Examples of NamenodeProtocol

Examples of org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.protocol.NamenodeProtocol


        VersionedProtocol proxy = RPC.getProxy(NamenodeProtocol.class,
            NamenodeProtocol.versionID, address, info, conf,
        NamenodeProtocol ret =
                    proxy, policyMap);

        return ret;
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Examples of org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.protocol.NamenodeProtocol

  private int doRun() throws IOException {

    NamenodeProtocol proxy = createNNProtocolProxy();
    NamespaceInfo nsInfo;
    try {
      nsInfo = proxy.versionRequest();
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
      LOG.fatal("Unable to fetch namespace information from active NN at " +
          otherIpcAddr + ": " + ioe.getMessage());
      if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
        LOG.debug("Full exception trace", ioe);

    if (!checkLayoutVersion(nsInfo)) {
      LOG.fatal("Layout version on remote node (" +
          nsInfo.getLayoutVersion() + ") does not match " +
          "this node's layout version (" + HdfsConstants.LAYOUT_VERSION + ")");

        "=====================================================\n" +
        "About to bootstrap Standby ID " + nnId + " from:\n" +
        "           Nameservice ID: " + nsId + "\n" +
        "        Other Namenode ID: " + otherNNId + "\n" +
        "  Other NN's HTTP address: " + otherHttpAddr + "\n" +
        "  Other NN's IPC  address: " + otherIpcAddr + "\n" +
        "             Namespace ID: " + nsInfo.getNamespaceID() + "\n" +
        "            Block pool ID: " + nsInfo.getBlockPoolID() + "\n" +
        "               Cluster ID: " + nsInfo.getClusterID() + "\n" +
        "           Layout version: " + nsInfo.getLayoutVersion() + "\n" +

    // Check with the user before blowing away data.
    if (!NameNode.confirmFormat(
            force, interactive)) {
    long imageTxId = proxy.getMostRecentCheckpointTxId();
    long curTxId = proxy.getTransactionID();
    // Format the storage (writes VERSION file)
    NNStorage storage = new NNStorage(conf, dirsToFormat, editUrisToFormat);
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Examples of org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.protocol.NamenodeProtocol

      } while(notWritten);
      // get RPC client to namenode
      InetSocketAddress addr = new InetSocketAddress("localhost",
      NamenodeProtocol namenode = (NamenodeProtocol) RPC.getProxy(
          NamenodeProtocol.class, NamenodeProtocol.versionID, addr,
          UnixUserGroupInformation.login(CONF), CONF,

      // get blocks of size fileLen from dataNodes[0]
      BlockWithLocations[] locs;
      locs = namenode.getBlocks(dataNodes[0], fileLen).getBlocks();
      assertEquals(locs.length, 2);
      assertEquals(locs[0].getDatanodes().length, 2);
      assertEquals(locs[1].getDatanodes().length, 2);

      // get blocks of size BlockSize from dataNodes[0]
      locs = namenode.getBlocks(dataNodes[0], DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE).getBlocks();
      assertEquals(locs.length, 1);
      assertEquals(locs[0].getDatanodes().length, 2);

      // get blocks of size 1 from dataNodes[0]
      locs = namenode.getBlocks(dataNodes[0], 1).getBlocks();
      assertEquals(locs.length, 1);
      assertEquals(locs[0].getDatanodes().length, 2);

      // get blocks of size 0 from dataNodes[0]
      getBlocksWithException(namenode, dataNodes[0], 0);    
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Examples of org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.protocol.NamenodeProtocol

  private int doRun() throws IOException {

    NamenodeProtocol proxy = createNNProtocolProxy();
    NamespaceInfo nsInfo;
    try {
      nsInfo = proxy.versionRequest();
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
      LOG.fatal("Unable to fetch namespace information from active NN at " +
          otherIpcAddr + ": " + ioe.getMessage());
      if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
        LOG.debug("Full exception trace", ioe);

    if (!checkLayoutVersion(nsInfo)) {
      LOG.fatal("Layout version on remote node (" + nsInfo.getLayoutVersion()
          + ") does not match " + "this node's layout version ("
          + HdfsConstants.NAMENODE_LAYOUT_VERSION + ")");

        "=====================================================\n" +
        "About to bootstrap Standby ID " + nnId + " from:\n" +
        "           Nameservice ID: " + nsId + "\n" +
        "        Other Namenode ID: " + otherNNId + "\n" +
        "  Other NN's HTTP address: " + otherHttpAddr + "\n" +
        "  Other NN's IPC  address: " + otherIpcAddr + "\n" +
        "             Namespace ID: " + nsInfo.getNamespaceID() + "\n" +
        "            Block pool ID: " + nsInfo.getBlockPoolID() + "\n" +
        "               Cluster ID: " + nsInfo.getClusterID() + "\n" +
        "           Layout version: " + nsInfo.getLayoutVersion() + "\n" +

    long imageTxId = proxy.getMostRecentCheckpointTxId();
    long curTxId = proxy.getTransactionID();
    NNStorage storage = new NNStorage(conf, dirsToFormat, editUrisToFormat);
    // Check with the user before blowing away data.
    if (!Storage.confirmFormat(storage.dirIterable(null),
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Examples of org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.protocol.NamenodeProtocol

      } while (notWritten);

      // get RPC client to namenode
      InetSocketAddress addr = new InetSocketAddress("localhost",
      NamenodeProtocol namenode = NameNodeProxies.createProxy(CONF,
          NameNode.getUri(addr), NamenodeProtocol.class).getProxy();

      // get blocks of size fileLen from dataNodes[0]
      BlockWithLocations[] locs;
      locs = namenode.getBlocks(dataNodes[0], fileLen).getBlocks();
      assertEquals(locs.length, 2);
      assertEquals(locs[0].getStorageIDs().length, 2);
      assertEquals(locs[1].getStorageIDs().length, 2);

      // get blocks of size BlockSize from dataNodes[0]
      locs = namenode.getBlocks(dataNodes[0], DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE).getBlocks();
      assertEquals(locs.length, 1);
      assertEquals(locs[0].getStorageIDs().length, 2);

      // get blocks of size 1 from dataNodes[0]
      locs = namenode.getBlocks(dataNodes[0], 1).getBlocks();
      assertEquals(locs.length, 1);
      assertEquals(locs[0].getStorageIDs().length, 2);

      // get blocks of size 0 from dataNodes[0]
      getBlocksWithException(namenode, dataNodes[0], 0);
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Examples of org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.protocol.NamenodeProtocol

      // Make the first 2NN's checkpoint process delayable - we can pause it
      // right before it calls getRemoteEditLogManifest.
      // The method to set up a spy on an RPC protocol is a little bit involved
      // since we can't spy directly on a proxy object. This sets up a mock
      // which delegates all its calls to the original object, instead.
      final NamenodeProtocol origNN = secondary1.getNameNode();
      final Answer<Object> delegator = new GenericTestUtils.DelegateAnswer(origNN);
      NamenodeProtocol spyNN = Mockito.mock(NamenodeProtocol.class, delegator);
      DelayAnswer delayer = new DelayAnswer(LOG) {
        protected Object passThrough(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable {
          return delegator.answer(invocation);
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Examples of org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.protocol.NamenodeProtocol

      // Make the first 2NN's checkpoint process delayable - we can pause it
      // right before it calls getRemoteEditLogManifest.
      // The method to set up a spy on an RPC protocol is a little bit involved
      // since we can't spy directly on a proxy object. This sets up a mock
      // which delegates all its calls to the original object, instead.
      final NamenodeProtocol origNN = secondary1.getNameNode();
      final Answer<Object> delegator = new GenericTestUtils.DelegateAnswer(origNN);
      NamenodeProtocol spyNN = Mockito.mock(NamenodeProtocol.class, delegator);
      DelayAnswer delayer = new DelayAnswer(LOG) {
        protected Object passThrough(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable {
          return delegator.answer(invocation);
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Examples of org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.protocol.NamenodeProtocol

      } while(notWritten);
      // get RPC client to namenode
      InetSocketAddress addr = new InetSocketAddress("localhost",
      NamenodeProtocol namenode = NameNodeProxies.createProxy(CONF,
          NameNode.getUri(addr), NamenodeProtocol.class).getProxy();

      // get blocks of size fileLen from dataNodes[0]
      BlockWithLocations[] locs;
      locs = namenode.getBlocks(dataNodes[0], fileLen).getBlocks();
      assertEquals(locs.length, 2);
      assertEquals(locs[0].getStorageIDs().length, 2);
      assertEquals(locs[1].getStorageIDs().length, 2);

      // get blocks of size BlockSize from dataNodes[0]
      locs = namenode.getBlocks(dataNodes[0], DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE).getBlocks();
      assertEquals(locs.length, 1);
      assertEquals(locs[0].getStorageIDs().length, 2);

      // get blocks of size 1 from dataNodes[0]
      locs = namenode.getBlocks(dataNodes[0], 1).getBlocks();
      assertEquals(locs.length, 1);
      assertEquals(locs[0].getStorageIDs().length, 2);

      // get blocks of size 0 from dataNodes[0]
      getBlocksWithException(namenode, dataNodes[0], 0);    
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Examples of org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.protocol.NamenodeProtocol

      // Make the first 2NN's checkpoint process delayable - we can pause it
      // right before it calls getRemoteEditLogManifest.
      // The method to set up a spy on an RPC protocol is a little bit involved
      // since we can't spy directly on a proxy object. This sets up a mock
      // which delegates all its calls to the original object, instead.
      final NamenodeProtocol origNN = secondary1.getNameNode();
      final Answer<Object> delegator = new GenericTestUtils.DelegateAnswer(origNN);
      NamenodeProtocol spyNN = Mockito.mock(NamenodeProtocol.class, delegator);
      DelayAnswer delayer = new DelayAnswer(LOG) {
        protected Object passThrough(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable {
          return delegator.answer(invocation);
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Examples of org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.protocol.NamenodeProtocol

  private int doRun() throws IOException {

    NamenodeProtocol proxy = createNNProtocolProxy();
    NamespaceInfo nsInfo;
    try {
      nsInfo = proxy.versionRequest();
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
      LOG.fatal("Unable to fetch namespace information from active NN at " +
          otherIpcAddr + ": " + ioe.getMessage());
      if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
        LOG.debug("Full exception trace", ioe);

    if (!checkLayoutVersion(nsInfo)) {
      LOG.fatal("Layout version on remote node (" +
          nsInfo.getLayoutVersion() + ") does not match " +
          "this node's layout version (" + HdfsConstants.LAYOUT_VERSION + ")");

        "=====================================================\n" +
        "About to bootstrap Standby ID " + nnId + " from:\n" +
        "           Nameservice ID: " + nsId + "\n" +
        "        Other Namenode ID: " + otherNNId + "\n" +
        "  Other NN's HTTP address: " + otherHttpAddr + "\n" +
        "  Other NN's IPC  address: " + otherIpcAddr + "\n" +
        "             Namespace ID: " + nsInfo.getNamespaceID() + "\n" +
        "            Block pool ID: " + nsInfo.getBlockPoolID() + "\n" +
        "               Cluster ID: " + nsInfo.getClusterID() + "\n" +
        "           Layout version: " + nsInfo.getLayoutVersion() + "\n" +

    long imageTxId = proxy.getMostRecentCheckpointTxId();
    long curTxId = proxy.getTransactionID();
    NNStorage storage = new NNStorage(conf, dirsToFormat, editUrisToFormat);
    // Check with the user before blowing away data.
    if (!Storage.confirmFormat(storage.dirIterable(null),
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