public boolean isProviderSupportServiceInNetwork(long networkId, Service service, Provider provider) {
return _ntwkSrvcDao.canProviderSupportServiceInNetwork(networkId, service, provider);
protected boolean canUpgrade(Network network, long oldNetworkOfferingId, long newNetworkOfferingId) {
NetworkOffering oldNetworkOffering = _networkOfferingDao.findByIdIncludingRemoved(oldNetworkOfferingId);
NetworkOffering newNetworkOffering = _networkOfferingDao.findById(newNetworkOfferingId);
// can upgrade only Isolated networks
if (oldNetworkOffering.getGuestType() != GuestType.Isolated) {
throw new InvalidParameterValueException("NetworkOfferingId can be upgraded only for the network of type " + GuestType.Isolated);
// security group service should be the same
if (areServicesSupportedByNetworkOffering(oldNetworkOfferingId, Service.SecurityGroup) != areServicesSupportedByNetworkOffering(newNetworkOfferingId, Service.SecurityGroup)) {
s_logger.debug("Offerings " + newNetworkOfferingId + " and " + oldNetworkOfferingId + " have different securityGroupProperty, can't upgrade");
return false;
// Type of the network should be the same
if (oldNetworkOffering.getGuestType() != newNetworkOffering.getGuestType()) {
s_logger.debug("Network offerings " + newNetworkOfferingId + " and " + oldNetworkOfferingId + " are of different types, can't upgrade");
return false;
// tags should be the same
if (newNetworkOffering.getTags() != null) {
if (oldNetworkOffering.getTags() == null) {
s_logger.debug("New network offering id=" + newNetworkOfferingId + " has tags and old network offering id=" + oldNetworkOfferingId + " doesn't, can't upgrade");
return false;
if (!oldNetworkOffering.getTags().equalsIgnoreCase(newNetworkOffering.getTags())) {
s_logger.debug("Network offerings " + newNetworkOfferingId + " and " + oldNetworkOfferingId + " have different tags, can't upgrade");
return false;
// Traffic types should be the same
if (oldNetworkOffering.getTrafficType() != newNetworkOffering.getTrafficType()) {
s_logger.debug("Network offerings " + newNetworkOfferingId + " and " + oldNetworkOfferingId + " have different traffic types, can't upgrade");
return false;
// specify vlan should be the same
if (oldNetworkOffering.getSpecifyVlan() != newNetworkOffering.getSpecifyVlan()) {
s_logger.debug("Network offerings " + newNetworkOfferingId + " and " + oldNetworkOfferingId + " have different values for specifyVlan, can't upgrade");
return false;
// specify ipRanges should be the same
if (oldNetworkOffering.getSpecifyIpRanges() != newNetworkOffering.getSpecifyIpRanges()) {
s_logger.debug("Network offerings " + newNetworkOfferingId + " and " + oldNetworkOfferingId + " have different values for specifyIpRangess, can't upgrade");
return false;
// Check all ips
List<IPAddressVO> userIps = _ipAddressDao.listByAssociatedNetwork(network.getId(), null);
List<PublicIp> publicIps = new ArrayList<PublicIp>();
if (userIps != null && !userIps.isEmpty()) {
for (IPAddressVO userIp : userIps) {
PublicIp publicIp = new PublicIp(userIp, _vlanDao.findById(userIp.getVlanId()), NetUtils.createSequenceBasedMacAddress(userIp.getMacAddress()));
if (oldNetworkOffering.isConserveMode() && !newNetworkOffering.isConserveMode()) {
if (!canIpsUsedForNonConserve(publicIps)) {
return false;