private static boolean handleAfterReturningAnnotation(RuntimeAnnos runtimeAnnotations, AjAttributeMethodStruct struct,
ResolvedPointcutDefinition preResolvedPointcut, BcelMethod owningMethod)
throws ReturningFormalNotDeclaredInAdviceSignatureException {
AnnotationGen after = getAnnotation(runtimeAnnotations, AjcMemberMaker.AFTERRETURNING_ANNOTATION);
if (after != null) {
NameValuePair annValue = getAnnotationElement(after, VALUE);
NameValuePair annPointcut = getAnnotationElement(after, POINTCUT);
NameValuePair annReturned = getAnnotationElement(after, RETURNING);
// extract the pointcut and returned type/binding - do some checks
String pointcut = null;
String returned = null;
if ((annValue != null && annPointcut != null) || (annValue == null && annPointcut == null)) {
reportError("@AfterReturning: either 'value' or 'poincut' must be provided, not both", struct);
return false;
if (annValue != null) {
pointcut = annValue.getValue().stringifyValue();
} else {
pointcut = annPointcut.getValue().stringifyValue();
if (isNullOrEmpty(pointcut)) {
reportError("@AfterReturning: either 'value' or 'poincut' must be provided, not both", struct);
return false;
if (annReturned != null) {
returned = annReturned.getValue().stringifyValue();
if (isNullOrEmpty(returned)) {
returned = null;
} else {
// check that thrownFormal exists as the last parameter in
// the advice