Examples of NetworkDevice

Examples of com.cloud.network.ExternalNetworkDeviceManager.NetworkDevice

    public ExternalLoadBalancerDeviceVO addExternalLoadBalancer(long physicalNetworkId, String url, String username, String password, String deviceName, ServerResource resource) {

        PhysicalNetworkVO pNetwork = null;
        NetworkDevice ntwkDevice = NetworkDevice.getNetworkDevice(deviceName);
        long zoneId;

        if ((ntwkDevice == null) || (url == null) || (username == null) || (resource == null) || (password == null)) {
            throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Atleast one of the required parameters (url, username, password," +
                    " server resource, zone id/physical network id) is not specified or a valid parameter.");

        pNetwork = _physicalNetworkDao.findById(physicalNetworkId);
        if (pNetwork == null) {
            throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Could not find phyical network with ID: " + physicalNetworkId);
        zoneId = pNetwork.getDataCenterId();

        PhysicalNetworkServiceProviderVO ntwkSvcProvider = _physicalNetworkServiceProviderDao.findByServiceProvider(pNetwork.getId(), ntwkDevice.getNetworkServiceProvder());
        if (ntwkSvcProvider == null) {
            throw new CloudRuntimeException("Network Service Provider: " + ntwkDevice.getNetworkServiceProvder() +
                    " is not enabled in the physical network: " + physicalNetworkId + "to add this device");
        } else if (ntwkSvcProvider.getState() == PhysicalNetworkServiceProvider.State.Shutdown) {
            throw new CloudRuntimeException("Network Service Provider: " + ntwkSvcProvider.getProviderName() +
                    " is in shutdown state in the physical network: " + physicalNetworkId + "to add this device");
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Examples of com.cloud.network.ExternalNetworkDeviceManager.NetworkDevice


    public List<Host> listExternalLoadBalancers(long physicalNetworkId, String deviceName) {
        List<Host> lbHosts = new ArrayList<Host>();
        NetworkDevice lbNetworkDevice = NetworkDevice.getNetworkDevice(deviceName);
        PhysicalNetworkVO pNetwork = null;

        pNetwork = _physicalNetworkDao.findById(physicalNetworkId);

        if ((pNetwork == null) || (lbNetworkDevice == null)) {
            throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Atleast one of the required parameter physical networkId, device name is invalid.");

        PhysicalNetworkServiceProviderVO ntwkSvcProvider = _physicalNetworkServiceProviderDao.findByServiceProvider(pNetwork.getId(),
        // if provider not configured in to physical network, then there can be no instances
        if (ntwkSvcProvider == null) {
            return null;
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Examples of com.cloud.network.ExternalNetworkDeviceManager.NetworkDevice

    public NiciraNvpDeviceVO addNiciraNvpDevice(AddNiciraNvpDeviceCmd cmd) {
        ServerResource resource = new NiciraNvpResource();
        String deviceName = Network.Provider.NiciraNvp.getName();
        NetworkDevice networkDevice = NetworkDevice.getNetworkDevice(deviceName);
        Long physicalNetworkId = cmd.getPhysicalNetworkId();
        NiciraNvpDeviceVO niciraNvpDevice = null;
        PhysicalNetworkVO physicalNetwork = _physicalNetworkDao.findById(physicalNetworkId);
        if (physicalNetwork == null) {
            throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Could not find phyical network with ID: " + physicalNetworkId);
        long zoneId = physicalNetwork.getDataCenterId();

        PhysicalNetworkServiceProviderVO ntwkSvcProvider = _physicalNetworkServiceProviderDao.findByServiceProvider(physicalNetwork.getId(), networkDevice.getNetworkServiceProvder());
        if (ntwkSvcProvider == null) {
            throw new CloudRuntimeException("Network Service Provider: " + networkDevice.getNetworkServiceProvder() +
                    " is not enabled in the physical network: " + physicalNetworkId + "to add this device");
        } else if (ntwkSvcProvider.getState() == PhysicalNetworkServiceProvider.State.Shutdown) {
            throw new CloudRuntimeException("Network Service Provider: " + ntwkSvcProvider.getProviderName() +
                    " is in shutdown state in the physical network: " + physicalNetworkId + "to add this device");
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Examples of com.cloud.network.ExternalNetworkDeviceManager.NetworkDevice

    public ExternalFirewallDeviceVO addExternalFirewall(long physicalNetworkId, String url, String username, String password, String deviceName, ServerResource resource) {
        String guid;
        PhysicalNetworkVO pNetwork=null;
        NetworkDevice ntwkDevice = NetworkDevice.getNetworkDevice(deviceName);
        long zoneId;

        if ((ntwkDevice == null) || (url == null) || (username == null) || (resource == null) || (password == null) ) {
            throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Atleast one of the required parameters (url, username, password," +
                    " server resource, zone id/physical network id) is not specified or a valid parameter.");

        pNetwork = _physicalNetworkDao.findById(physicalNetworkId);
        if (pNetwork == null) {
            throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Could not find phyical network with ID: " + physicalNetworkId);
        zoneId = pNetwork.getDataCenterId();

        PhysicalNetworkServiceProviderVO ntwkSvcProvider = _physicalNetworkServiceProviderDao.findByServiceProvider(pNetwork.getId(), ntwkDevice.getNetworkServiceProvder());
        if (ntwkSvcProvider == null ) {
            throw new CloudRuntimeException("Network Service Provider: " + ntwkDevice.getNetworkServiceProvder() +
                    " is not enabled in the physical network: " + physicalNetworkId + "to add this device" );
        } else if (ntwkSvcProvider.getState() == PhysicalNetworkServiceProvider.State.Shutdown) {
            throw new CloudRuntimeException("Network Service Provider: " + ntwkSvcProvider.getProviderName() +
                    " is not added or in shutdown state in the physical network: " + physicalNetworkId + "to add this device" );
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Examples of com.cloud.network.ExternalNetworkDeviceManager.NetworkDevice


    public List<Host> listExternalFirewalls(long physicalNetworkId, String deviceName) {
        List<Host> firewallHosts = new ArrayList<Host>();
        NetworkDevice fwNetworkDevice = NetworkDevice.getNetworkDevice(deviceName);
        PhysicalNetworkVO pNetwork=null;

        pNetwork = _physicalNetworkDao.findById(physicalNetworkId);
        if (pNetwork == null) {
            throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Could not find phyical network with ID: " + physicalNetworkId);

        if ((pNetwork == null) || (fwNetworkDevice == null)) {
            throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Atleast one of ther required parameter physical networkId, device name is missing or invalid.");

        PhysicalNetworkServiceProviderVO ntwkSvcProvider = _physicalNetworkServiceProviderDao.findByServiceProvider(pNetwork.getId(), fwNetworkDevice.getNetworkServiceProvder());
        if (ntwkSvcProvider == null) {
            return null;

        List<ExternalFirewallDeviceVO> fwDevices = _externalFirewallDeviceDao.listByPhysicalNetworkAndProvider(physicalNetworkId, ntwkSvcProvider.getProviderName());
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Examples of org.apache.cloudstack.network.ExternalNetworkDeviceManager.NetworkDevice

    public ExternalLoadBalancerDeviceVO addExternalLoadBalancer(long physicalNetworkId, String url,
                String username, String password, String deviceName, ServerResource resource, boolean gslbProvider,
                String gslbSitePublicIp, String gslbSitePrivateIp) {

        PhysicalNetworkVO pNetwork = null;
        NetworkDevice ntwkDevice = NetworkDevice.getNetworkDevice(deviceName);
        long zoneId;

        if ((ntwkDevice == null) || (url == null) || (username == null) || (resource == null) || (password == null)) {
            throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Atleast one of the required parameters (url, username, password," +
                    " server resource, zone id/physical network id) is not specified or a valid parameter.");

        pNetwork = _physicalNetworkDao.findById(physicalNetworkId);
        if (pNetwork == null) {
            throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Could not find phyical network with ID: " + physicalNetworkId);

        zoneId = pNetwork.getDataCenterId();
        PhysicalNetworkServiceProviderVO ntwkSvcProvider = _physicalNetworkServiceProviderDao.findByServiceProvider(pNetwork.getId(), ntwkDevice.getNetworkServiceProvder());

        ntwkSvcProvider = _physicalNetworkServiceProviderDao.findByServiceProvider(pNetwork.getId(), ntwkDevice.getNetworkServiceProvder());
        if (ntwkSvcProvider == null) {
            throw new CloudRuntimeException("Network Service Provider: " + ntwkDevice.getNetworkServiceProvder() +
                    " is not enabled in the physical network: " + physicalNetworkId + "to add this device");
        } else if (ntwkSvcProvider.getState() == PhysicalNetworkServiceProvider.State.Shutdown) {
            throw new CloudRuntimeException("Network Service Provider: " + ntwkSvcProvider.getProviderName() +
                    " is in shutdown state in the physical network: " + physicalNetworkId + "to add this device");

        if (gslbProvider) {
            ExternalLoadBalancerDeviceVO zoneGslbProvider = _externalLoadBalancerDeviceDao.findGslbServiceProvider(
                    physicalNetworkId, ntwkDevice.getNetworkServiceProvder());
            if (zoneGslbProvider != null) {
                throw new CloudRuntimeException("There is a GSLB service provider configured in the zone alredy.");

        URI uri;
        try {
            uri = new URI(url);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new InvalidParameterValueException(e.getMessage());

        String ipAddress = uri.getHost();
        Map hostDetails = new HashMap<String, String>();
        String hostName = getExternalLoadBalancerResourceGuid(pNetwork.getId(), deviceName, ipAddress);
        hostDetails.put("name", hostName);
        hostDetails.put("guid", UUID.randomUUID().toString());
        hostDetails.put("zoneId", String.valueOf(pNetwork.getDataCenterId()));
        hostDetails.put("ip", ipAddress);
        hostDetails.put("physicalNetworkId", String.valueOf(pNetwork.getId()));
        hostDetails.put("username", username);
        hostDetails.put("password", password);
        hostDetails.put("deviceName", deviceName);

        // leave parameter validation to be part server resource configure
        Map<String, String> configParams = new HashMap<String, String>();
        UrlUtil.parseQueryParameters(uri.getQuery(), false, configParams);

        Transaction txn = Transaction.currentTxn();
        try {
            resource.configure(hostName, hostDetails);

            Host host = _resourceMgr.addHost(zoneId, resource, Host.Type.ExternalLoadBalancer, hostDetails);
            if (host != null) {

                boolean dedicatedUse = (configParams.get(ApiConstants.LOAD_BALANCER_DEVICE_DEDICATED) != null) ? Boolean.parseBoolean(configParams.get(ApiConstants.LOAD_BALANCER_DEVICE_DEDICATED)) : false;
                long capacity = NumbersUtil.parseLong(configParams.get(ApiConstants.LOAD_BALANCER_DEVICE_CAPACITY), 0);
                if (capacity == 0) {
                    capacity = _defaultLbCapacity;

                ExternalLoadBalancerDeviceVO lbDeviceVO;
                lbDeviceVO = new ExternalLoadBalancerDeviceVO(host.getId(), pNetwork.getId(), ntwkDevice.getNetworkServiceProvder(),
                        deviceName, capacity, dedicatedUse, gslbProvider);
                if (gslbProvider) {
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Examples of org.apache.cloudstack.network.ExternalNetworkDeviceManager.NetworkDevice

    public NiciraNvpDeviceVO addNiciraNvpDevice(AddNiciraNvpDeviceCmd cmd) {
        ServerResource resource = new NiciraNvpResource();
        String deviceName = Network.Provider.NiciraNvp.getName();
        NetworkDevice networkDevice = NetworkDevice
        Long physicalNetworkId = cmd.getPhysicalNetworkId();
        NiciraNvpDeviceVO niciraNvpDevice = null;

        PhysicalNetworkVO physicalNetwork = _physicalNetworkDao
        if (physicalNetwork == null) {
            throw new InvalidParameterValueException(
                    "Could not find phyical network with ID: "
                            + physicalNetworkId);
        long zoneId = physicalNetwork.getDataCenterId();

        PhysicalNetworkServiceProviderVO ntwkSvcProvider = _physicalNetworkServiceProviderDao
        if (ntwkSvcProvider == null) {
            throw new CloudRuntimeException("Network Service Provider: "
                    + networkDevice.getNetworkServiceProvder()
                    + " is not enabled in the physical network: "
                    + physicalNetworkId + "to add this device");
        } else if (ntwkSvcProvider.getState() == PhysicalNetworkServiceProvider.State.Shutdown) {
            throw new CloudRuntimeException("Network Service Provider: "
                    + ntwkSvcProvider.getProviderName()
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Examples of org.apache.cloudstack.network.ExternalNetworkDeviceManager.NetworkDevice

    public BigSwitchVnsDeviceVO addBigSwitchVnsDevice(AddBigSwitchVnsDeviceCmd cmd) {
        ServerResource resource = new BigSwitchVnsResource();
        String deviceName = VnsConstants.BigSwitchVns.getName();
        NetworkDevice networkDevice = NetworkDevice
        Long physicalNetworkId = cmd.getPhysicalNetworkId();
        BigSwitchVnsDeviceVO bigswitchVnsDevice = null;

        PhysicalNetworkVO physicalNetwork = _physicalNetworkDao
        if (physicalNetwork == null) {
            throw new InvalidParameterValueException(
                    "Could not find phyical network with ID: "
                            + physicalNetworkId);
        long zoneId = physicalNetwork.getDataCenterId();

        PhysicalNetworkServiceProviderVO ntwkSvcProvider = _physicalNetworkServiceProviderDao
        if (ntwkSvcProvider == null) {
            throw new CloudRuntimeException("Network Service Provider: "
                    + networkDevice.getNetworkServiceProvder()
                    + " is not enabled in the physical network: "
                    + physicalNetworkId + "to add this device");
        } else if (ntwkSvcProvider.getState() == PhysicalNetworkServiceProvider.State.Shutdown) {
            throw new CloudRuntimeException("Network Service Provider: "
                    + ntwkSvcProvider.getProviderName()
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Examples of org.apache.cloudstack.network.ExternalNetworkDeviceManager.NetworkDevice


    public CiscoVnmcController addCiscoVnmcResource(AddCiscoVnmcResourceCmd cmd) {
        String deviceName = Provider.CiscoVnmc.getName();
        NetworkDevice networkDevice = NetworkDevice.getNetworkDevice(deviceName);
        Long physicalNetworkId = cmd.getPhysicalNetworkId();
        CiscoVnmcController ciscoVnmcResource = null;

        PhysicalNetworkVO physicalNetwork = _physicalNetworkDao.findById(physicalNetworkId);
        if (physicalNetwork == null) {
            throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Could not find phyical network with ID: " + physicalNetworkId);
        long zoneId = physicalNetwork.getDataCenterId();

        PhysicalNetworkServiceProviderVO ntwkSvcProvider = _physicalNetworkServiceProviderDao.findByServiceProvider(physicalNetwork.getId(), networkDevice.getNetworkServiceProvder());
        if (ntwkSvcProvider == null) {
            throw new CloudRuntimeException("Network Service Provider: " + networkDevice.getNetworkServiceProvder() +
                    " is not enabled in the physical network: " + physicalNetworkId + "to add this device");
        } else if (ntwkSvcProvider.getState() == PhysicalNetworkServiceProvider.State.Shutdown) {
            throw new CloudRuntimeException("Network Service Provider: " + ntwkSvcProvider.getProviderName() +
                    " is in shutdown state in the physical network: " + physicalNetworkId + "to add this device");
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Examples of org.apache.cloudstack.network.ExternalNetworkDeviceManager.NetworkDevice


    public List<Host> listExternalLoadBalancers(long physicalNetworkId, String deviceName) {
        List<Host> lbHosts = new ArrayList<Host>();
        NetworkDevice lbNetworkDevice = NetworkDevice.getNetworkDevice(deviceName);
        PhysicalNetworkVO pNetwork = null;

        pNetwork = _physicalNetworkDao.findById(physicalNetworkId);

        if ((pNetwork == null) || (lbNetworkDevice == null)) {
            throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Atleast one of the required parameter physical networkId, device name is invalid.");

        PhysicalNetworkServiceProviderVO ntwkSvcProvider = _physicalNetworkServiceProviderDao.findByServiceProvider(pNetwork.getId(),
        // if provider not configured in to physical network, then there can be no instances
        if (ntwkSvcProvider == null) {
            return null;
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