All get*(*)
methods operate in the current scope for Namespace URI and prefix resolution.
Note that a Namespace URI can be bound to multiple prefixes in the current scope. This can occur when multiple XMLConstants.XMLNS_ATTRIBUTE
("xmlns") Namespace declarations occur in the same Start-Tag and refer to the same Namespace URI. e.g.
<element xmlns:prefix1="http://Namespace-name-URI" xmlns:prefix2="http://Namespace-name-URI">
This can also occur when the same Namespace URI is used in multiple XMLConstants.XMLNS_ATTRIBUTE
("xmlns") Namespace declarations in the logical parent element hierarchy. e.g.
<parent xmlns:prefix1="http://Namespace-name-URI"> <child xmlns:prefix2="http://Namespace-name-URI"> ... </child> </parent>
A prefix can only be bound to a single Namespace URI in the current scope.
@author JAXP Java Community Process @author JAXP Reference Implementation @version 1.0.proposed @see javax.xml.XMLConstants declarations of common XML values @see Namespaces in XML @see Namespaces in XML Errata @see XML Schema Part2: DatatypesThis is modelled after javax.xml.namespace.NamespaceContext but reduced to our needs.
The prefixes used within an XPath expression are independant of those used within any target document. When evaluating an XPath against a document, only the resolved namespace URIs are compared, not their prefixes.
A NamespaceContext
is responsible for translating prefixes as they appear in XPath expressions into URIs for comparison. A document's prefixes are resolved internal to the document based upon its own namespace nodes.