Examples of NetconfHelper

Examples of com.cloud.utils.cisco.n1kv.vsm.NetconfHelper

    public Pair<Boolean, Long> validateAndAddVsm(String vsmIp, String vsmUser, String vsmPassword, long clusterId, String clusterName) throws ResourceInUseException {
        CiscoNexusVSMDeviceVO vsm = null;
        boolean vsmAdded = false;
        Long vsmId = 0L;
        if(vsmIp != null && vsmUser != null && vsmPassword != null) {
            NetconfHelper netconfClient;
            try {
                netconfClient = new NetconfHelper(vsmIp, vsmUser, vsmPassword);
            } catch (CloudRuntimeException e) {
                String msg = "Invalid credentials supplied for user " + vsmUser + " for Cisco Nexus 1000v VSM at " + vsmIp;
                throw new CloudRuntimeException(msg);
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Examples of com.cloud.utils.cisco.n1kv.vsm.NetconfHelper

      // Next, check if this VSM is reachable. Use the XML-RPC VSM API Java bindings to talk to
      // the VSM.
      //NetconfHelper (String ip, String username, String password)

      NetconfHelper netconfClient;
      try  {
        netconfClient = new NetconfHelper(ipaddress, username, password);
      } catch(CloudRuntimeException e) {
        String msg = "Failed to connect to Nexus VSM " + ipaddress + " with credentials of user " + username;
        throw new CloudRuntimeException(msg);

      // Disconnect from the VSM. A VSM has a default of 8 maximum parallel connections that it allows.

      // Now, go ahead and associate the cluster with this VSM.
      // First, check if VSM already exists in the table "virtual_supervisor_module".
      // If it's not there already, create it.
      // If it's there already, return success.
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Examples of com.cloud.utils.cisco.n1kv.vsm.NetconfHelper

        return execute(cmd, _numRetries);

    private Answer execute(ConfigureNexusVsmForAsaCommand cmd, int numRetries) {
        String vlanId = Long.toString(cmd.getVlanId());
        NetconfHelper helper = null;
        List<Pair<OperationType, String>> params = new ArrayList<Pair<OperationType, String>>();
        params.add(new Pair<OperationType, String>(OperationType.addvlanid, vlanId));
        try {
            helper = new NetconfHelper(cmd.getVsmIp(), cmd.getVsmUsername(), cmd.getVsmPassword());
            s_logger.debug("Connected to Cisco VSM " + cmd.getVsmIp());
            helper.addVServiceNode(vlanId, cmd.getIpAddress());
            s_logger.debug("Created vservice node for ASA appliance in Cisco VSM for vlan " + vlanId);
            helper.updatePortProfile(cmd.getAsaInPortProfile(), SwitchPortMode.access, params);
            s_logger.debug("Updated inside port profile for ASA appliance in Cisco VSM with new vlan " + vlanId);
        } catch (CloudRuntimeException e) {
            String msg = "ConfigureVSMForASACommand failed due to " + e.getMessage();
            s_logger.error(msg, e);
            return new Answer(cmd, false, msg);
        } finally {

        return new Answer(cmd, true, "Success");
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Examples of com.cloud.utils.cisco.n1kv.vsm.NetconfHelper

        String vsmIp = vsmCredentials.get("vsmip");
        String vsmUserName = vsmCredentials.get("vsmusername");
        String vsmPassword = vsmCredentials.get("vsmpassword");
        String msg;

        NetconfHelper netconfClient;
        try {
            s_logger.info("Connecting to Nexus 1000v: " + vsmIp);
            netconfClient = new NetconfHelper(vsmIp, vsmUserName, vsmPassword);
            s_logger.info("Successfully connected to Nexus 1000v : " + vsmIp);
        } catch (CloudRuntimeException e) {
            msg = "Failed to connect to Nexus 1000v " + vsmIp + " with credentials of user " + vsmUserName
                    + ". Exception: " + e.toString();
            throw new CloudRuntimeException(msg);

        String policyName = s_policyNamePrefix;
        int averageBandwidth = 0;
        if (networkRateMbps != null) {
            averageBandwidth = networkRateMbps.intValue();
            policyName += averageBandwidth;

        try {
            // TODO(sateesh): Change the type of peakBandwidth & burstRate in
            // PolicyMap to long.
            if (averageBandwidth > 0) {
                s_logger.debug("Adding policy map " + policyName);
                netconfClient.addPolicyMap(policyName, averageBandwidth, (int) peakBandwidth, (int) burstSize);
        } catch (CloudRuntimeException e) {
            msg = "Failed to add policy map of " + policyName + " with parameters " + "committed rate = "
                    + averageBandwidth + "peak bandwidth = " + peakBandwidth + "burst size = " + burstSize
                    + ". Exception: " + e.toString();
            if (netconfClient != null) {
                s_logger.debug("Disconnected Nexus 1000v session.");
            throw new CloudRuntimeException(msg);

        List<Pair<OperationType, String>> params = new ArrayList<Pair<OperationType, String>>();
        if (vlanId != null) {
            // No need to update ethernet port profile for untagged vlans
            params.add(new Pair<OperationType, String>(OperationType.addvlanid, vlanId.toString()));
            try {
                s_logger.info("Updating Ethernet port profile " + ethPortProfileName + " with VLAN " + vlanId);
                netconfClient.updatePortProfile(ethPortProfileName, SwitchPortMode.trunk, params);
                s_logger.info("Added " + vlanId + " to Ethernet port profile " + ethPortProfileName);
            } catch (CloudRuntimeException e) {
                msg = "Failed to update Ethernet port profile " + ethPortProfileName + " with VLAN " + vlanId
                        + ". Exception: " + e.toString();
                if(netconfClient != null) {
                    s_logger.debug("Disconnected Nexus 1000v session.");
                throw new CloudRuntimeException(msg);

        try {
            if (vlanId == null) {
                s_logger.info("Adding port profile configured over untagged VLAN.");
                netconfClient.addPortProfile(networkName, PortProfileType.vethernet, BindingType.portbindingstatic, SwitchPortMode.access, 0);
            } else {
                if (!configureVServiceInNexus) {
                    s_logger.info("Adding port profile configured over VLAN : " + vlanId.toString());
                    netconfClient.addPortProfile(networkName, PortProfileType.vethernet, BindingType.portbindingstatic, SwitchPortMode.access, vlanId.intValue());
                } else {
                    String tenant = "vlan-" + vlanId.intValue();
                    String vdc = "root/" + tenant + "/VDC-" + tenant;
                    String esp = "ESP-" + tenant;
                    s_logger.info("Adding vservice node in Nexus VSM for VLAN : " + vlanId.toString());
                    netconfClient.addVServiceNode(vlanId.toString(), gateway);
                    s_logger.info("Adding port profile with vservice details configured over VLAN : " + vlanId.toString());
                    netconfClient.addPortProfile(networkName, PortProfileType.vethernet, BindingType.portbindingstatic, SwitchPortMode.access, vlanId.intValue(), vdc, esp);
        } catch (CloudRuntimeException e) {
            msg = "Failed to add vEthernet port profile " + networkName + "." + ". Exception: " + e.toString();
            if(netconfClient != null) {
                s_logger.debug("Disconnected Nexus 1000v session.");
            throw new CloudRuntimeException(msg);

        try {
            if (averageBandwidth > 0) {
                s_logger.info("Associating policy map " + policyName + " with port profile " + networkName + ".");
                netconfClient.attachServicePolicy(policyName, networkName);
        catch(CloudRuntimeException e) {
            msg = "Failed to associate policy map " + policyName + " with port profile " + networkName
                    + ". Exception: " + e.toString();
            throw new CloudRuntimeException(msg);
        } finally {
            if (netconfClient != null) {
                s_logger.debug("Disconnected Nexus 1000v session.");
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Examples of com.cloud.utils.cisco.n1kv.vsm.NetconfHelper


    public static void updatePortProfile(VmwareContext context, String ethPortProfileName, String vethPortProfileName,
            Integer vlanId, Integer networkRateMbps, long peakBandwidth, long burstRate) throws Exception {
        NetconfHelper netconfClient = null;
        Map<String, String> vsmCredentials = getValidatedVsmCredentials(context);
        String vsmIp = vsmCredentials.get("vsmip");
        String vsmUserName = vsmCredentials.get("vsmusername");
        String vsmPassword = vsmCredentials.get("vsmpassword");

        String msg;
        try {
            netconfClient = new NetconfHelper(vsmIp, vsmUserName, vsmPassword);
        } catch (CloudRuntimeException e) {
            msg = "Failed to connect to Nexus 1000v " + vsmIp + " with credentials of user " + vsmUserName
                    + ". Exception: " + e.toString();
            throw new CloudRuntimeException(msg);

        PortProfile portProfile = netconfClient.getPortProfileByName(vethPortProfileName);
        int averageBandwidth = 0;
        String policyName = s_policyNamePrefix;
        if (networkRateMbps != null) {
            averageBandwidth = networkRateMbps.intValue();
            policyName += averageBandwidth;

        if (averageBandwidth > 0) {
            PolicyMap policyMap = netconfClient.getPolicyMapByName(portProfile.inputPolicyMap);
            if (policyMap.committedRate == averageBandwidth && policyMap.peakRate == peakBandwidth
                    && policyMap.burstRate == burstRate) {
                s_logger.debug("Detected that policy map is already applied to port profile " + vethPortProfileName);
                if (netconfClient != null) {
                    s_logger.debug("Disconnected Nexus 1000v session.");
            } else {
                try {
                    // TODO(sateesh): Change the type of peakBandwidth &
                    // burstRate in PolicyMap to long.
                    s_logger.info("Adding policy map " + policyName);
                    netconfClient.addPolicyMap(policyName, averageBandwidth, (int) peakBandwidth, (int) burstRate);
                } catch (CloudRuntimeException e) {
                    msg = "Failed to add policy map of " + policyName + " with parameters " + "committed rate = "
                            + averageBandwidth + "peak bandwidth = " + peakBandwidth + "burst size = " + burstRate
                            + ". Exception: " + e.toString();
                    if (netconfClient != null) {
                        s_logger.debug("Disconnected Nexus 1000v session.");
                    throw new CloudRuntimeException(msg);

                try {
                    s_logger.info("Associating policy map " + policyName + " with port profile " + vethPortProfileName
                            + ".");
                    netconfClient.attachServicePolicy(policyName, vethPortProfileName);
                } catch (CloudRuntimeException e) {
                    msg = "Failed to associate policy map " + policyName + " with port profile " + vethPortProfileName
                            + ". Exception: " + e.toString();
                    if (netconfClient != null) {
                        s_logger.debug("Disconnected Nexus 1000v session.");
                    throw new CloudRuntimeException(msg);

        if (vlanId == null) {
            s_logger.info("Skipping update operation over ethernet port profile " + ethPortProfileName
                    + " for untagged VLAN.");
            if (netconfClient != null) {
                s_logger.debug("Disconnected Nexus 1000v session.");

        String currentVlan = portProfile.vlan;
        String newVlan = Integer.toString(vlanId.intValue());
        if (currentVlan.equalsIgnoreCase(newVlan)) {
            if (netconfClient != null) {
                s_logger.debug("Disconnected Nexus 1000v session.");

        List<Pair<OperationType, String>> params = new ArrayList<Pair<OperationType, String>>();
        params.add(new Pair<OperationType, String>(OperationType.addvlanid, newVlan));
        try {
            s_logger.info("Updating vEthernet port profile with VLAN " + vlanId.toString());
            netconfClient.updatePortProfile(ethPortProfileName, SwitchPortMode.trunk, params);
        } catch (CloudRuntimeException e) {
            msg = "Failed to update ethernet port profile " + ethPortProfileName + " with parameters "
                    + params.toString() + ". Exception: " + e.toString();
            if (netconfClient != null) {
                s_logger.debug("Disconnected Nexus 1000v session.");
            throw new CloudRuntimeException(msg);

        try {
            netconfClient.updatePortProfile(vethPortProfileName, SwitchPortMode.access, params);
        } catch (CloudRuntimeException e) {
            msg = "Failed to update vEthernet port profile " + vethPortProfileName + " with parameters "
                    + params.toString() + ". Exception: " + e.toString();
            if (netconfClient != null) {
                s_logger.debug("Disconnected Nexus 1000v session.");
            throw new CloudRuntimeException(msg);
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Examples of com.cloud.utils.cisco.n1kv.vsm.NetconfHelper

        return execute(cmd, _numRetries);

    private Answer execute(ConfigureNexusVsmForAsaCommand cmd, int numRetries) {
        String vlanId = Long.toString(cmd.getVlanId());
        NetconfHelper helper = null;
        List<Pair<OperationType, String>> params = new ArrayList<Pair<OperationType, String>>();
        params.add(new Pair<OperationType, String>(OperationType.addvlanid, vlanId));
        try {
            helper = new NetconfHelper(cmd.getVsmIp(), cmd.getVsmUsername(), cmd.getVsmPassword());
            s_logger.debug("Connected to Cisco VSM " + cmd.getVsmIp());
            helper.addVServiceNode(vlanId, cmd.getIpAddress());
            s_logger.debug("Created vservice node for ASA appliance in Cisco VSM for vlan " + vlanId);
            helper.updatePortProfile(cmd.getAsaInPortProfile(), SwitchPortMode.access, params);
            s_logger.debug("Updated inside port profile for ASA appliance in Cisco VSM with new vlan " + vlanId);
        } catch (CloudRuntimeException e) {
            String msg = "ConfigureVSMForASACommand failed due to " + e.getMessage();
            s_logger.error(msg, e);
            return new Answer(cmd, false, msg);
        } finally {

        return new Answer(cmd, true, "Success");
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Examples of com.cloud.utils.cisco.n1kv.vsm.NetconfHelper

        String vsmIp = vsmCredentials.get("vsmip");
        String vsmUserName = vsmCredentials.get("vsmusername");
        String vsmPassword = vsmCredentials.get("vsmpassword");
        String msg;

        NetconfHelper netconfClient;
        try {
            s_logger.info("Connecting to Nexus 1000v: " + vsmIp);
            netconfClient = new NetconfHelper(vsmIp, vsmUserName, vsmPassword);
            s_logger.info("Successfully connected to Nexus 1000v : " + vsmIp);
        } catch (CloudRuntimeException e) {
            msg = "Failed to connect to Nexus 1000v " + vsmIp + " with credentials of user " + vsmUserName + ". Exception: " + e.toString();
            throw new CloudRuntimeException(msg);

        String policyName = s_policyNamePrefix;
        int averageBandwidth = 0;
        if (networkRateMbps != null) {
            averageBandwidth = networkRateMbps.intValue();
            policyName += averageBandwidth;

        try {
            // TODO(sateesh): Change the type of peakBandwidth & burstRate in
            // PolicyMap to long.
            if (averageBandwidth > 0) {
                s_logger.debug("Adding policy map " + policyName);
                netconfClient.addPolicyMap(policyName, averageBandwidth, (int)peakBandwidth, (int)burstSize);
        } catch (CloudRuntimeException e) {
            msg =
                    "Failed to add policy map of " + policyName + " with parameters " + "committed rate = " + averageBandwidth + "peak bandwidth = " + peakBandwidth +
                    "burst size = " + burstSize + ". Exception: " + e.toString();
            if (netconfClient != null) {
                s_logger.debug("Disconnected Nexus 1000v session.");
            throw new CloudRuntimeException(msg);

        List<Pair<OperationType, String>> params = new ArrayList<Pair<OperationType, String>>();
        if (vlanId != null) {
            // No need to update ethernet port profile for untagged vlans
            params.add(new Pair<OperationType, String>(OperationType.addvlanid, vlanId.toString()));
            try {
                s_logger.info("Updating Ethernet port profile " + ethPortProfileName + " with VLAN " + vlanId);
                netconfClient.updatePortProfile(ethPortProfileName, SwitchPortMode.trunk, params);
                s_logger.info("Added " + vlanId + " to Ethernet port profile " + ethPortProfileName);
            } catch (CloudRuntimeException e) {
                msg = "Failed to update Ethernet port profile " + ethPortProfileName + " with VLAN " + vlanId + ". Exception: " + e.toString();
                if (netconfClient != null) {
                    s_logger.debug("Disconnected Nexus 1000v session.");
                throw new CloudRuntimeException(msg);

        try {
            if (vlanId == null) {
                s_logger.info("Adding port profile configured over untagged VLAN.");
                netconfClient.addPortProfile(networkName, PortProfileType.vethernet, BindingType.portbindingstatic, SwitchPortMode.access, 0);
            } else {
                if (!configureVServiceInNexus) {
                    s_logger.info("Adding port profile configured over VLAN : " + vlanId.toString());
                    netconfClient.addPortProfile(networkName, PortProfileType.vethernet, BindingType.portbindingstatic, SwitchPortMode.access, vlanId.intValue());
                } else {
                    String tenant = "vlan-" + vlanId.intValue();
                    String vdc = "root/" + tenant + "/VDC-" + tenant;
                    String esp = "ESP-" + tenant;
                    s_logger.info("Adding vservice node in Nexus VSM for VLAN : " + vlanId.toString());
                    netconfClient.addVServiceNode(vlanId.toString(), gateway);
                    s_logger.info("Adding port profile with vservice details configured over VLAN : " + vlanId.toString());
                    netconfClient.addPortProfile(networkName, PortProfileType.vethernet, BindingType.portbindingstatic, SwitchPortMode.access, vlanId.intValue(), vdc,
        } catch (CloudRuntimeException e) {
            msg = "Failed to add vEthernet port profile " + networkName + "." + ". Exception: " + e.toString();
            if (netconfClient != null) {
                s_logger.debug("Disconnected Nexus 1000v session.");
            throw new CloudRuntimeException(msg);

        try {
            if (averageBandwidth > 0) {
                s_logger.info("Associating policy map " + policyName + " with port profile " + networkName + ".");
                netconfClient.attachServicePolicy(policyName, networkName);
        } catch (CloudRuntimeException e) {
            msg = "Failed to associate policy map " + policyName + " with port profile " + networkName + ". Exception: " + e.toString();
            throw new CloudRuntimeException(msg);
        } finally {
            if (netconfClient != null) {
                s_logger.debug("Disconnected Nexus 1000v session.");
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Examples of com.cloud.utils.cisco.n1kv.vsm.NetconfHelper


    public static void updatePortProfile(VmwareContext context, String ethPortProfileName, String vethPortProfileName, Integer vlanId, Integer networkRateMbps,
            long peakBandwidth, long burstRate) throws Exception {
        NetconfHelper netconfClient = null;
        Map<String, String> vsmCredentials = getValidatedVsmCredentials(context);
        String vsmIp = vsmCredentials.get("vsmip");
        String vsmUserName = vsmCredentials.get("vsmusername");
        String vsmPassword = vsmCredentials.get("vsmpassword");

        String msg;
        try {
            netconfClient = new NetconfHelper(vsmIp, vsmUserName, vsmPassword);
        } catch (CloudRuntimeException e) {
            msg = "Failed to connect to Nexus 1000v " + vsmIp + " with credentials of user " + vsmUserName + ". Exception: " + e.toString();
            throw new CloudRuntimeException(msg);

        PortProfile portProfile = netconfClient.getPortProfileByName(vethPortProfileName);
        int averageBandwidth = 0;
        String policyName = s_policyNamePrefix;
        if (networkRateMbps != null) {
            averageBandwidth = networkRateMbps.intValue();
            policyName += averageBandwidth;

        if (averageBandwidth > 0) {
            PolicyMap policyMap = netconfClient.getPolicyMapByName(portProfile.inputPolicyMap);
            if (policyMap.committedRate == averageBandwidth && policyMap.peakRate == peakBandwidth && policyMap.burstRate == burstRate) {
                s_logger.debug("Detected that policy map is already applied to port profile " + vethPortProfileName);
                if (netconfClient != null) {
                    s_logger.debug("Disconnected Nexus 1000v session.");
            } else {
                try {
                    // TODO(sateesh): Change the type of peakBandwidth &
                    // burstRate in PolicyMap to long.
                    s_logger.info("Adding policy map " + policyName);
                    netconfClient.addPolicyMap(policyName, averageBandwidth, (int)peakBandwidth, (int)burstRate);
                } catch (CloudRuntimeException e) {
                    msg =
                            "Failed to add policy map of " + policyName + " with parameters " + "committed rate = " + averageBandwidth + "peak bandwidth = " + peakBandwidth +
                            "burst size = " + burstRate + ". Exception: " + e.toString();
                    if (netconfClient != null) {
                        s_logger.debug("Disconnected Nexus 1000v session.");
                    throw new CloudRuntimeException(msg);

                try {
                    s_logger.info("Associating policy map " + policyName + " with port profile " + vethPortProfileName + ".");
                    netconfClient.attachServicePolicy(policyName, vethPortProfileName);
                } catch (CloudRuntimeException e) {
                    msg = "Failed to associate policy map " + policyName + " with port profile " + vethPortProfileName + ". Exception: " + e.toString();
                    if (netconfClient != null) {
                        s_logger.debug("Disconnected Nexus 1000v session.");
                    throw new CloudRuntimeException(msg);

        if (vlanId == null) {
            s_logger.info("Skipping update operation over ethernet port profile " + ethPortProfileName + " for untagged VLAN.");
            if (netconfClient != null) {
                s_logger.debug("Disconnected Nexus 1000v session.");

        String currentVlan = portProfile.vlan;
        String newVlan = Integer.toString(vlanId.intValue());
        if (currentVlan.equalsIgnoreCase(newVlan)) {
            if (netconfClient != null) {
                s_logger.debug("Disconnected Nexus 1000v session.");

        List<Pair<OperationType, String>> params = new ArrayList<Pair<OperationType, String>>();
        params.add(new Pair<OperationType, String>(OperationType.addvlanid, newVlan));
        try {
            s_logger.info("Updating vEthernet port profile with VLAN " + vlanId.toString());
            netconfClient.updatePortProfile(ethPortProfileName, SwitchPortMode.trunk, params);
        } catch (CloudRuntimeException e) {
            msg = "Failed to update ethernet port profile " + ethPortProfileName + " with parameters " + params.toString() + ". Exception: " + e.toString();
            if (netconfClient != null) {
                s_logger.debug("Disconnected Nexus 1000v session.");
            throw new CloudRuntimeException(msg);

        try {
            netconfClient.updatePortProfile(vethPortProfileName, SwitchPortMode.access, params);
        } catch (CloudRuntimeException e) {
            msg = "Failed to update vEthernet port profile " + vethPortProfileName + " with parameters " + params.toString() + ". Exception: " + e.toString();
            if (netconfClient != null) {
                s_logger.debug("Disconnected Nexus 1000v session.");
            throw new CloudRuntimeException(msg);
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Examples of com.cloud.utils.cisco.n1kv.vsm.NetconfHelper

        // Next, check if this VSM is reachable. Use the XML-RPC VSM API Java bindings to talk to
        // the VSM.
        //NetconfHelper (String ip, String username, String password)

        NetconfHelper netconfClient;
        try {
            netconfClient = new NetconfHelper(ipaddress, username, password);
        } catch (CloudRuntimeException e) {
            String msg = "Failed to connect to Nexus VSM " + ipaddress + " with credentials of user " + username;
            throw new CloudRuntimeException(msg);

        // Disconnect from the VSM. A VSM has a default of 8 maximum parallel connections that it allows.

        // Now, go ahead and associate the cluster with this VSM.
        // First, check if VSM already exists in the table "virtual_supervisor_module".
        // If it's not there already, create it.
        // If it's there already, return success.
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Examples of com.cloud.utils.cisco.n1kv.vsm.NetconfHelper

        throws ResourceInUseException {
        CiscoNexusVSMDeviceVO vsm = null;
        boolean vsmAdded = false;
        Long vsmId = 0L;
        if (vsmIp != null && vsmUser != null && vsmPassword != null) {
            NetconfHelper netconfClient;
            try {
                netconfClient = new NetconfHelper(vsmIp, vsmUser, vsmPassword);
            } catch (CloudRuntimeException e) {
                String msg = "Invalid credentials supplied for user " + vsmUser + " for Cisco Nexus 1000v VSM at " + vsmIp;
                throw new CloudRuntimeException(msg);
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