Examples of NameMapper

Examples of com.sun.jdo.spi.persistence.support.ejb.model.util.NameMapper

    // translate the class name to corresponding ejb name's abstract
    // bean or key class if necessary
    if (className != null)
      NameMapper nameMapper = getNameMapper();
      String ejbName =
        (isPCClassName(className) ? getEjbName(className) : className);

      if (nameMapper.isEjbName(ejbName))
        testClass = nameMapper.getAbstractBeanClassForEjbName(ejbName);
        String keyClass =

        if (keyClass != null)
          // if it's a pk field of type primitive, byte[],
          // or other array, return the primitive class or a
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Examples of com.sun.jdo.spi.persistence.support.ejb.model.util.NameMapper

      return returnList;
      NameMapper nameMapper = getNameMapper();
      String ejbName =

      switch (getPersistenceKeyClassType(className))
        // find the field names we need in the corresponding
        // ejb key class
        case NameMapper.USER_DEFINED_KEY_CLASS:
          testClass = nameMapper.getKeyClassForEjbName(ejbName);
        // find the field name we need in the abstract bean
        case NameMapper.PRIMARY_KEY_FIELD:
          return Arrays.asList(new String[]{
        // find the field name we need in the persistence capable
        case NameMapper.UNKNOWN_KEY_CLASS:
          String pcClassName =
          PersistenceFieldElement[] fields =
          int i, count = ((fields != null) ? fields.length : 0);

          for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
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Examples of com.sun.jdo.spi.persistence.support.ejb.model.util.NameMapper

    String testClass = className;
    Object returnObject = null;

    if (className != null)
      NameMapper nameMapper = getNameMapper();
      boolean isPCClass = isPCClassName(className);
      boolean isPKClassName = false;
      String searchClassName = className;
      String searchFieldName = fieldName;

      // translate the class name & field names to corresponding
      // ejb name's abstract bean equivalents if necessary
      if (isPCClass)
        searchFieldName = nameMapper.
          getEjbFieldForPersistenceField(className, fieldName);
        searchClassName = getEjbName(className);
      else  // check if it's a pk class without a user defined key class
        String ejbName =

        switch (getPersistenceKeyClassType(className))
          // find the field we need in the corresponding
          // abstract bean (translated below from ejbName)
          case NameMapper.PRIMARY_KEY_FIELD:
            testClass = ejbName;
            searchClassName = ejbName;
            isPKClassName = true;
          // find the field we need by called updateFieldWrapper
          // below which handles the generated field for the
          // unknown key class - need to use the
          // persistence-capable class name and flag to call that
          // code, so we configure it here
          case NameMapper.UNKNOWN_KEY_CLASS:
            testClass = nameMapper.
            isPCClass = true;
            isPKClassName = true;

      if (nameMapper.isEjbName(searchClassName))
        searchClassName = nameMapper.

      returnObject = super.getField(searchClassName, searchFieldName);
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Examples of com.sun.jdo.spi.persistence.support.ejb.model.util.NameMapper

    String returnType = super.getFieldType(className, fieldName);

    if (!isCollection(returnType) && isPCClassName(className))
      NameMapper nameMapper = getNameMapper();
      String ejbName =
      String ejbField =
        nameMapper.getEjbFieldForPersistenceField(className, fieldName);

      if (nameMapper.isGeneratedEjbRelationship(ejbName, ejbField))
        String[] inverse =
          nameMapper.getEjbFieldForGeneratedField(ejbName, ejbField);
        returnType = nameMapper.

      if (nameMapper.isLocalInterface(returnType))
        returnType = nameMapper.getPersistenceClassForLocalInterface(
          className, fieldName, returnType);

    return returnType;
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Examples of com.sun.jdo.spi.persistence.support.ejb.model.util.NameMapper

    int returnValue = -1;

    if (getCMPDescriptor(className) == null)
      NameMapper nameMapper = getNameMapper();
      String ejbName =

      if (ejbName != null)
        returnValue = nameMapper.getKeyClassTypeForEjbName(ejbName);

    return returnValue;
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Examples of com.sun.jdo.spi.persistence.support.ejb.model.util.NameMapper


  private MemberWrapper updateFieldWrapper (MemberWrapper returnObject,
    String className, String fieldName)
    NameMapper nameMapper = getNameMapper();

    if (returnObject == null)
      // can't call isPersistent or isKey because that calls
      // hasField which calls getField and that would end up
      // in an endless loop
      PersistenceFieldElement field =
        getPersistenceFieldInternal(className, fieldName);

      if (field != null)
        String ejbName = getEjbName(className);
        String ejbFieldName = nameMapper.
          getEjbFieldForPersistenceField(className, fieldName);

        // Check if this is the auto-added field for unknown pk
        // support.  If so, return a private field of type Long.
        if (field.isKey() && (ejbName != null) &&
          (nameMapper.getKeyClassTypeForEjbName(ejbName) ==
          returnObject = new MemberWrapper(ejbFieldName,
            Long.class, Modifier.PRIVATE,

        // Check if this is the auto-added field for 2 way managed rels
        // support.  If so, return a private field of type according to
        // cardinality of the relationship.
        else if ((field instanceof RelationshipElement) &&
          RelationshipElement rel = (RelationshipElement)field;
          Class classType = null;

          // figure out the type
          if (rel.getUpperBound() > 1)
            classType = java.util.HashSet.class;
            String[] inverse = nameMapper.
              getEjbFieldForGeneratedField(ejbName, ejbFieldName);

            classType = (Class)getClass(inverse[0]);

          if (classType != null)
            returnObject = new MemberWrapper(ejbFieldName,
              classType, Modifier.PRIVATE,
        // Check if this is the auto-added version field.
        // If so, return a private field of type long.
        else if (ejbFieldName.startsWith(
          nameMapper.isGeneratedField(ejbName, ejbFieldName))
          returnObject = new MemberWrapper(ejbFieldName,
            Long.TYPE, Modifier.PRIVATE,
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Examples of com.sun.jdo.spi.persistence.support.ejb.model.util.NameMapper

    // translate the class name to corresponding ejb name's abstract
    // bean or key class if necessary
    if (className != null)
      NameMapper nameMapper = getNameMapper();
      String ejbName =
        (isPCClassName(className) ? getEjbName(className) : className);

      if (nameMapper.isEjbName(ejbName))
        testClass = nameMapper.getAbstractBeanClassForEjbName(ejbName);
        String keyClass =

        if (keyClass != null)
          // if it's a pk field of type primitive, byte[],
          // or other array, return the primitive class or a
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Examples of com.sun.jdo.spi.persistence.support.ejb.model.util.NameMapper

      return returnList;
      NameMapper nameMapper = getNameMapper();
      String ejbName =

      switch (getPersistenceKeyClassType(className))
        // find the field names we need in the corresponding
        // ejb key class
        case NameMapper.USER_DEFINED_KEY_CLASS:
          testClass = nameMapper.getKeyClassForEjbName(ejbName);
        // find the field name we need in the abstract bean
        case NameMapper.PRIMARY_KEY_FIELD:
          return Arrays.asList(new String[]{
        // find the field name we need in the persistence capable
        case NameMapper.UNKNOWN_KEY_CLASS:
          String pcClassName =
          PersistenceFieldElement[] fields =
          int i, count = ((fields != null) ? fields.length : 0);

          for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
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Examples of com.sun.jdo.spi.persistence.support.ejb.model.util.NameMapper

    String testClass = className;
    Object returnObject = null;

    if (className != null)
      NameMapper nameMapper = getNameMapper();
      boolean isPCClass = isPCClassName(className);
      boolean isPKClassName = false;
      String searchClassName = className;
      String searchFieldName = fieldName;

      // translate the class name & field names to corresponding
      // ejb name's abstract bean equivalents if necessary
      if (isPCClass)
        searchFieldName = nameMapper.
          getEjbFieldForPersistenceField(className, fieldName);
        searchClassName = getEjbName(className);
      else  // check if it's a pk class without a user defined key class
        String ejbName =

        switch (getPersistenceKeyClassType(className))
          // find the field we need in the corresponding
          // abstract bean (translated below from ejbName)
          case NameMapper.PRIMARY_KEY_FIELD:
            testClass = ejbName;
            searchClassName = ejbName;
            isPKClassName = true;
          // find the field we need by called updateFieldWrapper
          // below which handles the generated field for the
          // unknown key class - need to use the
          // persistence-capable class name and flag to call that
          // code, so we configure it here
          case NameMapper.UNKNOWN_KEY_CLASS:
            testClass = nameMapper.
            isPCClass = true;
            isPKClassName = true;

      if (nameMapper.isEjbName(searchClassName))
        searchClassName = nameMapper.

      returnObject = super.getField(searchClassName, searchFieldName);
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Examples of com.sun.jdo.spi.persistence.support.ejb.model.util.NameMapper

    String returnType = super.getFieldType(className, fieldName);

    if (!isCollection(returnType) && isPCClassName(className))
      NameMapper nameMapper = getNameMapper();
      String ejbName =
      String ejbField =
        nameMapper.getEjbFieldForPersistenceField(className, fieldName);

      if (nameMapper.isGeneratedEjbRelationship(ejbName, ejbField))
        String[] inverse =
          nameMapper.getEjbFieldForGeneratedField(ejbName, ejbField);
        returnType = nameMapper.

      if (nameMapper.isLocalInterface(returnType))
        returnType = nameMapper.getPersistenceClassForLocalInterface(
          className, fieldName, returnType);

    return returnType;
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