Examples of NextHandlingEvent

Examples of org.qi4j.sample.dcicargo.sample_b.data.structure.delivery.NextHandlingEvent

                    final String trackingId = cargo.trackingId().get().id().get();
                    final RouteSpecification routeSpec = cargo.routeSpecification().get();

                    NextHandlingEvent nextEvent = null;
                    Date time = null;
                    String port = null;
                    String voyageNumber = null;
                    Voyage voyage;
                    HandlingEventType type = null;
                    String wrongPort = null;
                    String wrongVoyage = null;

                    // First cargo with id 11 is not routed

                    // ROUTE
                    if( i > 11 )
                        final List<Itinerary> routes = routingService.fetchRoutesForSpecification( routeSpec );
                        final Itinerary itinerary = routes.get( 0 );
                        new AssignCargoToRoute( cargo, itinerary ).assign();

                    // MISROUTE: Route specification not satisfied with itinerary
                    if( i == 12 )
                        Location origin = routeSpec.origin().get();
                        Location dest = routeSpec.destination().get();
                        Location badDest = null;
                        Query<Location> locations = uow.newQuery( module.newQueryBuilder( Location.class ) );
                        for( Location loc : locations )
                            if( !origin.equals( loc ) && !dest.equals( loc ) )
                                badDest = loc;

                        final RouteSpecification unsatisfiedRouteSpec =
                            routeSpecFactory.build( origin, badDest, new Date(), new DateTime().plusDays( 25 )
                                .toDate() );
                        cargo.routeSpecification().set( unsatisfiedRouteSpec );

                        new InspectUnhandledCargo( cargo ).inspect();

                    // RECEIVE
                    if( i > 13 )
                        nextEvent = cargo.delivery().get().nextHandlingEvent().get();
                        port = nextEvent.location().get().getCode();
                        final Date mockTime = new Date();
                        registerEvent( mockTime, mockTime, trackingId, RECEIVE, port, null );

                    // MISDIRECT: LOAD onto wrong carrier
                    if( i == 15 )
                        nextEvent = cargo.delivery().get().nextHandlingEvent().get();
                        time = nextEvent.time().get();
                        port = nextEvent.location().get().getCode();
                        voyageNumber = nextEvent.voyage().get().voyageNumber().get().number().get();

                        // Find earliest wrong carrier movement (voyage) with same departure location
                        final Query<Voyage> voyages = module.currentUnitOfWork()
                            .newQuery( module.newQueryBuilder( Voyage.class ) );
                        int depth = 0;
                            for( Voyage voy : voyages )
                                if( voy.voyageNumber().get().number().get().equals( voyageNumber ) )

                                if( depth >= voy.schedule().get().carrierMovements().get().size() )

                                // Carrier movement at current depth
                                final CarrierMovement movement = voy.schedule()
                                    .get( depth );
                                final boolean goingFromSamePort = movement.departureLocation()
                                    .equals( port );
                                final boolean notGoingToDestination = !movement.arrivalLocation()
                                    .equals( routeSpec.destination().get() );

                                if( goingFromSamePort && notGoingToDestination )
                                    wrongVoyage = voy.voyageNumber().get().number().get();
                        while( wrongVoyage == null && depth++ < 10 );

                        registerEvent( time, time, trackingId, LOAD, port, wrongVoyage );

                    // LOAD
                    if( i > 15 )
                        nextEvent = cargo.delivery().get().nextHandlingEvent().get();
                        time = nextEvent.time().get();
                        port = nextEvent.location().get().getCode();
                        voyageNumber = nextEvent.voyage().get().voyageNumber().get().number().get();
                        registerEvent( time, time, trackingId, LOAD, port, voyageNumber );

                        // Cargo is now on board carrier
                        nextEvent = cargo.delivery().get().nextHandlingEvent().get();
                        time = nextEvent.time().get();
                        type = nextEvent.handlingEventType().get();
                        port = nextEvent.location().get().getCode();
                        voyageNumber = nextEvent.voyage().get().voyageNumber().get().number().get();

                    // MISDIRECT: UNLOAD from carrier in wrong location
                    if( i == 17 )
                        voyage = uow.get( Voyage.class, voyageNumber );
                        for( CarrierMovement movement : voyage.schedule().get().carrierMovements().get() )
                            final String arrivalPort = movement.arrivalLocation().get().getCode();

                            // Take first voyage with different arrival location
                            if( !arrivalPort.equals( port ) )
                                wrongPort = movement.arrivalLocation().get().unLocode().get().code().get();
                        registerEvent( time, time, trackingId, UNLOAD, wrongPort, voyageNumber );

                    // UNLOAD
                    if( i > 17 )
                        nextEvent = cargo.delivery().get().nextHandlingEvent().get();
                        time = nextEvent.time().get();
                        port = nextEvent.location().get().getCode();
                        voyageNumber = nextEvent.voyage().get().voyageNumber().get().number().get();
                        registerEvent( time, time, trackingId, UNLOAD, port, voyageNumber );

                        // Cargo is now in midpoint location
                        nextEvent = cargo.delivery().get().nextHandlingEvent().get();
                        time = nextEvent.time().get();
                        type = nextEvent.handlingEventType().get();
                        port = nextEvent.location().get().getCode();

                    // CUSTOMS: Customs handling in midpoint location (doesn't affect misdirection status)
                    if( i == 19 )
                        registerEvent( time, time, trackingId, CUSTOMS, port, null );

                    // MISDIRECT: Unexpected claim before reaching destination
                    if( i == 20 )
                        registerEvent( time, time, trackingId, CLAIM, port, null );

                    // Complete all LOAD/UNLOADS
                    if( i > 20 )
                            //noinspection ConstantConditions
                            voyageNumber = nextEvent.voyage().get().voyageNumber().get().number().get();
                            registerEvent( time, time, trackingId, type, port, voyageNumber );

                            nextEvent = cargo.delivery().get().nextHandlingEvent().get();
                            time = nextEvent.time().get();
                            port = nextEvent.location().get().getCode();
                            type = nextEvent.handlingEventType().get();
                        while( type != HandlingEventType.CLAIM );

                    // CLAIM at destination - this ends the life cycle of the cargo delivery
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Examples of org.qi4j.sample.dcicargo.sample_b.data.structure.delivery.NextHandlingEvent

        // Receive cargo as planned in origin
        handlingEvent = HANDLING_EVENTS.createHandlingEvent( DAY1, DAY1, trackingId, RECEIVE, HONGKONG, noVoyage );
        new InspectReceivedCargo( cargo, handlingEvent ).inspect();

        // Itinerary calculations
        NextHandlingEvent nextLoad = cargo.delivery().get().nextHandlingEvent().get();
        assertThat( nextLoad.location().get(), is( equalTo( itinerary.firstLeg().loadLocation().get() ) ) );
        assertThat( nextLoad.time().get(), is( equalTo( itinerary.firstLeg().loadTime().get() ) ) );
        assertThat( nextLoad.voyage().get(), is( equalTo( itinerary.firstLeg().voyage().get() ) ) );

        assertDelivery( RECEIVE, HONGKONG, DAY1, noVoyage,
                        IN_PORT, notArrived,
                        ROUTED, directed, itinerary.eta(), leg1,
                        LOAD, HONGKONG, DAY1, V201 );
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Examples of org.qi4j.sample.dcicargo.sample_b.data.structure.delivery.NextHandlingEvent

            map.put( "location", destination.getString() );
            label.add( new AttributeModifier( "class", "correctColor" ) );

        NextHandlingEvent nextEvent = cargo.delivery().get().nextHandlingEvent().get();
        if( nextEvent == null )
            map.put( "nextEvent", "UNKNOWN" );
            label.add( new AttributeModifier( "class", "errorColor" ) );

        map.put( "nextEvent", nextEvent.handlingEventType().get().name() );
        map.put( "location", nextEvent.location().get().getString() );

        if( nextEvent.time() != null )
            map.put( "time", new SimpleDateFormat( "yyyy-MM-dd" ).format( nextEvent.time().get() ) );

        if( nextEvent.voyage().get() != null )
            map.put( "voyage", nextEvent.voyage().get().voyageNumber().get().number().get() );
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