final FileWriter output = openOutput(schemaVersion, "sparse_sparse", TestType.UNION);
final Random random = new Random(SEED);
// the accumulator, starts empty
final HLL hll = newHLL(HLLType.EMPTY);
final HLL emptyHLL = newHLL(HLLType.EMPTY);
cumulativeUnionLine(output, hll, emptyHLL, schemaVersion);
for(int i=0; i<SPARSE_THRESHOLD; i++) {
// make a SPARSE set and populate with cardinality 1
final HLL sparseHLL = newHLL(HLLType.SPARSE);
final int registerIndex = Math.abs(random.nextInt()) % REGISTER_COUNT;
final int registerValue = ((Math.abs(random.nextInt()) % REGISTER_MAX_VALUE) + 1);
final long rawValue = constructHLLValue(LOG2M, registerIndex, registerValue);
cumulativeUnionLine(output, hll, sparseHLL, schemaVersion);