringDate(recur, seedDate, oldRepaymentDate)) { return oldRepaymentDate; }
        return getNextRepaymentMeetingDate(recurringRule, seedDate, oldRepaymentDate, loanRepaymentInterval, frequency, workingDays);
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    public static LocalDate getNextRepaymentMeetingDate(final String recurringRule, final LocalDate seedDate,
            final LocalDate repaymentDate, final Integer loanRepaymentInterval, final String frequency, final WorkingDays workingDays) {

        final Recur recur = CalendarUtils.getICalRecur(recurringRule);
        if (recur == null) { return null; }
        LocalDate tmpDate = repaymentDate;
        if (isValidRecurringDate(recur, seedDate, repaymentDate)) {
            tmpDate = repaymentDate.plusDays(1);
         * Recurring dates should follow loanRepaymentInterval.
         * e.g. The weekly meeting will have interval of 1, if the loan product
         * with fortnightly frequency will have interval of 2, to generate right
         * set of meeting dates reset interval same as loan repayment interval.

         * Recurring dates should follow loanRepayment frequency. //e.g. daily
         * meeting frequency should support all loan products with any type of
         * frequency. to generate right set of meeting dates reset frequency
         * same as loan repayment frequency.
        if (recur.getFrequency().equals(Recur.DAILY)) {

        LocalDate newRepaymentDate = getNextRecurringDate(recur, seedDate, tmpDate);
        final LocalDate nextRepaymentDate = getNextRecurringDate(recur, seedDate, newRepaymentDate);

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Related Classes of net.fortuna.ical4j.model.Recur

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