public final class CommandMail implements CommandRunnable {
public void run(Connection source, BNetUser user, String param, String[] params, boolean whisperBack, Account commanderAccount, boolean superUser)
throws Exception {
if(commanderAccount == null)
throw new CommandFailedWithDetailsException("You must have an account to use mail.");
try {
if((params == null) || (params.length < 1))
throw new InvalidUseException();
if(params[0].equals("send")) {
//send <account> <message>
params = param.split(" ", 3);
if(params.length < 3)
throw new InvalidUseException();
Account rsTargetAccount = Account.get(params[1]);
if(rsTargetAccount == null)
throw new AccountDoesNotExistException(params[1]);
params[1] = rsTargetAccount.getName();
Mail.send(commanderAccount, rsTargetAccount, params[2]);
user.sendChat("Mail queued for delivery to " + rsTargetAccount.getName(), whisperBack);
} else if(params[0].equals("read")
||params[0].equals("get")) {
//read [number]
if((params.length < 1) || (params.length > 2))
throw new InvalidUseException();
int id = 0;
boolean all = false;
if(params.length == 2) {
try {
id = Integer.parseInt(params[1]);
} catch(Exception e) {
throw new InvalidUseException();
all = true;
List<Mail> rsMail = getMail(commanderAccount);
if(all) {
for(Mail m : getMail(commanderAccount))
sendMail(user, whisperBack, ++id, rsMail.size(), m);
} else if(id == 0) {
for(Mail m : rsMail) {
sendMail(user, whisperBack, id, rsMail.size(), m);
String message = "You have no unread mail!";
if(rsMail.size() > 0)
message += " To read your " + rsMail.size() + " messages, type [ %trigger%mail read <number> ]";
throw new CommandFailedWithDetailsException(message);
} else {
if((rsMail.size() >= id) && (id >= 1))
sendMail(user, whisperBack, id, rsMail.size(), rsMail.get(id-1));
throw new CommandFailedWithDetailsException("You only have " + rsMail.size() + " messages!");
} else if(params[0].equals("delete")) {
//delete <number>
if(params.length != 2)
throw new InvalidUseException();
int id;
try {
id = Integer.parseInt(params[1]);
} catch(Exception e) {
throw new InvalidUseException();
List<Mail> rsMail = getMail(commanderAccount);
if((rsMail.size() >= id) && (id >= 1)) {
Mail m = rsMail.get(id-1);
String response = "Deleted " + constructMessage(id, rsMail.size(), m);
try {
ObjectContext context = commanderAccount.getObjectContext();
user.sendChat(response, true);
context.performQuery(new RefreshQuery(commanderAccount));
} catch(Exception e) {
throw new CommandFailedWithDetailsException("Failed to delete mail", e);
} else {
throw new CommandFailedWithDetailsException("You only have " + rsMail.size() + " messages!");
} else if(params[0].equals("empty")
||params[0].equals("clear")) {
if(params.length != 1)
throw new InvalidUseException();
if(Mail.getUnreadCount(commanderAccount) > 0)
throw new CommandFailedWithDetailsException("You have unread mail!");
try {
ObjectContext context = commanderAccount.getObjectContext();
for(Mail m : commanderAccount.getRecievedMail())
user.sendChat("Mailbox cleaned!", whisperBack);
} catch(Exception e) {
throw new CommandFailedWithDetailsException("Failed to delete mail", e);
} else
throw new InvalidUseException();
} catch(InvalidUseException e) {
user.sendChat("Use: " +